Title: Energy Efficiency Services
1- Energy Efficiency Services
- Indiana Partners for Pollution Prevention
- Greening Your Suppliers
- September 17th, 2008
2Office of Engagement
- Advanced Manufacturing Training Implementation
- Healthcare Pharmacy Performance Improvement
- Energy Efficiency Services
- Faculty Assistance Projects
- Medicine Safety
- Quality systems
- Summer Intern Program
- High Tech Job Fair
- Business Innovation
- Sustainable Manufacturing
4And Now Green Workforce development!
- WIRED Industrial Energy Efficiency Practitioner
- NIST / US EPA Green Supplier Network (GSN)
- WIRED Green Workforce certificate program
5Green Supplier Network
- Partnership between
- U.S. Department of Commerce, Manufacturing
Extension Partnership Centers (MEP) - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- State Environmental Experts
- Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM)
- Suppliers to OEMs
6GSN Lean Clean Approach
- Combining the process of Lean and the advantages
of Clean to help companies save money - Lean and Clean training
- Value Stream Mapping (VSM) for a process line
- Current state
- Future state
- Opportunity analysis and report
7Defining Lean
- Lean is
- A systematic approach to identifying and
eliminating waste (non-value added activities)
through continuous improvement by flowing the
product at the pull of the customer in pursuit of
perfection - The MEP Lean Network
8What Is Waste?
Waste is anything other than the minimum amount
of equipment, materials, parts, space, and
workers time which are absolutely necessary to
add value to the product. - Shoichiro Toyoda,
President, Toyota
9Defining Clean
Clean is A systematic approach to eliminating
waste by optimizing use and selection of
resources and technologies while lessening the
impact on the environment.
10Why Make Clean a Part of the Lean Methodology?
- Eliminates more waste and reduces costs
- Strengthens compliance and risk
- Piggybacks environmental improvement on lean
process change more benefits cheaper and faster
management - Removes environmental obstacles to
competitiveness and lean - Creates a competitive advantage as customers
increasingly expect products/services with less
environmental footprint
11What Makes Up A Review?
- Pre-assessment
- Training
- Value Stream Mapping
- Goal Setting
- Technical Assistance
- Final Report
- Follow-up
12MEP Review Team
- The MEP Review team
- Lean expert
- In-house or contracted expert
- Work with the suppliers team to set goals and
target the root cause of wastes
13Who Participates?
- Balance a cross-functional team
- Managers and shop personnel
- Environmental health and safety
- Consider engineering and purchasing departments
- Decision-makers
- People who have connection to goals of project
- People who can collect necessary data
- Make-up of every review team varies
- Determine
- Type of baseline data needed
- Product or process lines for review
- Highlight issues and suppliers needs
- Selecting team participants
- Gather appropriate resources and prepare for the
- Customized in a way to best assist the company to
meet its lean and clean goals - Should include
- Lean training
- Basic lean methodologies or
- Refresher to agree on terminology
- Clean training
- How to identify clean opportunities
16Understanding the Current State
- Mapping
- Value Stream Mapping (VSM)
- Process mapping
- Opportunities
- Discussion
- Identification
- Prioritization
- Goal Setting
- Go after low hanging fruit right away!
- Prioritize opportunities that require more
evaluation and investment - Dont ignore monuments or capital equipment
17Final Report
- The final report includes
- Value Stream Maps
- Process Maps
- Opportunities identified
- Estimated savings
- Environmental impact reductions
- Any supporting economic analysis
18What is Value Stream Mapping?
- Value Stream Mapping is a traditional Lean
exercise used to understand the sequence of
activities that take place in order to produce a
19Map the Process
- Makes work visible
- Visibility improves communication and
understanding - Identifies Improvement Opportunities
- Eliminate the non-value added steps
- Reduce wasted resources
- Diagnostics
- Determine the cause of a problem or condition.
- Training and communication
20Current State Value Stream Map
21Types of Environmental Metrics
- Scrap/Non-Product Output
- Materials Use
- Hazardous Materials Use
- Energy Use
- Water Use
- Air Emissions
- Solid Waste
- Hazardous Waste
- Water Pollution/Wastewater
- Total cost for delivery 6,500
- Price buy-down by NIST/EPA 2,000
- Cost to client 4,500
- Multi-project discount for 5 or more suppliers
- Follow-on implementation 1,000
- Started within 3 months
- Conducted by the center
- Proposal to IMC for approval to conduct GSN
- GSN final report including
- Lean and environmental recommendations and
opportunities for improvement - Rough cost-benefit estimate
- Environmental impact reductions
- Submit final report electronically to IMC within
30 days - Update of activity and results in 6 months
24How do you sign up?
- An OEM or Supplier should
- Contact Purdue TAP EES or,
- Contact GSN via its website www.greensuppliers.go
v - GSN contractor IMC will review application and
approve award, - Set up a contracts with TAP and GSN contractor IMC
- Ethan Rogers, Manager
- Energy Efficiency Services
- 6640 Intech Boulevard,
- Suite 120
- Indianapolis, IN 46278
- 800-877-5182, ext 617
- earogers_at_purdue.edu
- www.purdue.edu/tap/ees
- Jon Guenin, P.E.
- Energy Efficiency Specialist
- 1435 Win Hentschel Blvd.
- Vistech 1, Suite 205
- West Lafayette, IN 47906-4154
- Office 765-494-6258
- email guenin_at_purdue.edu
- www.purdue.edu/tap/ees