Title: The Solar Resource
1The Solar Resource
- Solar Energy Workshop
- Colorado School of Mines
- Steve Wilcox
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- June 21, 2007
- A Primer on Solar Radiation Data from Shining On
- What are solar radiation measurements?
- Why do we need solar radiation data?
- What influences the amount of solar radiation?
- How do we use solar radiation data?
- How accurate do the data need to be?
- How are we meeting our solar radiation data
needs? - Where can you obtain solar radiation data?
3The SunA Constant Source of Energy?
4Measuring and Using Solar Radiation at the
Earths Surface
- Energy from the Sun at the Earths Surface
- Different parts of the sky
- Change with time (minutes, hours)
- Change with time (seasons, years, decades)
- Change with location
5What are Solar Radiation Measurements?
- Light from the sky dome
- Direct from the sun
- Everywhere but the sun
- Entire sky
- We call it
- Direct (beam)
- Diffuse (sky)
- Global (total)
- Global is the sum of direct and diffuse
6What are Solar Radiation Measurements?
Direct Normal Measured by a Pyrheliometer on a
sun-following tracker
Global Horizontal Measured by a Pyranometer with
a horizontal sensor
Diffuse Measured by a shaded Pyranometer under a
tracking ball
7Solar Irradiance Components
- Global Direct Normal Cos(Z) Diffuse
18 dots 8 dots
8Clear Sky
Direct (Beam)
Global (Total)
Diffuse (Sky)
9Partly Cloudy Sky
Direct (Beam)
Global (Total)
Diffuse (Sky)
10Units of Solar Radiation
- Watts per square meter (W/m2)
- Watt hours per square meter (Wh/m2)
- Joules per square meter
- BTU per square foot
- Langleys
- Calories per square centimeter
11Units of Power and Energy
- Work Force x distance (newton meter)
- An activity involving force and movement in the
direction of the force - Power Work per unit time (Nm/s, watt)
- A rate of doing work how quickly work can be
accomplished can be instantaneous - Energy Sustained power (joule, watt sec or
more commonly, watt hours) - The capacity to do work the currency of work
how much work can be done is not instantaneous
12Power and Energy
- With automobiles
- You buy power at the car dealer
- You buy energy at the filling station
- When you pay your electric bill, which are you
paying for? - a) Power
- b) Energy
13Power and Energy
- With automobiles
- You buy power at the car dealer
- You buy energy at the filling station
- When you pay your electric bill, which are you
paying for? - a) Power
- b) Energy
- c) Work
14Aesop on Power and Energy
- The Tortoise and the Hare
- The hare leaps forward to an early lead, then
rests half way through the course. - The tortoise moves ahead at a steady pace and
crosses the finish line before the hare awakens. - Slow and steady wins the race means what in the
context of power and energy?
15Units of Solar Radiation
- Which is Power which is Energy?
- Watts per square meter (W/m2)
- Watt hours per square meter (Wh/m2)
16Spectral Distribution of Solar Radiation
Broadband Solar Radiation 280 nm - 3,000 nm
17Spectral Irradiance
- Basic Solar Spectral Regions
- Ultraviolet..200 - 400 nm
- Visible....400 - 700 nm
- Infrared..700 - 3000 nm
18Follow the Photons!
19Photovoltaic Responses
ASTM Standard AM 1.5 Global _at_ 37.5º Tilt
20Simple Model for Atmospheric Radiative Transfer
of SunshineSMARTS
21Thermopile Detectors
How do the radiometers work? Thermo-electric
detectors Two metals Heat
Electrical Potential
The Eppley Laboratory, Inc.
22Photoelectric Detectors
Fast, Low-Cost, with Reduced Spectral Response
23Changes with Time Location Annual Cycle
24Changes with Time Inter-annual
25Changes with Time Inter-annual
26Why Do We Need Solar Radiation Data?
- Agriculture Photosynthesis
- Astronomy Solar Output Variation
- Atmospheric Science Numerical Weather Prediction
- Climate Change Energy Balance
- Health UV effects on skin
- Hydrology Evaporation
- Materials Degradation
- Oceanography Energy Balance
- Photobiology Light and Life
- Renewable Energy Sustainability
27Why Do We Need Solar Radiation Data?Renewable
- The amount of solar energy reaching the earths
land areas - in 1 hour is enough to supply the U.S. energy
needs for - 1 year (100 Quads/yr)
- Photovoltaics
- Solar Heat-thermal
- Solar Heat-electric
- Solar Fuel-biomass
- Passive Solar Lighting
- Building HVAC
- Solar Detoxification
28What Influencesthe Amount of Solar Radiation?
- Solar output 11 year solar cycle
- Earth-Sun distance 3.5 annual variation
- Clouds Dominant factor
- Water vapor Selective absorber
- Air pollution 40 less direct
- Smoke from forest fires Natural or man-made
- Volcanic ash Global effect for years
- Location
- Time of day Solar position
- Season
29What Influencesthe Amount of Solar Radiation?
- Earths Orbit
- Earth-Sun distance
- Relative tilt
- Time of day
30Solar Constant
World Radiation Center, Davos, Switzerland
31What Influences the Amount of Solar Radiation?
32How Do We Use Solar Radiation Data?
- Technology Selection
- Siting
- System Design
- Performance Monitoring
Flat Plate and Concentrating Collectors
33How Accurate Do the Data Need to Be?
- What are the Cost/Benefit and risks?
- Illuminated through Resource Assessment of solar
resource - Higher value project (risk?) may demand higher
accuracy - What is the application?
- Residential (solar water preheat)
- Commercial (daylighting building thermal
performance) - Industrial (concentrating collector solar power
plant) - What is the period of interest?
- Instantaneous, daily, seasonal, annual? Longer
averaging intervals can remove random errors - Recent data more accurate than historical records
(climate trends and technology advancements)
34How Accurate Do the Data Need to Be?
- What is possible?
- Measurement Uncertainty Estimates
Instantaneous data intervals
35How Will We Meet Our Solar Radiation Data Needs?
- Research Activities
- Solar Radiation Research Laboratory
- Metrology
- Optics
- Electronics
- Data Acquisition
- Photovoltaic Program
- Radiometric Measurements
- Climate Change
- Broadband Radiometer Mentor
- Collaborations
- WMO, UNEP, NCAR, NOAA, state local govt,
36Solar Radiation Research Lab
- Baseline Measurements
- Radiometer Calibrations
- Instrument Development
- Station Operator Training
37NSRDB Update 1991-2005Released in May 2007
- NSRDB Gridded SUNY Data
- Includes hourly satellite modeled solar data for
years 1998-2005 on 10km grid - Hourly solar for any location can be combined
with hourly met data for PV and CSP simulation.
- NSRDB Station Data
- Contains hourly solar and meteorological data for
1454 ground locations, 1991-2005 - Distributed by National Climatic Data Center and
NREL via web
38Southwest Solar ResourcesUnfiltered Data
39Southwest Solar ResourcesTransmission Overlay
40Southwest Solar ResourcesSolar Resource gt 6.75
41Southwest Solar ResourcesPrevious plus
environmental Land Use Exclusions
42Southwest Solar ResourcesPrevious plus slope lt 3
43Where Can You Obtain solar Radiation Data?
- Shining On Primer
- http//rredc.nrel.gov/solar/pubs/shining/
- Renewable Resource Data Center (Includes NSRDB)
- http//rredc.nrel.gov
- Measurement Instrumentation Data Center
(Real-time data) - http//www.nrel.gov/midc
- NREL Map Server (Maps and interactive products)
- http//www.nrel.gov/maps
- World Radiation Data Center (International solar
data) - http//wrdc-mgo.nrel.gov
- National Climatic Data Center (Meteorological
data) - http//www.ncdc.noaa.gov
- DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program
(Research) - http//www.arm.gov
- NOAA Surface Radiation Research Branch (Research)
- http//www.srrb.noaa.gov
- NOAA Earth Systems Research Laboratory (Research)
- http//www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/
44Key Points
- Accurate information is important for policy
decisions, technology selection, siting,
designing,and monitoring the performance of solar
energy conversion systems - Accurate measurements are important for model
development - The work we do to improve solar measurements
- Calibration
- Instrument characterization
- Measurement techniques (operations and
maintenance, radiometer selection, installation
considerations, etc.) - Data Quality Assessment
- Training
- Data distribution to meet user needs (MIDC,
45The Solar Resource