Title: Demographic Changes in the Fargo-Moorhead Area
1Demographic Changes in the Fargo-Moorhead Area
Commercial Realtors Meeting November 19, 2009
- Dr. Richard Rathge
- Professor and Director
- North Dakota State Data Center
2Presentation Objective
1. To examine demographic changes in the F/M area.
2. To discuss what will likely happen in
the future given current trends.
3Key Contextual Themes
1. Population consolidation
2. Rapidly shifting age distribution
3. Shifts in household composition
4. Increased diversity
4(No Transcript)
- North Dakotas population peaked in 1930 at
680,845. - The July 1, 2008 population estimate for North
Dakota totaled 641,481, an increase of 3,577
persons from 2007.
Source U.S. Census Bureau, Decennial Census and
the Population Estimates Branch,
6North Dakota
Cass County
4 similar counties
40 similar counties
McIntosh County
7Percent Change in Total Population Estimates for
North Dakota by County July 1, 2007 to July 1,
9(No Transcript)
10Commutings Impact on Daytime Population Census
Note Daytime population refers to the number of
people, including workers, who are present in an
area during normal business hours. Source U.S.
Census Bureau, Census 2000 Sample Data,
Chart taken from the December 2005 Issue of the
Population Bulletin, published monthly by the
North Dakota State Data Center (Vol. 21, No. 12).
11Change in Jobs between January 2007 and June 2009
12Contextual Themes
2. Shifting age distribution
13Population by Age and Sex for Cass County, 2005
14Baby Boomers enter system 1.825 million/yr or
5,000 a day (on average)
Baby Boomers enter age 85
Source Older Americans 2004
15Population Turning Age 65
16Contextual Themes
3. Shifting household distribution
17Household Composition
With Children 0-17
No Children 0-17
Note 77 of non-family households consisted of
one person in 2008.
18Persons Per Household
19Household Density and Householders Living
Alonein North Dakota 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2001
to 2005
Sources U.S Census Bureau, http//factfinder.cen
sus.gov 1980 Census, Summary Tape File 1, Tables
15 and 16 1990 Census, Summary Tape File 1,
Tables DP-1 Census 2000, Summary File 1, Table
DP-1 2001 Supplementary Survey, Tables P1, P7,
and P11 2002 American Community Survey, Table
DP-1 2003 American Community Survey, Table DP-1
2004 American Community Survey, Table DP-1 2005
American Community Survey, Table DP-1.
20Childrens Living Arrangements
Note Other consists of children living with
grandparents or other relatives, living in foster
care or with non-relatives, living in a group
quarter facility or institution, and living as a
householder or spouse.
21Contextual Themes
4. Increasing diversity
Fargo-Moorhead Area Ancestry (Sorted by 2008)
23Legal Immigrants - Age
24Legal Immigrants - Marital Status
25Legal Immigrants - North Dakota
Persons Obtaining Legal Permanent Resident Status
in North Dakota by Country of Birth During Fiscal
Year 2006
26Demographic Presentation 2008
- Dr. Richard Rathge, Director
- North Dakota State Data Center, Fargo, ND NDSU,
IACC 424, Fargo, ND 58105 - Richard.Rathge_at_ndsu.edu
- Phone (701) 231-8621 Fax (701) 231-9730
- URL www.ndsu.edu/sdc