Title: Teaching School Mathematics through Problem Solving
1Teaching School Mathematics through Problem
- Diana V. Lambdin
- (lambdin_at_indiana.edu)
- Frank K. Lester, Jr.
- (lester_at_indiana.edu)
- Indiana University
2The world is different!
- Information age
- Global economies
- New skills and concepts are needed
- The mathematics curriculum must prepare students
for this new world. - This means that what we teach and how we teach
must change!
3What does it mean to understand mathematics?
- Do well on national and international
assessments? - Recall facts and procedures from memory?
- Solve story problems?
- Apply what is learned in school in everyday
4Students understand a mathematical concept or
skill when they
- Demonstrate reasonable proficiency in using it.
(proficiency) - Use it to solve problems in a variety of contexts
(and not only in school) (application) - Know how it relates to other mathematical ideas
(connection) -
5A classroom scenario
- Grade 7
- Measurement unit on area
- perimeter
- Teacher goes over last nights
- homework
- Teacher reviews definitions
- formulas
- Teacher shows how to find area
- perimeter
- Students begin work on a set of 20 problems
- Complete work on the 20 problems
- Solve the following word problem
- A shop owner wants to put a new wood floor in
his shop. The shop is 12 meters long and 8 meters
wide. How many square meters of floor will the
wood cover? - Adapted from Stein et al., Implementing
Standards-based Mathematics Instruction. New
York Teachers College Press, 2000
7A different sort of classroom
- Grade 7
- Measurement unit on area perimeter
- Students begin work on a challenging task in
small groups - Work continues for the entire class period using
whatever tools the students need - Teacher goes from group to group, asks questions,
gives hints, but does not give answers
8The rabbit pen problem
- Ms. Gomezs class will raise rabbits for their
spring science fair. They have 24 meters of
fencing to build a rectangular rabbit pen for the
rabbits. - 1. If Ms. Gomezs students want their rabbits
to have as much room as possible, how long would
each side of the pen be? - How long would each side be if they had only 16
meters of fencing? - 3. How would you determine the pen with the
most room for any amount of fencing? Organize
your work so that someone else who reads it will
understand it.
9Another example The cylinders problem
- LAUNCH Do cylinders with the same surface area
have the same volume?
Questions for students
- Will all the cylinders hold the same amount?
Explain your reasoning. - How does changing the height affect the
circumference? Explain. - How does changing the circumference affect the
volume? Explain.
- Have students report about their findings.
- Encourage student-to-student questions.
- Look back How is this problem related to
problems we have done before? - What have we learned about the relationship
between circumference and volume? - Examine the formulas for surface area and volume
(Big math ideas) - SA (2p)RH V pR2H
12Extending the Activity
- Have students conjecture about what is happening
to the volume as the cylinder continues to be
cut, getting shorter and shorter (and wider and
wider). - Some students may become interested in exploring
the limit of the process of continuing to cut the
cylinders in half and forming new ones. - What if the cylinders have a top and bottom?
13Qualities of the Lesson
- A question is posed about an important
mathematics concept. - Students make conjectures about the problem.
- Students investigate and use mathematics to make
sense of the problem. - The teacher guides the investigation through
questions, discussions, and instruction. - Students expect to make sense of the problem.
- Students apply their understanding to another
problem or task involving these concepts.
14The Teachers Primary Role in TMTPS
Teaching Math through Problem Solving
- Coach, facilitator, designer, listener and
observer - BUT NOT
- Lecturer, expert (source of the best way to do
Nationellt Centrum för Matematikutbildning vid
Göteborgs Universitet
15Teaching Actions
- Provide hints as needed (focus or direction
hints) - Give early solvers a challenge
- Require all students to answer the question
- Discuss solution strategies with entire class
(Have students evaluate their own work) - Look back and look ahead (What have we learned?
Can we generalize? . . .)
- Motivate interest in the problem
- Read the problem with the students and discuss
what the information tells you - Ask Is this problem like others you have
solved? - (Optional) Discuss possible strategies
- Observe and question students to determine what
they are thinking
16Parts of a problem-solving lesson
Teaching Math through Problem Solving
- Launch (Actions 1 - 4)
- Explore (Actions 5 - 8)
- Summarize (Actions 9 - 10)
Nationellt Centrum för Matematikutbildning vid
Göteborgs Universitet
17Break into small groups
Teaching Math through Problem Solving
Nationellt Centrum för Matematikutbildning vid
Göteborgs Universitet
18Beliefs about Teaching through Problem Solving
- Problem solving can serve as a vehicle for
learning new mathematical ideas and skills. - A problem-centered approach to teaching
mathematics uses interesting and well-selected
problems to launch mathematical lessons and
engage students. - Good problems can inspire exploration of
important math, nurture persistence, reinforce
the need to understand strategies, math
properties and relationships.
19And also --
- PS ability develops over time and through
prolonged involvement - Math concepts, processes, and procedures interact
and develop concurrently - Instruction must be systematic, organized, and
teacher has a different role - Content is organized around big ideas
- Lessons often involve group work, reflective
writing, alternative assessment
20New roles and new expectations
- New roles for teachers
- New expectations for students
- Different kinds of tasks
- New emphases during instruction
- New types of assessment
21Challenges to teaching through problem solving
- Time
- Need for support
- Curriculum
- Alignment with assessment practices
- Unfamiliar role for (some) teachers
22Benefits of teaching through problem solving
- Promotes understanding
- Is motivating
- Helps memory
- Enhances transfer
- Influences attitudes and beliefs
- Promotes the development of autonomous learners