Title: Roses
By Amber N. Jarrell
2A Short History of the Rose
The rose is one of the most admired and
universally recognizable flowers in existence.
According to fossil evidence, the rose is 35
million years old. Garden cultivation of the rose
began about 5,000 years ago, probably in China.
In the Northern Hemisphere, the genus Rosa has
over 150 species. It wasnt until the late 18th
century that cultivation of roses were introduced
to Europe from China. Modern day roses can be
traced back to this particular ancestry.
The rose has a long heritage in literature, art,
movies, history, and sports. Roses have had
various uses over the years including
celebrations, weddings, perfumes, medicinal
purposes, and even monetary value. The rose has
long been a symbol of love, beauty, friendship,
and peace.
3Some Different Types of Roses
4Rose Color Meanings
- Red Love, Passion, Respect, Courage
- White Innocence, Purity, Secrecy
- Yellow Joy, Friendship
- Coral Desire
- Light Pink Grace, Gladness, Joy
- Dark Pink Thankfulness
- Lavender Enchantment, Love at first Sight
- Orange Fascination