Title: Once Around the Pattern
1 Once Around the Pattern
Joint Education Branch
All Briefings are UNCLASSIFIED
MAJ Rick Michaels Joint Staff J-7
2Joint Enlisted Learning Continuum
8800 Joint Enlisted Billets
CJCS-sponsored courses
3Strategic Plan Joint Officer Development
- SecDef shall develop a Strategic Plan for Joint
Officer Management and Joint Professional
Military Education that links Joint Officer
Development JOM JPME to overall missions and
goals of DODFY05 NDAA - with advice of CJCS -- DJ-1 Lead / DJ-7
Support -
- NLT 15 Jan 06
- Submit the Plan to SASC/HASC
- Include joint officer development for officers on
the reserve active-status list in the strategic
plan - NLT 15 Jan 07 (supplemental report)
- Senior civilian officers and employees of OSD,
DOD and the military agencies - Senior NCOs
- Senior leadership in Reserve Component
4Irregular Warfare
- QDR 2006 - further advances in joint training
and education to prepare for participation in
complex operations - Joint Training Strategy for new mission areas
and gaps - Revise the Training Transformation Plan to
incoporate Irregular Warfare, etc. - Proposed 2007 Special Area of Emphasis
5Language and Regional Expertise
- Program Decision Memorandum III, Language and
Culture - Professional Military Education (PME) Cultural
and Regional Awareness Training (U) - (U) Review cultural and regional awareness
training across the Services to identify actions
to improve the training and better incorporate it
into PME. Provide recommendations to the Deputy
Secretary of Defense by June 1, 2006 for
consideration and implementation in the
preparation of the FY2008 Presidents Budget
submission and the FY 2008-2013 Future Years
Defense Program - Congressman Israels emphasis
6Security, Stability, Transition, and
Reconstruction (SSTR)
- Implementation Plan to DepSecDef by mid-June
- DOD Directive 3000.05
- Task 5.8.5 Develop curricula at joint military
education and individual training venues for the
conduct and support of stability operations, in
coordination with the Secretaries of the Military
Departments and the Commander, USSOCOM. -
- Task 5.8.6 Ensure instructors and students from
other US Departments and Agencies are able to
attend DoD schools to receive or provide
insturction on stability operations, in
coordination with the USD(PR). -
- SSTR was retained as a 2006 Special Area of
7Joint Faculty Education Conference
- Joint Faculty Education Conference (JFEC).
- The Joint Staff/J-7 Joint Education Branch, with
support from USJFCOM/J-7, will host an annual
JFEC to present emerging concepts and other
material relevant to maintaining curricula
currency to the faculties of the PME and JPME
colleges and schools. This group will also
conduct an initial assessment of submitted
Special Areas of Emphasis (SAEs). - Reports to the Military Education Coordination
Council - 20-21 June 2006 _at_ NDU (ICAF Rm 101)
- https//ca.dtic.mil/doctrine/jel/education_jfec.
htm - Contact LTC Chris Lusk, 703-692-6291,
8Joint Leader Competency Study
Leading Organizations and People
Fostering Collaborative Relationships
Visioning and Strategic Thinking
Global and Cultural Astuteness
Joint Warfighter
Life-long Learning
Tailoring Communications
CALIBER Associates for the JCS J-7, Feb 2006
27 sub-competencies
9EMERC Open Discussion
- SEJPME Course as a prerequisite to KEYSTONE
- MOU for Services to maintain SEJPME Course
content - Establish an EJPME Curriculum Development
Committee - Approve suspense for Initial Report (1 DEC 06)
- Senior Enlisted Servicemember for J-7 Enlisted
Programs - Proposed timeframe for Senior Executive Steering
- Initial Report
- Proposed due date 1 DEC 2006
- Period covered Nov 2005 Oct 2006
- Triennial Report
- Due every 3 years after Initial Report
- Narrative Assessment overall assessment of
how well JLAs JLOs are being implemented - Education Methodology how are you teaching
(platform instruction, case studies, distance
learning, etc.) - Validation and Feedback Mechanisms how are
you validating the instruction?, what is the
frequency of validation?, and is feedback sought
from students? - Areas of Improvement what are your programs
weaknesses - Recommendations how do you plan the way
11Whats Next
- Senior Executive Steering Committee (SESC) TBD
- Initial Self-Assessment 1 DEC 06 (Proposed)
- Senior Enlisted JPME Course Improvements
- Currently available at following sites
- Joint Knowledge Development and Distribution
Capability http//www.jkddcjmo.org/ - Joint Electronic Library
- http//www.dtic.mil/doctrine/s_index.html
- Working with Services on coding and
certification - EMERC WG will address standards at next meeting
- CSEL KEYSTONE Course Implementation
- Next Course 16-28 Jul 2006
- Joint Faculty Education Conference
- 20-21 Jun 06