Title: Geeks Bearing Gifts: Unwrapping New Technology Trends
1Geeks Bearing Gifts Unwrapping New Technology
- Alison Aldrich
- Technology Outreach Coordinator
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3Web 2.0
4Social Media
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- Learn about new and evolving web technologies
- Understand how the participatory web is enhancing
traditional library service - Go home with practical ideas incorporating new
web tools into your workflow
7The Plan
Fun with
- break -
Social Networking
8What to Do With a Account
- Search
- Email
- Blogs
- Reader and iGoogle
- Documents, Spreadsheets, Forms
- Calendars
- YouTube, Picasa
Bloggers dont have anything important to say.
But Im suffering from information overload
already! I can barely keep up with my listservs!
Geez, doesnt that blogger have a REAL job?
10Blogs vs. Wikis
- Archiving information
- Gathering information from a large group of people
- Sharing new information quickly
- Generating discussions
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15Blogs of Interest?
- In a Good Way American Indian College Fund
- Native American Legal Update
- ACRLog
- Kept-Up Academic Librarian
- Feel-Good Librarian
16- Explore library-related blogs and feeds
- http//www.libworm.com
- RSS Really Simple Syndication
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- Table of Contents alerts for 12,000 journals
20Try it!
- Get a Google account
- Create a Blog with Blogger, or
- Subscribe to Feeds with Google Reader
21For Must-Reads
22Social Networking
- The beating heart of the internet has always
been its ability to leverage our social
connections. - -Madden Fox
- Pew Internet Project
23Golden Rules of Social MediaFrom Web Worker
Daily, 5-26-09
- Listen.
- Add Value.
- Respond.
- Give Kudos.
- Be Real.
- Collaborate.
24Facts about Facebook
- Started in a dorm room in 2004
- Made this guy a billionaire
- 200 million active users
- Fastest growing demographic 35 and older
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30Facebook Groups
31Facebook Pages
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33Source http//siteanalytics.compete.com/twitter.c
34Using Twitter Personally
- Builds camaraderie
- Shows others youre human
- Is sort of like instant messaging
- Is a way to discover new resources
35Using Twitter as a Library or College
- Gets announcements in front of eyeballs
- Is a way to see what others say about you
- link to Twitter Advanced Search link to
twtpolls - Is easier than blogging?
- Is very trendy right now
36Instant Messaging
- Another way to be available
- Best for quick questions
- Widgets!
name"movie" value"http//widget.meebo.com/mm.swf
?WqbOeuRFWV"/mm.swf?WqbOeuRFWV" type"application/x-shockwave-f
lash" wmode"transparent" width"190"
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39Links Are Here
- http//delicious.com/alison.aldrich/tcli
- Alison Aldrich
- Technology Outreach Coordinator
- (206) 221-3489
- aldrich3_at_u.washington.edu