Title: Sensor Network Application Construction Kit SNACK
1Sensor Network Application Construction Kit
Center for Embedded Networked Sensing
Ben Greenstein, Eddie Kohler, Deborah Estrin CENS
Systems Lab http//lecs.cs.ucla.edu
Introduction Make application development easy
without sacrificing control or efficiency
Sensor networks are hard to program
Can we doing anything to make it easier?
- Complicated systems implementations
- Complexity of SN systems (due in large part to
the need for efficient use of constrained
resources), has required application development
by systems programmers, not end users - Hand-crafted applicationsComponents,
initializations, and wirings typically are
handcrafted for single services or for monolithic
applications optimized by eye, not by a
compiler and require much tinkering upon reuse
- Macrocompiler support for application
construction - SNACKs objective is to automate the difficult
parts of application construction. Its goal is
to provide a way for non-programmers to easily
develop efficient sensor network applications - New component library and configuration
languageHow should components be written? How
should interfaces be specified and used? How
should applications be configured? What sorts of
compiler support can help to achieve our goals?
Goals Desired properties of an application
construction paradigm for sensor networks
- Efficiency
- Macrocompiler support for structural optimization
- Ease
- Non-programmers can snap together services to
build an application
- Reusability
- Components should be general enough to be reused
in a variety of contexts
- Backwards compatibility
- Services comprised of nesC components
- Flexibility
- Default behaviors make it easy to create apps,
while still exposing fine control over
- Extensibility
- Easy to write new components and wire together
new services
Proposed Solution A new configuration language,
application service library, and compiler
Extensions to nesCs Component Model
Sample Application Data Collection via a
Routing Tree
Sample Service Tree Dispatch
- Instances
- SNACK implements instances on top of nesC
- Simpler and easier to debug than code duplication
- Enables creation of pluggable, reusable services
- Parameterization
- SNACK lets a service or component author expose
specific tunable initialization knobs to a
service user - Controlled sharing
- Strict memory limitations on sensor nodes require
us to avoid any unnecessary instance duplication - The SNACK compiler is smart enough to combine
components when possible. Service authors can
control this sharing with - loose parameter constraints (this timer
frequency is at least 10 Hz., which lets this
timer be combined with any other timer with
frequency ? 10 Hz) - connectedness constraints (this interface can be
used at most once) - explicitly marked exclusivity (this component
must not be shared, because its used to store
private state, for example) - Default components
- A service can specify some default components
that the application can override - Service weaving
- Self-weaving services, whose components weave
themselves together with other services into a
small configuration - The key is the transitive connection ( ..gt) .
Where a conventional component connection says A
and B are directly connected using interface I,
a transitive connection says A and B are
connected via some path using interface I - Multiple services automatically join together to
create a minimal, shared path for messages or
events - Reduces asynchrony and memory cost
- An application is specified by connecting a few
application-level services. - These application-level services light and
temperature samplers and two declarations of tree
dispatch are expanded into their composite
services. - The partial expansion shows a one level service
expansion of the tree dispatch and the samplers.
The further expansion shows the expansion of the
tree service and link estimator. The full
expansion (not shown) is a wiring containing the
maximum set of component instances required to
realize the application. - SNACKs compiler generates this full expansion,
identifies component declarations that are
compatible and can be realized with a single
instance, and constructs the application with the
minimum number of instances required to do so.
LightSampler -gt collectPut16
TreeDispatch TempSampler -gt collectPut16
TreeDispatch service TreeDispatch (uint32_t
period) my dispatch TreeDispatch16PM my
nf NullForwarder16M ? collect
NodePut16 -gt dispatch nf collect
NodePut16 -gt dispatch dispatch putRoot
NodePut16 -gt nf dispatch dataFromChild
NodePut16 -gt nf dispatch subtreeReady
Signal -gt nf srcMsgSrc
(period lt period) outMsgRcv ..gt
dispatch ..gt Network inMsgRcv
..gt dispatch ..gt MsgSink
dispatch newMessage Put32 -gt src
dispatch lookup Get16 -gt Tree(period
period) dispatch Attr -gt Attr dispatch
Access16 -gt my NodeStore16M
A two line application specification
Services may take initialization parameters
Default components, which may be overridden
Inequalities place bounds on initialization
Transitive wirings establish precedence
Some components cannot be shared
Performance Comparison
Comparison of a SNACK application that senses
light and temperature and forwards up a routing
tree with a SNACK application that just senses
temperature, a SNACK application that was built
with no transitive arrows, and the Surge
application modified to sample light and
Resource allocation for the mica2.
Breakdown of resource allocation for SNACK
Forwarders largest modules.
Work initiated in collaboration with David
Culler, Intel Research Berkeley