Title: ?Connection between MC/HMM and MDP/POMDP
- ?Connection between MC/HMM and MDP/POMDP
- ?Utility in terms of the value of the vantage
2Choose between Two Lotteries
- Lottery A
- 80 chance of 4K
- Lottery B
- 100 chance of 3K
- Lottery C
- 20 chance of 4K
- Lottery D
- 25 chance of 3K
People are risk-averse with high-probability
events but are willing to take risks with
unlikely payoffs (see 16.3 in RN)
3Choose between Two Lotteries
- Lottery A
- 80 chance of 4K
- Lottery B
- 100 chance of 3K
- Lottery C
- 20 chance of 4K
- Lottery D
- 25 chance of 3K
Standard notation for a lottery p,A (1-p) B
with prob p. you get prize A, and (1-p) you
get prize B
People are risk-averse with high-probability
events but are willing to take risks with
unlikely payoffs (see 16.3 in RN)
4Money ? Utility
The previous slide on two lotteries shows that
not only is money not utility, but the
money?Utility conversion can be inconsistent
5Expected Monetary value and Certainty Amount
- Consider a lottery if the coin comes heads you
get 1000 and if it is tails you get 0 - The EMV of the lottery is 500
- I have the option of taking part in this lottery
- I want to see how much money I need to give you
up-front so you will give up the option. - Apparently, on the average, people seem to want
400 to give up on this lottery (obviously, this
is an averageyour mileage may vary) - This is called the certainty amount
- The difference between certainty amount and EMV
is called the insurance premium - To see why it makes sense, suppose the lottery
was with prob. 0.001 you lose your house to fire
and 0.999 nothing happens - You take insurance in essense to avoid taking
part in this lottery.
6What is a solution to an MDP ?
- The solution should tell the optimal action to do
in each state (called a Policy) - Policy is a function from states to actions (
see finite horizon case below) - Not a sequence of actions anymore
- Needed because of the non-deterministic actions
- If there are S states and A actions that we
can do at each state, then there are AS
policies - How do we get the best policy?
- Pick the policy that gives the maximal expected
reward - For each policy p
- Simulate the policy (take actions suggested by
the policy) to get behavior traces - Evaluate the behavior traces
- Take the average value of the behavior traces.
We will concentrate on infinite horizon
problems (infinite horizon doesnt
necessarily mean that that all behavior
traces are infinite. They could be finite
and end in a sink state)
7Horizon Policy
If you are twenty and not a liberal, you are
heartless If you are sixty and not a
conservative, you are mindless
- We said policy is a function from states to
actions.. but we sort of lied. - Best policy is non-stationary, i.e., depends on
how long the agent has to live which is
called horizon - More generally, a policy is a mapping from
ltstate, time-to-deathgt ? ltactiongt - So, if we have a horizon of k, then we will have
k policies - If the horizon is infinite, then policies must
all be the same.. (So infinite horizon case is
8Horizon Policy
If you are twenty and not a liberal, you are
heartless If you are sixty and not a
conservative, you are mindless
- How long should behavior traces be?
- Each trace is no longer than k (Finite Horizon
case) - Policy will be horizon-dependent (optimal action
depends not just on what state you are in, but
how far is your horizon) - Eg Financial portfolio advice for yuppies vs.
retirees. - No limit on the size of the trace (Infinite
horizon case) - Policy is not horizon dependent
We will concentrate on infinite horizon
problems (infinite horizon doesnt
necessarily mean that that all behavior
traces are infinite. They could be finite
and end in a sink state)
9How to handle unbounded state sequences?
- If we dont have a horizon, then we can have
potentially infinitely long state sequences.
Three ways to handle them - Use discounted reward model ( ith state in the
sequence contributes only i R(si) - Assume that the policy is proper (i.e., each
sequence terminates into an absorbing state with
non-zero probability). - Consider average reward per-step
10How to evaluate a policy?
- Step 1 Define utility of a sequence of states in
terms of their rewards - Assume stationarity of preferences
- If you prefer future f1 to f2 starting tomorrow,
you should prefer them the same way even if they
start today - Then, only two reasonable ways to define Utility
of a sequence of states - U(s1, s2 ? sn) ?n R(si)
- U(s1, s2 ? sn) ?n i R(si) (0 1)
- Maximum utility bounded from above by Rmax/(1 -
) - Step 2 Utility of a policy ¼ is the expected
utility of the behaviors exhibited by an agent
following it. E ?1t0 t
R(st) ¼ - Step 3 Optimal policy ¼ is the one that
maximizes the expectation argmax¼ E ?1t0 t
R(st) ¼ - Since there are only As different policies, you
can evaluate them all in finite time (Haa haa..)
11Utility of a State
- The (long term) utility of a state s with respect
to a policy \pi is the expected value of all
state sequences starting with s - U¼(s) E ?1t0 t R(st) ¼ , s0 s
- The true utility of a state s is just its utility
w.r.t optimal policy U(s) U¼(s) - Thus, U and ¼ are closely related
- ¼(s) argmaxa ?s Mass U(s)
- As are utilities of neighboring states
- U(s) R(s) argmaxa ?s Mass U(s)
Bellman Eqn
(sequence of states behavior)
How about deterministic case? U(si) is the
shortest path to the goal ?
13Bellman Equations as a basis for computing
optimal policy
- Qn Is there a simpler way than having to
evaluate AS policies? - Yes
- The Optimal Value and Optimal Policy are related
by the Bellman Equations - U(s) R(s) argmaxa ?s Mass U(s)
- ¼(s) argmaxa ?s Mass U(s)
- The equations can be solved exactly through
- value iteration (iteratively compute U and then
compute ¼) - policy iteration ( iterate over policies)
- Or solve approximately through real-time dynamic
U(i) R(i) maxj Maij U(j)
15Value Iteration Demo
- http//www.cs.ubc.ca/spider/poole/demos/mdp/vi.htm
l - Things to note
- The way the values change (states far from
absorbing states may first reduce and then
increase their values) - The convergence speed difference between Policy
and value
16Updates can be done synchronously OR
asynchronously --convergence guaranteed
as long as each state updated
infinitely often
Why are values coming down first? Why are some
states reaching optimal value faster?
17 Terminating Value Iteration
- The basic idea is to terminate the value
iteration when the values have converged (i.e.,
not changing much from iteration to iteration) - Set a threshold e and stop when the change across
two consecutive iterations is less than e - There is a minor problem since value is a vector
- We can bound the maximum change that is allowed
in any of the dimensions between two successive
iterations by e - Max norm . of a vector is the maximal value
among all its dimensions. We are basically
terminating when Ui Ui1 lt e
18Policies converge earlier than values
- There are finite number of policies but infinite
number of value functions. - So entire regions of value vector are mapped
to a specific policy - So policies may be converging faster than
values. Search in the space of policies - Given a utility vector Ui we can compute the
greedy policy pui - The policy loss of pui is Upui-U
- (max norm difference of two vectors is the
maximum amount by which they differ on any
Consider an MDP with 2 states and 2 actions
19n linear equations with n unknowns.
We can either solve the linear eqns exactly,
or solve them approximately by running the
value iteration a few times (the update wont
have the max operation)
It's the mark of a truly educated man to be
deeply moved by statistics. -Oscar Wilde
- Suppose you randomly reshuffled the world, and
you have 100 people on your street (randomly
sampled from the entire world). - On your street, there will be 5 people from US.
Suppose they are a family. This family - Will own 2 of the 8 cars on the entire street
- Will own 60 of the wealth of the whole street
- Of the 100 people on the street, you (and you
alone) will have had a college education - and of your neighbors
- Nearly half (50) of your neighbors would suffer
from malnutrition. - About 13 of the people would be chronically
hungry. - One in 12 of the children on your street would
die of some mostly preventable disease by the age
of 5 from measles, malaria, or diarrhea. One in
12. - If we came face to face with these inequities
every day, I believe we would already be doing
something more about them. -
--William H. Gates (5/2003) -
(On Bill Moyers NOW program)
21Bellman equations when actions have costs
- The model discussed in class ignores action costs
and only thinks of state rewards - C(s,a) is the cost of doing action a in state s
- Assume costs are just negative rewards..
- The Bellman equation then becomes
- U(s) R(s) maxa -C(s,a) ?s R(s)
Mass - Notice that the only difference is that -C(s,a)
is now inside the maximization - With this model, we can talk about partial
satisfaction planning problems where - Actions have costs goals have utilities and the
optimal plan may not satisfy all goals.
22Incomplete observability(the dreaded POMDPs)
- To model partial observability, all we need to do
is to look at MDP in the space of belief states
(belief states are fully observable even when
world states are not) - Policy maps belief states to actions
- In practice, this causes (humongous) problems
- The space of belief states is continuous (even
if the underlying world is discrete and finite).
GET IT? GET IT?? - Even approximate policies are hard to find
(PSPACE-hard). - Problems with few dozen world states are hard to
solve currently - Depth-limited exploration (such as that done in
adversarial games) are the only option
Belief state s10.3, s20.4 s40.3
5 UPs
5 rights
This figure basically shows that belief states
change as we take actions
23Real Time Dynamic Programming
- Value and Policy iteration are the bed-rock
methods for solving MDPs. Both give optimality
guarantees - Both of them tend to be very inefficient for
large (several thousand state) MDPs (Polynomial
in S ? ) - Many ideas are used to improve the efficiency
while giving up optimality guarantees - E.g. Consider the part of the policy for more
likely states (envelope extension method) - Interleave search and execution (Real Time
Dynamic Programming) - Do limited-depth analysis based on reachability
to find the value of a state (and there by the
best action you should be doingwhich is the
action that is sending you the best value) - The values of the leaf nodes are set to be their
immediate rewards - Alternatively some admissible estimate of the
value function (h) - If all the leaf nodes are terminal nodes, then
the backed up value will be true optimal value.
Otherwise, it is an approximation
For leaf nodes, can use R(s) or some heuristic
value h(s)
24MDPs and Deterministic Search
- Problem solving agent search corresponds to what
special case of MDP? - Actions are deterministic Goal states are all
equally valued, and are all sink states. - Is it worth solving the problem using MDPs?
- The construction of optimal policy is an overkill
- The policy, in effect, gives us the optimal path
from every state to the goal state(s)) - The value function, or its approximations, on the
other hand are useful. How? - As heuristics for the problem solving agents
search - This shows an interesting connection between
dynamic programming and state search paradigms - DP solves many related problems on the way to
solving the one problem we want - State search tries to solve just the problem we
want - We can use DP to find heuristics to run state
25RTA(RTDP with deterministic actionsand leaves
evaluated by f(.))
S n
G1 H2 F3
G1 H2 F3
G2 H3 F5
RTA is a special case of RTDP --It is useful
for acting in determinostic, dynamic worlds
--While RTDP is useful for actiong in stochastic,
dynamic worlds
--Grow the tree to depth d --Apply f-evaluation
for the leaf nodes --propagate f-values up to the
parent nodes f(parent) min(
26What if you see this as a game?
If you are perpetual optimist then V2
If you have deterministic actions then RTDP
becomes RTA (if you use h(.) to evaluate leaves
27Incomplete observability(the dreaded POMDPs)
- To model partial observability, all we need to do
is to look at MDP in the space of belief states
(belief states are fully observable even when
world states are not) - Policy maps belief states to actions
- In practice, this causes (humongous) problems
- The space of belief states is continuous (even
if the underlying world is discrete and finite).
GET IT? GET IT?? - Even approximate policies are hard to find
(PSPACE-hard). - Problems with few dozen world states are hard to
solve currently - Depth-limited exploration (such as that done in
adversarial games) are the only option
Belief state s10.3, s20.4 s40.3
5 UPs
This figure basically shows that belief states
change as we take actions
28Claude Shannon (finite look-ahead)
Chaturanga, India (550AD) (Proto-Chess)
Von Neuman (Min-Max theorem)
Donald Knuth (a-b analysis)
John McCarthy (a-b pruning)
29What if you see this as a game?
If you are perpetual optimist then V2
30Game Playing (Adversarial Search)
- Perfect play
- Do minmax on the complete game tree
- Alpha-Beta pruning (a neat idea that is the bane
of many a CSE471 student) - Resource limits
- Do limited depth lookahead
- Apply evaluation functions at the leaf nodes
- Do minmax
- Miscellaneous
- Games of Chance
- Status of computer games..
31Fun to try and find analogies between this and
environment properties
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33lt 2
lt 2
lt 5
lt 14
- Whenever a node gets its true value, its
parents bound gets updated - When all children of a node have been evaluated
(or a cut off occurs below that node), the
current bound of that node is its true value - Two types of cutoffs
- If a min node n has bound ltk, and a max ancestor
of n, say m, has a bound gtj, then cutoff occurs
as long as j gtk - If a max node n has bound gtk, and a min ancestor
of n, say m, has a bound ltj, then cutoff occurs
as long as jltk
- Agenda
- Adversarial Search (30min)
- Learning Inductive Learning (45min)
35Another alpha-beta example
Project 2 assigned
36(order nodes in terms of their static eval
Click for an animation of Alpha-beta search in
action on Tic-Tac-Toe
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38Searching Tic Tac Toe using Minmax
A game is considered Solved if it can be shown
that the MAX player has a winning (or at least
Non-losing) Strategy This means that the
backed-up Value in the Full min-max Tree is ve
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42Evaluation Functions TicTacToe
If win for Max infty If lose for Max
-infty If draw for Max 0 Else
rows/cols/diags open for Max -
rows/cols/diags open for Min
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45What depth should we go to? --Deeper the
better (but why?) Should we go to uniform
depth? --Go deeper in branches where
the game is in a flux (backed up
values are changing fast)
Called Quiescence Can we avoid the horizon
46Why is deeper better?
- Possible reasons
- Taking mins/maxes of the evaluation values of the
leaf nodes improves their collective accuracy - Going deeper makes the agent notice traps thus
significantly improving the evaluation accuracy - All evaluation functions first check for
termination states before computing the
non-terminal evaluation
47(just as human weight lifters refuse to compete
against cranes)
48End of Gametrees
49(so is MDP policy)
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52Multi-player Games
Everyone maximizes their utility --How does
this compare to 2-player games? (Maxs
utility is negative of Mins)
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