Title: Clinical Reporting Solution
1AdClin Table Production Framework
Clinical Reporting Solution
2The Software
AdClin TPF is an innovative software tool
allowing significant gains of productivity for
the creation of data listings and summary tables
- It eases and quickens the production of tables
and listings.
- It fits to any kind of data structure.
- Il allows obtaining the results in the exact way
they are needed.
AdClin TPF is a SAS programming interface. Easy
to learn and rich in functionalities, the TPF is
suited to both beginners and skilled programmers.
- It reduces the code needed to produce outputs up
to 90.
- It allows the production of complex outputs,
difficult or impossible to obtain with the
standard SAS code.
- The rendering meets publishing quality standards.
4Exemple 1
5SAS Program
Namely 5675 characters
6TPF Program
Namely 500 characters
7Exemple 1
AdClin TPF requires less code making validation
much easier.
8Exemple 2
9TPF Program
10SAS Table
With SAS it is impossible to merge the cells of a
11TPF Table
AdClin TPF allows the merge of any cells
resulting in a very professional looking
12Exemple 2
AdClin TPF generates desktop publishing outputs.
13Exemple 3
AdClin TPF, a better flexibility Obtaining the
same table from different data structures doesnt
need any pre-processing.
table1( popdadasetDEMOG, popidPATNO,
ER) Sex sex. typefreq /
VALUE_at_(VARIABLEAGE) Age typeuniv / )
table1( popdadasetDEMO, popidSUBID,
colvarTRT , blocks SEX typefreq /
AGE typeuniv / )
A Horizontal structure
B Vertical structure
14Style Sheet (CSS)
AdClin CSS
Other Result
HTML Table
Your CSS
Table presentation is controlled outside of
programs to easily match corporate standards.
15AdClin vs Proc Tabulate Proc Report
1611, rue des Petites Ecuries, 75010 Paris,
France Tel 33 1 56 82 03 00 - Fax 33 1 56
82 03 09 http//www.adclin.com -