Title: Medicare Drug Benefit: IFAS Outreach
- Medicare Drug BenefitIFAS Outreach
- Traci Brooks, Senior Pharmacy Student
- University of Florida College of Pharmacy
- Carolyn S. Wilken, PhD, M.P.H
- Associate Professor Family Science
- University of Florida
- David M. Angaran MS, FASHP, FCCP
- Clinical Professor of Pharmacy
- University of Florida College of Pharmacy
- IFAS Program AEP 2006
2Objectives Part I
- Prepare the IFAS agent for training and
supporting volunteer Medicare Part D consultants - Review Medicare Drug Benefit
- Describe the IFAS-Medicare Part D consultation
process - Explain the data collection and patient report
instruments. - Demonstrate navigating www.medicare.gov
- Part II - Practice
3History of Medicare
- Medicare 1965
- Part A hospitalization
- Part B Physician visits and some drugs
- Part C (Old HMOs)
- Medicare Drug Benefit 2003
- Medicare Modernization Act
- Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and
Modernization Act of 2003 (Pub l. 108-173) - Medicare Part D
4Why Sign UP?
- Save Money NOW
- Save Money LATER
- Insurance for the future
- Penalty if you dont
- 1 per month after May 15, 2006
- 5 yrs. 60 40.00 becomes 64.00
- Not everyone Low Income Subsidy
5Medicare Prescription Drug Providers
- Prescription Drug Plan (PDP)
- Drugs only
- Medicare Health Plans Medical care drugs
- Medicare Advantage MA-PD
- HMOs Medicare Health Maintenance Organizations
- PPO Preferred Provider Organization
- PFFS Private Fee for Service
- SNP Special needs plan
6Standard (Minimum) Government Benefit 2007
7Prescription Drug PlansPrivate Companies
- Must offer at least standard benefit
- Can offer more benefit
- United Health Care/AARP Generic Benzodiazepines
eg. alprazolam - PDPs state wide
- MA-PDs
- County Specific
- Paid by Part B premiums /-health premiums and/or
drug premiums
8Florida PDPs2006 and 2007
- For 2007
- - Lost 3 companies - 12 PDPs increased their
premiums - - Gained 8 companies on average 6.48
- - Lost 11 PDPs - 20 PDPs decreased their
premiums - - Gained 25 NEW PDPs on average 8.67
9What they Chose for 2006Lewin Group Beneficiary
choices in Medicare Part D and Plan Features in
2006 Sept 2006
- Lower premiums
- 88 NO Gap coverage
- Is it 3 million or 7 million in the Doughnut
hole? - Reduced or zero deductibles
- Broader Formularies
- 2,009 drugs vs. 1,161 average
- Avoided prior auth and step care
- PA 6.0 vs. 8.0
- Step care 1.6 vs. 2.0
- Lower tier 1 but higher tier 3
- Florida - 789,100
- United Healthcare 34
- Humana 18
- WellCare 9
- PacifiCare 8
- Unicare 7
- AmeriHealth 6
- Blue Cross 5
- AdvantraRx 4
- CCRx 2
- United American 2
- www.cms.hhs.gov/PrescriptionDrugCovGenIn/02_Enroll
mentData.asp 090906
10Humanas PDP 2006
11Humana PDPs 2007
12Medicare AudienceBorn 1906 to 194123
Cognitively impaired 70 health literate
- 42.6 million Medicare beneficiaries
- CBO estimates 29 million to enroll in Medicare
Part D - 13.6 million will not participate because of
other coverage - Florida Medicare
- 3,135,438
- www.cms.hhs.gov/medicarereform/stateinfo/
- June 2006 enrollment
- In 22.5 million
- 17.0 PDPs
- 5.5 MA PDs
- Not 4-5 million
- 3.3 million Low income subsidy
- FL 677,064
- www.statehealthfacts.org accessed 091606
13A Sense of Relief KRC Research Apr 06
4 out of 5 seniors who have enrolled in a
stand-alone Medicare Rx plan said they are
satisfiedwith majorities feeling theyre better
off than they were before and majorities saving
Overall, how satisfied are you with your
prescription drug coverage?
- 77 feel peace of mind
- 74 feel relief
- 67 feel better off now than before
- 59 lowered costs on medicines
- 20 no longer need to skip or reduce their
14Choosing Total Cost and Coverage
- Is your drug covered
- Drug Cost
- Co pay and Co-insurance
- Tier
- Category
- Monthly premium
- Yearly deductible
- Doughnut hole coverage
- Mail Service
- Network pharmacy
- Co-Pay
- Fixed amount you pay for each prescription.
Difference between generic and brand. - Co-Insurance
- Percentage of the actual sale price.
- 25 of 100 25.00
- 25 of 200 50.00
- Change with price increases
16New concepts for cash paying customers
- Quantity limits
- How much of a drug you can receive at one time.
- Step Care
- Oldest cheapest before newest more expensive
- Prior Authorization
- Must meet certain criteria before prescribing
- Similar
- Different drug same results
- Lower cost
- Appeals, Exceptions, Determinations and
Reconsiderations - Make it work
17Drug Benefit Paper Work
- TrOOP True out of pocket cost
- Monthly report of
- Out of their pocket spending
- Total Drug Cost
- List of all drugs being paid for and by whom
- Annual Notice of Change
- Yearly, in October
- Changes in
- Formulary
- Plan
- Premiums
- NOT person specific
18Excluded Drugs Pay usual retail costs
- Do NOT count toward TrOOP
- Examples of these drugs are
- Benzodiapzepines Valium, diazepam, Xanax
- Anorexia, weight loss, or weight gain drugs
- Fertility drugs
- Drugs for cosmetic purposes or hair growth
- Symptomatic relief of cough and colds
- All Over-the-Counter (OTC) medications
197 Medication Regimen Tested
- Costs cvs.com accessed 022706
- Retail, 30 day supply, for one year.
- 8,210.00 -7,200
- Tested as
- PDP only
- No low income benefit
- Any pharmacy
- Any company
- Florida
207 Drug Retail Annual Cost Out of your
Pocketcopay premium deductible 2006
- Brand
- 1 Humana 3,755
- 61.70/month
- 2 Humana 3,844.
- 10.35/month
- 3 Humana 3,972
- 20.12/month
- Generic/Similar
- 1 Humana 2,432
- 2 AdvantraRx 3,414
- 3 MedicareRx 3,572
- 8 Humana (10.35/mo)
- 18 Humana (20.12/mo)
21Extra Help Social Security
- Social Security Administration (SSA)
- Single Less than 14,700/Year
- Couple Less than 19,800/Year
- Assets test
- Reduce or eliminate
- Co pay or Coinsurance
- Premium
- Deductible
- Doughnut hole
- Social Security
- www.ssa.gov/prescriptionhelp
- 1-800-772-1213
22Low-Income Benefits Under Part D for this
enrolment period.adapted form APhA monograph
Overview of Pharmacy issues
232006 HHS Poverty Guidelines
SOURCE Federal Register, Vol. 71, No. 15,
January 24, 2006, pp. 3848-3849
24Signing UP
- Annual Enrollment Period for PDPs MA-PDs.
- Once a year Nov 15 to Dec 31st.
- Turned 65. 7 months (3 before, 1 birthday, 3
after) - There are OTHER enrollment opportunities (see
Medicare and You 2007) - On Medicare and Medicaid No option
- All Medicare recipients A, B, Disability
- Dont Sign UP and No Penalty
- Employer retirement
- VA coverage
- Credible Coverage Letter
25Enrollment Questions
- Switching Plans
- Just enroll (in theory) quote Medicare
- You dont have to notify FORMER plan
- Any other enrolment question
- Medicare and You 2007 on line