Title: 9b Recursive Functions 13'1
19b Recursive Functions 13.1
- Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem
- Zero, Successor, Projector Functions
- Functional Composition
- Primitive Recursion Simulator
- Proving Functions are Primitive Recursive
- Ackermann's Function
- m-Recursion
2Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem
- Any interesting consistent system must be
incomplete that is, it must contain some
unprovable propositions. - Hierarchy of Functions
- Primitive-Recursive Functions
- Recursive (?-recursive) Functions
- Interesting well-defined Functions but
"unprovable" - BB Function
3Primitive Recursive Functions
- Defined over the domain I set of all
non-negative integers - or domain II.
- or domain III, etc.
- Definition Functions are said to be Primitive
Recursive if they can be built - from the basic functions (zero, successor, and
projection) - using functional composition and/or primitive
4Zero, Successor, Projector Functions
- 1. Zero function z(x) 0, for all x ? I
- 2. Successor function s(x) x1
- 3. Projector functions p1(x1,x2) x1,
5Functional Composition
- f(x,y) h(g1(x,y),g2(x,y))
- from previously defined functions g1, g2, and h
- e.g. min(x,y) lt(x,y)x geq(x,y)y
- h(x,y) add(x,y)
- g1(x,y) mult(lt(x,y),p1(x,y))
- h mult(), g1lt(), g2p1()
- g2(x,y) mult(geq(x,y),p2(x,y))
- h mult(), g1geq(), g2p2()
6Primitive Recursion
- f(x,0) g1(x)
- f(x,y1) h(g2(x,y),f(x,y))
- Note Last argument defined at zero and y1 only
- e.g. exp(x,0) 1 exp(x,n1) x exp(x,n)
- g1(x) s(z(x))
- h(x,y) mult(x,y)
- g2(x,y) p1(x,y)
7Constants are Primitive Recursive
- 2 s(s(z(x)))
- 3 s(s(s(z(x))))
- 5 s(s(s(s(s(z(x))))))
8Addition Multiplication
- add(x,0) xadd(x,y1) s(add(x,y))
- mult(x,0) 0mult(x,y1) add(x,mult(x,y))
- Tracing the recursion on the SIMULATOR
9Factorial Exponentiation
- fact(0) 1fact(n1) mult(s(n),fact(n))
- exp(x,0) 1exp(x,n1) mult(x,exp(x,n))
10Test for Zero(Logical Complement)
- pred(0) 0pred(x1) x
- monus(x,0) x // called subtr in
textmonus(x,y1) pred(monus(x,y)) - absdiff(x,y) monus(x,y) monus(y,x)
12Relational Operators
- equal(x,y) test(absdiff(x,y))
- geq(x,y) test(monus(y,x))
- leq(x,y) test(monus(x,y))
- gt(x,y) test(leq(x,y))
- lt(x,y) test(geq(x,y))
13Minimum Maximumusing David Hannay's "Stupid
Bit Trick"(c.f. David Letterman's "Stupid Pet
- min(x,y) lt(x,y)x geq(x,y)y
- max(x,y) geq(x,y)x lt(x,y)y
- remaind(numerator,denominator)
rem(denominator,numerator) - rem(x,0) 0rem(x,y1) s(rem(x,y))test(equal(x
,s(rem(x,y)))) - div(numerator,denominator) dv(denominator,numera
tor) - dv(x,0) 0dv(x,y1) dv(x,y)
15Test for Prime
- numdiv(x) divisors_leq(x,x)
- divisors_leq(x,0) 0divisors_leq(x,y1)
divisors_leq(x,y) test(remaind(x,y1)) - is_prime(x) equal(numdiv(x),2)
16Square Root
- sqrt(0) 0
- sqrt(x1) sqrt(x) equal(x1,(s(sqrt(x))s(sqrt
17 a ? b mod c
- congruent(a,b,c) equal(remaind(a,c),remaind(b,c)
18Greatest Common Divisor(cant use Euclidean
Algorithmnot P.R.)
- gcd(a,0) agcd(a,b1) find_gcd(a,b1,b1)
- find_gcd(a,b,0) 1find_gcd(a,b,c1)
(c1)test_rem(a,b,c1) find_gcd(a,b,c)test(
test_rem(a,b,c1)) - test_rem(a,b,c) test(remaind(a,c))test(re
19Ackermann's Function
- Ackermann(x,y) A(x,y)
- A(0,y) s(y)
- A(x1,0) A(x,1)
- A(x1,y1) A(x,A(x1,y))
20Ackermann's Function is NOT Primitive Recursive
- Compute Ack(3,1) on Simulator Trace level 24
- Just because it is not defined using the
"official" rules of primitive recursion is not a
proof that it IS NOT primitive recursive. - Perhaps there is another definition that uses
primitive recursion. (NOT!) Proof is beyond the
scope of this course
21"Meaning" of Ackermann's Function(addition,
multiplication, exponentiation, tetration)
22 m -Recursion
- sqrt(x) my(yyx) // this is a partial
function - sqrt(x) my(s(y)s(y) gt x) // now it is
total - Note that m-recursion allows for partial
functions just as do Turing machines
23 m Recursive Definition ofnth_prime
- nth_prime(0) 2nth_prime(n1)
find_prime(nth_prime(n)) - find_prime(x) my(and(less(x,y),is
24 m -Recursive Functions Equivalent to T.M.
Computable Functions
- TM for z(x)
- TM for s(x)
- TM for p1(x,y), p2(x,y)
- TM for functional composition
- TM for primitive recursion
- TM for m-recursion
- Proof in other direction is beyond the scope of
the course...
25In-Class ExercisePrimitive-Recursive Functions
- Work in groups of 2 or 3
- Answers on next slide (no peeking)
- a) Using only initial functions, show that
nth_odd(x) is primitive recursive. - b) Using any functions defined in class, show
that median(x,y,z) is primitive recursive. - c) Using any functions defined in class, show
that perfect(x) is primitive recursive. - sum of all factors (including 1, not including x)
x - e.g. 6 (123) and 28 (124714) are
perfect - First group done with all 3 put a) on board, etc.
269x Recursive Recursively Enumerable 11.1
- Enumeration Procedure Countable Sets
- Recursively Enumerable Languages
- Recursive Languages
- Existence of Languages that are not Rec.
Enumerable - A Language that is Rec. Enumerable but not
27Countable Sets
- Countable if it can be put into a 1-to-1
correspondence with the positive integers - You should already be familiar with the
enumeration procedure for the set of RATIONAL
numbers diagonalization, page 278 - Quick review
- You should already be familiar with the fact (and
proof) that the REAL numbers are NOT countable - Quick review
28Recursively Enumerable Languages
- A language is said to be recursively enumerable
if there exists a Turing machine that accepts it. - That is, if the accepting machine is started on a
word in the language, it will halt in qf - This says nothing about what the machine will do
if it is presented with a word that is not in the
language - (i.e. whether it halts in a non-final state or
29Recursive Languages
- A language, L, is recursive if there exists a
Turing machine that accepts L and halts on every
w in ? - That is, there exists a membership decision
procedure for L
30Existence of Languages that are not Recursively
- Let S be an infinite countable set. Then its
powerset 2S is not countable. Theorem 11.1 - Proof by diagonalization page 278
- Recall the fact that the REAL numbers are not
countable - For any nonempty ?, there exist languages that
are not recursively enumerable. - Every subset of ? is a language. Therefore there
are exactly 2? languages. - However, there are only a countable number of
Turing machines. Therefore there exist more
languages than Turing machines to accept them.
31Recursively Enumerablebut not Recursive
- We can list all Turing machines that eventually
halted on a given input tape (say blank) - Recall the enumeration procedure for TMs from
last period. - Once a string of 0s and 1s was verified as a
valid TM, we would simply run it (while
non-deterministically continuing to list other
machines). Note how long this would take! - A halt on the part of the simulation (recall the
Universal Turing Machine) would trigger adding
the TM in question to the list of those that
halted. (copying it to another tape?) - However, we cannot determine (and always halt)
whether or not a given TM will halt on a blank
tape - Stay tuned for the unsolvability of the Halting