Title: Distributed%20Maintenance%20of%20Spanning%20Tree%20using%20Labeled%20Tree%20Encoding
1Distributed Maintenance of Spanning Tree using
Labeled Tree Encoding
- Vijay K. Garg
- Anurag Agarwal
- PDSL Lab
- University of Texas at Austin
- Previous work and System model
- Core and Non-core strategy
- Nevilles code
- Self-stabilizing spanning tree algorithm
- Conclusion
- Maintaining spanning trees in distributed fashion
- Broadcast
- Convergecast
- Self Stabilization Dijkstra 74 is a powerful
fault-tolerance paradigm - Design algorithms to tolerate transient data
faults - Despite faults, algorithm converges to a good
4Previous Work
- Many self-stabilizing algorithms for spanning
trees - Breadth-first spanning tree DIM90, AK93
- Depth-first spanning tree CD94
- Minimum spanning tree AS97
- Our work makes stronger assumptions but achieves
better bounds
5Comparison with Previous Work
- Popular model assumes all communication registers
can be read/written in one time step - In a completely connected topology, it amounts to
doing O(n) work in one time step - Our model assumes processes take one
communication step - In our model, the previous algorithms would have
at least O(n) time complexity
6System Model
- System with n nodes labeled 1 n
- Nodes form a completely connected graph
- Topology is static
- Computation step
- Internal computation
- One communication event
- A message is ready to be delivered in one time
7Core and Non-Core Strategy for Self
- Maintain Core and Non-Core data structures
- Core structures are always correct
- Non-core structures can be derived from Core
Non-Core Structure
Core Structure
Index of permutation 1 n!
8Core and Non-Core strategy for Self
- Strategy Always assume Non-Core structures got
corrupted and align it with Core structures
9Core and Non-Core strategy for Self
- Strategy Always assume Non-Core structures got
corrupted and align it with Core structures
10Core and Non-Core strategy for Self
- Strategy Always assume Non-Core structures got
corrupted and align it with Core structures - Challenge lies in efficient detection and
n 4
Non-Core Structure
Core Structure
Index of permutation 2
11Nevilles Code Neville 53
- Similar to Prufer code
- Each labeled tree with n nodes has one to one
correspondence with a Nevilles code - Code is a sequence of n - 2 numbers from the set
1,,n - codei denotes the ith number in the code
12Nevilles Code Example
Code 7768338
13Spanning Tree ? Nevilles Code
- x least node with degree 1
- for i 1 to n-1
- codei parentx
- Delete edge between x and parentx
- if (degreeparentx 1 parentx ? n)
- x parentx
- else
- x least node with degree 1
14Nevilles Code Example
- x least node with degree 1
- for i 1 to n-1
- codei parentx
- Delete edge between x and parentx
- if (degreeparentx 1 parentx ? n)
- x parentx
- else
- x least node with degree 1
code 7
code 77
code 776
code 7768
code 7768338
x 1
x 2
x 7
x 6
15Self Stabilization using Nevilles code
- Need to maintain parent (Non-core) for each
node - Auxiliary data structures for efficiency
- codei Nevilles code
- fi Iteration in which node i is chosen as x
- zi last occurrence of node i in code
- Node i maintains ith components of data
structures - Put constraints on these data structures so that
the parent pointers give a valid tree
- Three constraint sets provide different
guarantees on the structure of the resulting
spanning tree with respect to the tree generated
by Nevilles code
Spanning Tree (R)
Isomorphic (C)
17Constraints for R
- (R1) For all i codefi parenti
- Follows from the code building procedure
- Node 7 was chosen as x in iteration 3. So f7
3 - codef7 code3 6 parent7
code 7768338
18Constraints for R
- Simple restrictions on the range of the
structures - (R2) For 1 i n 2 1 codei n
- and coden 1 n
- (R3) (i) For 1 i n 1 1 fi n 1
- (R4) For all i zi max j such that codej
i - Definition of z
19Constraints for R
- (R5) For all i zi ? 0 ? fi zi 1
- Captures preference given to parent when its
degree becomes one
- Node 7 occurs last in code at position 2. Hence,
z7 2. - Also, f7 3.
- f7 z7 1
code 7768338
20Maintaining R - Constraint R4
- For all i zi maximum j such that codej i
- Split the constraint into two different
constraints - (E1) zi ? 0 ? codezi i
- (E2) codej i ? zi j
z code
1 2 3
2 3 4
3 0 1
4 0 1
5 2 5
21Maintaining R - Constraint R4
- For all i zi maximum j such that codej i
- Split the constraint into two different
constraints - (E1) zi ? 0 ? codezi i
- (E2) codej i ? zi j
z code
1 2 3
2 3 4
3 0 1
4 0 1
5 2 5
code ?
22Maintaining R - Constraint R4
- For all i zi maximum j such that codej i
- Split the constraint into two different
constraints - (E1) zi ? 0 ? codezi i
- (E2) codej i ? zi j
z code
1 2 3
2 3 4
3 0 1
4 0 1
5 2 5
E1 violated !
23Maintaining R - Constraint R4
- For all i zi maximum j such that codej i
- Split the constraint into two different
constraints - (E1) zi ? 0 ? codezi i
- (E2) codej i ? zi j
z code
1 0 3
2 3 4
3 0 1
4 0 1
5 2 5
24Maintaining R - Constraint R4
- For all i zi maximum j such that codej i
- Split the constraint into two different
constraints - (E1) zi ? 0 ? codezi i
- (E2) codej i ? zi j
z code
1 0 3
2 3 4
3 0 1
4 0 1
5 2 5
check z 3
z max 0,3,4
check z 4
25Maintaining R - Constraint R4
- For all i zi maximum j such that codej i
- Split the constraint into two different
constraints - (E1) zi ? 0 ? codezi i
- (E2) codej i ? zi j
z code
1 4 3
2 3 4
3 0 1
4 0 1
5 2 5
26Maintaining R - Other Constraints
- Local checks Can be checked and corrected
without contacting any other node - (R2) , (R3) (i), (R5)
- (R1) For all i codefi parenti
- Inquire node fi to get codefi and match
with parenti - On mismatch, reset parenti to agree with
27Analysis of Algorithm for maintaining R
- Theorem The algorithm requires O(1) time per
node and O(1) messages per node on average in one
cycle - Theorem The algorithm stabilizes in O(d) time,
where d is the upper bound on the number of times
a node appears in the code - With high probability, a random code assignment
would have d O(log n/ log log n)
- Self stabilization algorithm for spanning tree
- Requires O(1) messages per node on average
- Provides fast stabilization
- Allows changing root node and systematic
modification of the tree
29Future Work
- Remove the restriction on topology and labels
- Apply the strategy of core and non-core states to
other problems
30Questions ?
31Nevilles code ? Spanning Tree
- x least node with degree 1
- for i 1 to n-1
- parentx codei
- degreex-- degreeparentx--
- If (degreeparentx 1)
- x codei
- else
- x least node with degree 1
32- Round vs Bounded Delivery Time
- Round Every process takes atleast one step
- Definition allows one process to send/receive
multiple messages in one time unit
33Self Stabilization using Nevilles code
- Need to maintain parent for each node
- Auxiliary data structures for efficient detection
- codei Nevilles code
- fi Iteration in which node i was selected as
x - zi last occurrence of node i in code
- Node i maintains ith components of data
structures - Put constraints on these data structures so that
the parent pointers give a valid tree
- (R1) For all i codefi parenti
- (R2) 1 lt i lt n-2, 1 lt codei lt n
- and coden 1 n
- (R3) (i) 1 lt fi lt n 1
- (ii) f is a permutation on 1n
- (R4) For all i zi max. j such that codej
i - (R5) For all i zi ! 0 gt fi zi 1
35Two sets of constraints
- R R1, R2, R3(1), R4, R5
- Resulting spanning tree may differ from the one
given by code in the leaves - Self-stabilization is easier and more efficient
- C R1, R2, R3, R4, R5
- Resulting spanning tree is isomorphic to the one
given by code - Self-stabilization is harder and becomes
36One interesting constraint
- For all i zi maximum j such that codej I
- Split the constraint into two different
constraints - (E1) zi ? 0 ? codezi i
- (E2) codej i ? zi j
For (E1), node i queries the node zi to get
codezi and matches it against i For (E2),
every node j with codej i sends a message to
node i containing j Node i then sets zi max
zi, j
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