Title: Keys to Freshman Success
1Keys to Freshman Success
- Presented by
- Jamie Pollard
- 9th and 10th grade School Counselor
- Farmington High School
- Jpollard_at_farmington.k12.mo.us
- 573-701-1310 121
2Importance of Freshman Year
- Failure rate is higher than any other year
- Those who fail their freshman year are more
likely to drop out - HS dropouts earn 1/3 less than graduates
- Alternately, successful freshman years lead to
increased success throughout high school,
increased graduation rates, and increased earning
potential - From Bottoms, Gene. Redesigning the Ninth-Grade
Experience Reduce Failure, Improve Achievement
and Increase High School Graduation Rates.
3What if my freshman is already failing?
I have missed 9,000 shots during my career. My
teams have lost 300 games. And 26 times that my
teammates gave me the ball in the final seconds
of the game to take the game-winning shot, I
missed the shot and we lost the game. I have
failed over and over again. The only reason I
can succeed is because I understand how to deal
with failure. Michael Jordan From Teenagers
Preparing for the Real World by Chad Foster, p. 11
4Keys to Success
- Attendance
- Organization
- Time Management
- Relationship with a Caring Adult/Mentor
- Involvement with an Activity
- Goal for the Future
- Discussions about Life Issues
- Perseverance/Effort
- One of the challenges this years freshmen
identified - Difficult to catch up when students miss
- Helps students maintain good habits that will be
important for work later - To qualify for A, students must have a
cumulative 95 attendance average their senior
- Folders/binders for each class
- Color coding
- Time to organize materials
- Planner
- Long-term planning
7Time Management
- This years freshmen cited juggling school,
family, relationships, and sports as a challenge
for them - Prioritizing is tough at this age
8Relationship with Caring Adult/Mentor
- This relationship creates an environment that
encourages student success - Advisory
- Farmington Leadership in Practice students
- Crucial role of family, extended family
- Community organizations can also play a role
9Involvement with an Activity
- Most freshmen wanted to know more about the
activities offered here - Place of connection
- Positive relationships
- Activity Fair in August
- Sports, clubs, community groups
- Clubs related to careers (FFA, FBLA, etc.)
10Goal for the Future
- Short Term
- Long Term
- Intermediate goals
- Drives academics
- Answers the Whats the purpose? questions
- Writing goals in advisory
11Discussions about Life Issues
- Time of critical life choices
- Parents and family are the most influential
- Discuss alcohol, drugs, sexuality and your views
- Talk about long term impact of current choices
- There is no such thing as an insignificant
- Success is not so much about intelligence as it
is hard work and perseverance - All students can achieve academic success despite
differences in natural intelligence
13Questions?Please contact me at the Counseling
10 121