Title: HIPAA
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act - 1996
- Highly Intricate Paperwork in Abundant Amounts
3Discussion Topics
- Covered Entities
- Protected Health Information
- Patient Privacy Rights
- Virginia Public Records Act
- Security Requirements
- Electronic Medical Record
4HIPAAWhat is it?
- Titles I V
- Portability
- Administrative Simplification
5Administrative Simplification
- Transaction Code Set Rule
- Privacy Rule
- Security Rule
- Electronic Signatures Rule
6Data Integrity, Confidentiality and Availability
of health care
HIPAA P-M-0509-01-00
7Who Does HIPAA Apply To?Covered Entities
- All health care providers who
- Furnish, bill, and pay for health care services
in the normal course of business and - Transmit any health information in electronic
form in connection with specified transactions - All health care clearinghouses and
- All health plans.
8What Does HIPAA Apply To?(PHI)
- Individually identifiable health information
- Any health care information maintained, used or
communicated that - Is created or received by a health care provider,
health plan, public health authority, employer,
life insurer, school or university - Related to an individuals past, present or
future physical or mental health or condition - Identifies the individual or there is a
reasonable basis to believe the individual can be
9Business Associate
- On behalf of such covered entity. Performs a
function or activity involving the use or
disclosure of individually identifiable health
information ..
10Covered Entity Requirements
- Privacy Officer
- Security Officer
- Listing of Covered Functions
- Certify HIPAA Compliance
11Statement of Privacy Rights
- Right to request restrictions on disclosures
- Right to receive confidential communication
- Right to inspect and copy information
- Right to amend information and
- Right to receive an accounting of disclosures.
12Permissible Disclosures
- To the Individual
- For Treatment, Payment or Health Care Operations
and - Incidental to a Use or Disclosure Otherwise
13Permissible Disclosures(requires disclosure note)
- Public Health Activities
- Victims of Abuse, Neglect, or Domestic Violence
- Health Care Oversight Organizations
- Judicial and Administrative Proceedings
- Limited Information for Law Enforcement
- Coroners and Funeral Directors
- For Organ or Tissue Donations
14Authorization for Disclosure
- Specify what information to disclose, where to
disclose it and for what time period. - Designate a Personal Representative.
- Define manner of communication.
15Audit of Disclosures
- Patients right to know disclosures for a period
of six years. - Record permissible disclosures that are not for
tx., payment, or internal operations. - Record retention is six years.
16Security versus Privacy
- It is possible to secure information without
making it private, however, it is not possible to
protect privacy without having security. - Security is defined as the ability to control
access and protect information from accidental or
intentional alteration, destruction, loss or
disclosure to unauthorized persons. - Privacy is defined as controlling who is
authorized to access information.
17Security Rule
- Designed to protect electronic data at rest and
in transit through - Administrative Safeguards
- Physical Safeguards
- Technical Safeguards.
- The security standards work in concert with the
final privacy standards by using many of the same
terms and definitions.
18Guard Data Integrity, Confidentiality, and
- Chain of Trust Partner Agreement
- Risk Assessment
- Contingency Plan
- Formal Mechanism for Processing Records
- Information Access Control
19Continued. .
- Personnel Security
- Security Incident Procedures
- Security Awareness Training
- Communications or Network Controls and
- Data Authentication.
20Steps to HIPAA Security Compliance
21Whos accountable?
- HIPAA has civil penalties for failure to use
adopted standards and criminal penalties for
wrongfully disclosing confidential information. - The civil penalties consist of fines of 100 per
incident, up to 25,000 per person, per year, per
standard violated. - The federal criminal penalties range up to
250,000 to 10 years in prison for knowingly and
improperly disclosing or obtaining protected
health information under false pretenses.
HIPAA P-M-0509-01-00
22Virginia Public Records Act
- Governs all boards, commissions, departments,
divisions, institutions, authorities, or parts
thereof. - Establishes more stringent requirements than
23Health Records
- 164.501 Designated Record Set
- (2) The term record means any item, collection,
or grouping of information that includes
protected health information and is maintained,
collected, used, or disseminated by or for a
covered entity.
- Virginia
- 42.1-77 Medical records means the documentation
of health care services, whether physical or
mental, rendered by direct or indirect
patient-provider interaction which is used as a
mechanism for tracking the patients health
24The Bridge BetweenPrivacy, Security and
Electronic Health Records
- Electronic Health Records
- Electronic software that electronically stores
and transports standardized patient health
information from one health care provider to
another and is accessible (and usable) by
25National Initiative
- By computerizing health records, we can avoid
dangerous medical mistakes, reduce costs and
improve care. - George W. Bush, State of the Union Address
26Presidents Information Technology Advisory
- 21st Century Health Care Information
Infrastructure - Electronic health records (EHR)
- Computer-assisted clinical decision support
(CDS) - Computerized provider order entry (CPOE) and
- Secure, private, interoperable, electronic health
information exchange.
- The ability of two or more systems or components
to exchange information and to use the
information that has been exchanged. - Regulated by the HIPAA Transactions and Code Sets
Rule, Privacy Rule, and Security Rule - Virginia HB 2236 (2005)
- Executive Directive 6
28How Can the EHR Enhance Privacy and Security?
- Control Physical and System Access
- Monitor Workstation Use and Security
- Audit Access and Need-to-Know
- Enhance Device and Media Controls
- Employ Transmission Security
29Managing Physical Access
- Systems are physically inaccessible to
unauthorized users - A Security Plan addresses safeguards against
tampering and theft and - Contingencies in place to recover or restore lost
30Managing Technical/System Access
- Identification and authentication
- Access control lists
- Automatic log-off and
- Some job functions might only be available at
certain workstations
31Monitoring and Audit Controls
- Intrusion detection
- Audit users for authorized use of PHI
- Apply sanctions for failure to comply with
policies and procedures
32Transmission Security
- Encryption
- The transformation of plain text into an
unreadable cipher text.
33Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
- Provide a parent access to their childs
educational records. - Provide a parent an opportunity to seek
correction of records they believe to be
inaccurate. - Obtain written permission of a parent before
disclosing information contained in the students
educational record.
35Educational Records
- Directly related to a student and
- Maintained by an educational agency or
institution or by a party acting for the agency
or institution. - Record means any information recorded in any way,
including, but not limited to, handwriting,
print, computer media, video or audio tape, film,
microfilm, and microfiche.
- An educational agency or institution shall give
full rights under the Act to either parent,
unless the agency or institution has been
provided with evidence that there is a court
order, State statute or legally binding document
relating to such matters as divorce, separation,
or custody that specifically revokes these rights.
37Permitted Disclosures
- To other school officials within the agency or
institution that have a legitimate educational
interest. - To officials of another school where the student
seeks to enroll. - Authorized government officials.
- To comply with a judicial order or lawfully
issued subpoena.
38Schools Must
- Inform parents and eligible students of their
rights under FERPA. - Maintain an audit of requests and disclosures of
educational records. - Record and report any requests to amend the
educational records whether granted or not.
- Information contained in an educational record is
protected by FERPA. - Information requested by the school but stored
elsewhere (i.e. school nurse) could be protected
40Whos Accountable
- Enforced by the Family Policy Compliance Office,
U.S. Department of Education. - Compliance is complaint driven.
- If educational agency does not comply with a
remediation plan, the Secretary can withhold
payments under any applicable program, issue a
cease-and desist order or terminate eligibility
to receive further funding.
41(No Transcript)
42ThanksYouve just experienced HIPAAnosis
HIPAA P-M-0509-01-00