Title: Options V
1Options V
- Stock option pricing
- Black-Scholes as a limit of the Binomial model
- How to use Black-Scholes
- Volatility and Implied VolatilityGeneral case
- n trading periods
2Previously Binomial formula for a Call
- C Ep (S/Rn) S K - (K/Rn)
ProbpS K - S Fa n, p - (K/Rn) Fa n , p
- where p (R-d)/(u-d), p (u/R)p
- - a minimum number of ups such that the call is
in the money, S Suadn-a ? K - p risk neutral probability of an up
- - Fa n, q Sja,n n!/j!(n-j)! q j 1-
q n-j prob. of at least a ups in n periods
using the probability q
3Black Scholes as a limit of the Binomial model
- h time between transactions
- T maturity of the call
- n number of transactions (trading periods)
- h (T/n) o (n h) T
- n ( o h0) fixing T
- Keep constant
- Stock return variance per unit of time (e.g.
annual) - Interest rate per unit of time (e.g. annual)
4Using the Binomial model, when h 0 ( n 8),
well get the Black-Scholes formula
- C S N( d1 ) - Ke-rT N(d2 )
- d1 log(S/K e-rT )/s T1/2 ½s T1/2
- d2 d1 - sT1/2
- T s2 return variance until maturity.
- s return standard deviation per unit of time.
- - r interest rate (continuously compounded)
- - N(z) probability that a standard normal
random variable takes a value less or equal to z
(cumulative distribution).
5Black Scholes as a limit of the Binomial model
C Ep (S/Rn) S K - (K/Rn)
ProbpS K C S Fa n, p -
KR-n Fa n , p C S N( d1 )
- Ke-rT N(d1 - s T1/2 ) When n 8
( or h 0) Fa n, p N(d1) Fa n, p
N(d1 - s t1/2) R-n e-rT ( by
the Central Limit Theorem log(S/S) is
normally distributed with mean mT, and variance
s2T )
6Black-Scholes Formula Numerical Example
7Numerical Example Call
8 Using Put-Call Parity P C - S K e-rT
and symmetry of N(.) 1 N(z) N(-z)
9Symmetry of the Normal N(.) (skip)
- Remind that by definition of a CDF
- N(z) Prob x lt z
- 1 N(z) Prob x gt z
- N(-z) Prob x lt -z Prob-x gt z
- Since x is a standard Normal, by symmetry, x and
x have the same distribution - N(-z) Prob-xgt z 1 N(z)
- 1 N(-z) N(z)
10Numerical Example Put
11Rest of the Notes
- Detail of Black-Scholes as a limit of the
Binomial. - Estimating the parameters of the Binomial (u and
d for each n) given data on the underlying and
the maturity of the derivative. - Estimating volatility s, and implied volatility.
- Calculating the deltas ?
12Statistical Model for the price of S
- Stock Price
- S/S Sn / S0 ujdn-j total gross return (n
periods) - log(Si/Si-1) return (in logs), between i and
i-1 - log(S/S) log(S1/S0) (S2/S1) (Sn-1/Sn-2)
(Sn/Sn-1) - Si1,..n log(Si/Si-1), total
(log) return - Varlog(Si/Si-1) s2 variance per trading
13Statistical Model for the price of S
- s2 Varlog (Si/Si-1) q(1-q)log(u/d)2
- q (statistical) probability of an up u.
- i.i.d returns imply
- Varlog (S/S) n s2 (total variance)
- Important The variance is adjusted with the
length of the time period, whereas the standard
deviation is adjusted with the square root of the
time period.
14Variance per period and Total variance (skip)
- i.i.d returns means that they are independent
and identically distributed -
- Var(log(S/S)) Var(log(S1/S0) (S2/S1)
(Sn/Sn-1) ) - Var(Si1,..n log(Si/Si-1) ) lt by
independencegt - Si1,..n Var(log(Si/Si-1) ) ltby
identical distributiongt - n s2
15Algebra for the formula of the variance (skip)
- s2 Varlog (Si/Si-1)
- Elog (Si/Si-1)2-E log (Si/Si-1)2
- q log(u) 2(1-q)log(d)2- q log(u)
(1-q)log(d)2 - q log(u)2 (1-q)log(d)2 - q log(u)2
-(1-q)log(d) 2 - - 2q(1-q)log(u)log(d)
- q(1-q) log(u)2 (1-q)(1-(1-q))log(d)2
- - 2q(1-q)log(u)log(d)
- q(1-q)log(u)2 q(1-q)log(d)2 -
2q(1-q)log(u)log(d) - q(1-q)log(u)2 log(d)2 - 2log(u)log(d)
- q(1-q)log(u) - log(d)2
- q(1-q)log(u/d)2
16Statistical model for S Parameterization
- Parameterize returns with 3 values (m, s, q)
- u exp( m (T/n) s (t/n)½ )
- d exp( m (T/n) - s (t/n)½ )
- In logs
- log(u) m (T/n) s (T/n)½
- log(d) m (T/n) - s (T/n)½
- n (s)2 (s)2 T , s2 variance per unit of
time - n bigger smaller trading periods ( h T/n
small) - m is, momentarily, fixed at an arbitrary value.
17Statistical model for q 1/2
- 1) T s 2 n q(1-q)log(u/d)2 ( T s 2
n s2 ) - 2) log(u) m (T/n) s (T/n)½
- 3) log(d) m(T/n) - s (T/n)½
- Given n and m, plugging 2) and 3) in 1)
- q ½
18Statistical model for S q1/2 (skip)
Plug log(d) and log(u) in equation 1) T s 2 n
q(1-q)2s (T/n)½2 T s 2 n q(1-q)4s2(T/n) T
s 2 q(1-q)4s2T T s 2 1 q(1-q)4
Which implies q ½
19Choice of m
- Well consider 2 alternative ways to choose m
- m r ½ s2 which implies that the risk
neutral probability p ½ , equals the
statistical probability q. - m 0, which implies that u x d 1
- We can prove that for big n (h T/n small) the
value of m does not alter the results -
- p( m, T/n ) ? ½ when T/n ? 0
- where p(m, T/n) risk neutral probability for m,
20Numerical example of p( m, T/n ) ? ½ when T/n ?
21Statistical prob. q vs. Risk Neutral prob. p
(Gross) expected stock return q exp(
m(T/n)s(T/n)½ ) (1-q) exp( m(T/n)-s(t/n)½
) Recall using p implies that the expected
stock return should be equal to the return of the
bond. exp( r(T/n) ) p exp(
m(T/n)s(T/n)½ ) (1-p) exp( m(T/n)-s(T/n)½ )
22Statistical prob. q vs. Risk Neutral prob. p
p exp( m(T/n)s(T/n)½ ) (1-p) exp(
m(T/n)-s(T/n)½ ) exp( r(T/n) ) Ignoring the
terms with power in (T/n) greater than 1 r
(T/n) (2p-1) s (T/n)½ ½ s (T/n)
m(T/n) Dividing by (T/n)½ r (T/n)½ (2p-1) s
½ s (T/n)½ m (T/n)½ lim p( m, T/n ) ? ½
when T/n ? 0
23Choosing m such that the risk neutral probability
is p ½ (skip)
Using the expansion exp(a) 1 a ½ a2
1/3! a3 exp( r (T/n) ) 1 r (T/n) ½
(r (T/n))2 1/3! (r (T/n))3 exp(m(T/n)s(T/n)
½) 1 (m(T/n)s(T/n)½) ½
(m(T/n)s(T/n)½)2 1/3!( ... exp(m(T/n)
-s(T/n)½) 1 (m(T/n) -s(T/n)½) ½ (m(T/n)
-s(T/n)½)2 1/3!( ... Ignoring the terms with
power in (T/n) greater than 1 we get r (T/n)
m(T/n) ½ s2(T/n) .
24Summary Statistical Model for S
Inputs s per period standard deviation of
(log) return of S T maturity N number of
trading periods 2 sets of parameters for the
Binomial model ia) m r ½ s2 implies
risk neutral prob. p ½ ib) m 0
implies u x d 1 ii) u exp( m(T/n) s
(T/n)½ ) iii) d exp( m(T/n) - s (T/n)½ )
25Black Scholes as a limit of the Binomial model
log(S/S) Si1,..n log(Si/Si-1) sum of
binomials When n goes to the (standardized)
distribution goes to a normal. (CLT) Central
Limit Theorem log(S/S) m T / s T1/2
Is normally distributed, N(0,1)
26Black Scholes as a limit of the Binomial model
C Ep (S/Rn) S K - (K/Rn)
ProbpS K C S Fa n, p -
KR-n Fa n , p C S N( d1 )
- Ke-rT N(d1 - s T1/2 ) When n 8
( o h 0) Fa n, p N(d1) Fa n, p
N(d1 - s t1/2) R-n
e-rT log(S/S) Si1,..n log(Si/Si-1) is
normally distributed, (mT, s2T )
27Estimating Volatility ?
- 1. Consider observation S0, S1, . . . , Sn in
intervals of h years (typically h1/52) - 2. Define the continuously compounded return as
- 3. Calculate the standard deviation std of the
zi - 4. The estimator for the volatility is
28Estimating the volatility ? Example
- Suppose we have a year of weekly data
- S1/S0, S2/S1,,S52/S51
- Where Si is, say, the price in the Wednesday of
week i. - Net (log) returns
- z1 log(S1/S0) ,, z52 log(S52/S51)
- h T / n 1 / 52
- s std(z) ( 52 )½
29Volatility (cont)
- Usually, the volatility is bigger when the market
is open than when the market is closed (e.g.
weekends, holidays, etc) - For this reason, in order to price an option,
the volatility is measured in trading days
instead of calendar days.
30Implied Volatility
- The implied volatility of an option is the
volatility that results from the Black-Scholes
formula that gives the market price of the
stock. - There is a one-to-one correspondence between
prices and implied volatility (why?) - Traders/brokers frequently use implied volatility
instead of the prices in
31Implied Volatility
- s satisfies the following equation
- C S N( d1(s) ) - Ke-rT N(d1(s) - s T1/2 )
- d1(s) log(S/K e-rT )/s T1/2 ½s T1/2
- Where we take into account the following data
- Price of the underlying S
- Interest rate r
- Price of the Call C, with maturity T and strike K
32Put Delta vs. Call Delta
- Put Call Parity
- P C - S K e-rT
- Then
33Calculating the Delta of the equivalent
portfolio Binomial Model
- Delta is calculated at each node