Title: Detector and Run Status: CDF, D
1Detector and Run StatusCDF, DØ and the Tevatron
- Susan Blessing
- Florida State University
- Frontiers in Contemporary Physics II
2The Tevatron
- Run I
- 1.8 TeV
- typically 1.6 x 1031 cm-2 s-1 at the beginning of
a store during Run Ib - design luminosity 1 x 1030 cm-2 s-1
- 6 x 6 bunches
- Want more!
- Increase Linac energy
- 200 to 400 GeV
- 1993 for Run Ib
- Replace the Main Ring with the Main Injector
- Antiproton storage ring the Recycler
- Raise the energy to 2 TeV
3Main Ring to Main Injector
- Main Ring
- original proton accelerator
- not designed to be an injector to the Tevatron
- not designed for antiproton production
- in the way of the detectors
- especially DØ!
- no extracted beam during collider operations
- Main Injector
- large aperture, rapid cycling, proton synchrotron
- deliver 120 GeV protons for antiproton production
- accelerate protons and antiprotons to 150 GeV for
injection - decelerate 150 GeV antiprotons to 8.9 GeV and
transfer to Recycler - deliver 120 GeV protons for MI fixed target
- while stacking antiprotons or more while not
- Antiproton availability is the most important
factor limiting luminosity - Run I and Run II
- Dont throw the antiprotons away at the end of a
store! - 75 of the initial antiprotons are still there
- recover about 60 of these
- The Recycler
- antiproton storage ring
- increase luminosity by 2 over MI alone
- increased stacking rate for antiprotons
- storage of more antiprotons
- re-cool large emittance antiprotons recovered
from the Tevatron
5Tevatron Engineering Run and Run II Startup
- Protons
- lifetime poor in Tevatron
- Antiprotons
- low intensity
- unstacking blows up emittance by 4x
- 30 in Run I
- non-repeatability when doing transfers
- improve with practice
- 50 loss in Tevatron
- not understood
- Emittances
- large, both transverse and longitudinal
- Tevatron
- at least five weeks of proton-only studies
- Pbar source
- 100 shifts to tune stacking and antiproton
extraction - Recycler
- orbit, aperture, beam line, RF, lattice, etc.
studies - need antiprotons to commission stochastic cooling
6Detector Upgrades
- Reduced bunch spacing
- Increased luminosity
- radiation damage to inner detectors
- Lots of data
- Want to do things better
- improved technologies
Tevatron Operations
Run Ib Run II Run IIa Run IIb
Bunches 6 x 6 36 x 36 140 x 103 140 x 103
Protons/bunch 2.3 x 1011 2.7 x 1011 2.7 x 1011 2.7 x 1011
Antiprotons/bunch 5.5 x 1010 3.0 x 1010 4.0 x 1010 1.0 x 1011
Crossing Angle (mrad) 0 0 136 136
Luminosity (cm-2 s-1) 0.16 x 1032 0.86 x 1032 2.1 x 1032 5.2 x 1032
òLdt per week (pb-1) 3.2 17 42 105
Bunch Spacing (ns) 3500 396 132 132
Interactions/crossing 2.5 2.3 1.9 4.8
7CDF Upgrade
- Keep
- 1.4 T superconducting magnet
- central calorimeters
- some of muon system
- New
- microvertex detector
- central tracking system
- endplug calorimeters
- muon coverage
- front-end readout electronics
- data acquisition system
8CDF Silicon Tracking
- Silicon microvertex detector (SVX II)
- five double-sided layers
- barrel geometry
- read out in r-f
- three small-angle and two 90 r-z stereo layers
- Layer 00 (L00)
- located directly on the beam pipe
- r 1.6 cm
- very radiation hard
- Intermediate silicon layers (ISL)
- one full and one partial layer
- allows stand-alone silicon tracking
- for h lt 2
- improves b-tagging efficiency
9CDF Outer Tracking
- Central outer tracker (COT)
- drift chamber
- cylindrical geometry
- near-axial and small angle sense wires
- gold-plated mylar sheets for field shaping
- 3D track reconstruction
- h lt 1.3
- track-based Level 1 trigger
- dE/dx
- Time of flight system
- 216 scintillator bars between COT and solenoid
cryostat - 25 ps timing
- particle identification
- p/K/p separation
10CDF Forward Calorimeters
- Old
- gas proportional chambers
- sampling errors, electrical noise, glow
discharge - slow charge collection
- separate plug and forward calorimeters
- New
- endplug calorimeters no gap
- scintillator based
- hadronic section
- reuse steel plates, add additional steel to 3
- EM section (new)
- lead absorber
11CDF Muon System
- Central
- lower gas gains
- gaps filled
- Intermediate muon system (IMU)
- in space made available by endplug calorimeters
- coverage to h 2
- Double the central muon coverage of Run I
12CDF Commissioning Run Fall, 2000
- Mostly complete mechanically
- Not quite as complete electronically
- Lots of things to fix, but nothing major
Silicon, COT and calorimeter
Silicon layer 4 known to be noisy No alignment
done yet
13CDF Status
- Complete except for
- TOF electronics
- few trigger boards
- silicon detector
- connections and checking
- about another week of connection, cable dressing,
and testing - Trigger TDC boards
- 12,000 plated-through holes each
- a few bad ones on each board
- tedious to find!
- possible reliability problem
- enough for COT and most of muon system
- have ordered spares
- Data acquisition
- commissioning run
- all systems have been read out
- Reconstruction software
- all new, C
- works at some level
- reconstructed K0s, Ls, jets from commissioning
14DØ Upgrade Capabilities
- Tag displaced vertices
- rf resolution lt20 mm
- pT gt 1 GeV, h lt 2
- Reduced muon background
- Momentum measurement
- charge sign
- calorimeter calibration
- Improved electron id
- E/p matching
- forward rejection improved
- factor of 3 5
- Trigger
- Level 1 tracking trigger
- lower muon trigger thresholds without prescaling
- single muon pT gt 7 GeV dimuon pT gt 2 GeV
- displaced vertices
- beyond-the-baseline
15DØ Upgrade
- Keep
- calorimeters
- toroid
- central muon system
- New
- central magnetic field
- central tracking
- forward muon system
- cosmic scintillator shield
- forward shielding
- forward proton detectors
- front-end electronics
- trigger system
- data acquisition system
16DØ Solenoidal Magnet
- 2 T field
- sinq ò Bzdl is uniform to 0.5 along the
trajectory of any particle reaching the solenoid - DpT/pT 0.002
- about 1 radiation length thick
- Liquid helium cooling
- Wound with two layers of superconductor
- increased current density at ends for field
17DØ Silicon Microstrip Tracker
- Interleaved barrels and disks
- barrels are a combination of 90 and 2 stereo
angles - disks are 15 stereo, 7 in the very forward
region - 793,000 channels
- Resolution
- 10 mm in rf 40 mm in z
18DØ Tracking System
- Scintillating fiber tracker (CFT)
- 8 layers, each 2 fiber doublets in a u-z or v-z
configuration (u,v 3 stereo) - 20 50 cm from beam
- visible light photon counters
- 77,000 channels
- Preshower detectors (CPS, FPS)
- fast energy and position measurements for trigger
and id - lead preradiator
- triangular scintillator strips with embedded
wavelength-shifting fibers - read out using VLPCs
- resolution lt1.4 mm for 10 GeV electrons
From cosmic rays
need 2.5 p.e.
19DØ Muon System
- Forward muon system (FAMUS)
- three layers of mini drift tubes
- proportional mode with fast gas
- drift time 60 ns
- three layers of scintillation counters
- Shielding around the beam pipe
- iron (hadron and em absorber)polyethylene
(neutron absorber)lead (gamma ray absorber) - Central muon system
- faster gas
- slightly decreased resolution
- Cosmic cap and bottom
- scintillator surrounding detector
- A-phi scintillation counters
- between inner muon PDTs and the toroid
20DØ Forward Proton Detector
- Rapidity gap physics
- Roman pot detectors very close to the beam
- within the beam pipe
- Beyond-the-baseline
21DØ in the Collision Hall
22DØ Detector Status
- Detector is mechanically complete
- except forward proton detector
- Electronics are not
- central fiber tracker and preshower detectors
- readout incomplete
- analog front end at vendor
- very rigorous specs
- May installation for CFT
- end of summer for PS
- silicon microstrip tracker
- about 25 connected
- all parts available
- 6 8 weeks of access
- Current work focusing on the south-west quadrant
of the detector - by 1x8 stores, one-quarter to one-half of the
detector will be functional - except detectors involving light detection
23DØ Trigger
- Run I 1 MHz to 3.5 Hz
- Run II 7.5 MHz to 50 Hz
- Level 1
- calorimeter, preshower detectors, fiber tracker,
muon system - no deadtime at 132 ns running
- 4.2 ms decision time
- pipelined 32 crossings
- 6 kHz output
- Level 2
- multi-detector correlations
- tracking preprocessors
- CFT, FPS and SMT
- 100 ms decision time
- lt 5 deadtime at 132 ns
- 1 kHz output
- Level 3
- parallel, fast processors
- partial event reconstruction
- 100 ms decision time
- depends on the type of event
- 50 70 Hz output
24DØ Trigger Status
- Level 1
- calorimeter and muon
- partly there
- prototype boards mid-April?
- Level 2
- a-processors are not available
- preproduction boards perfect
- all first production boards failed
- broken chips, bad plated-through holes,
non-standard design practices - some have been repaired
- complete redesign
- off-the-shelf hardware
- prototype this summer
- Level 3
- 8 Hz to start50 Hz mid to end March200 Hz
May/June1 kHz June/July - problem with design of serial interface boards
- too ambitious and too big
- used in nearly all L3 components
- simplify design
- component-specific boards
- Start with min-bias triggers
25DØ Computing
- Offline hardware operational
- central analysis cluster
- 192-processor Origin 2000
- SUN database servers
- production and development
- Linux reconstruction farm
- 200 worker nodes
- tape robot
- 750-TB capacity
- Data handling system
- well-tested with simulated data
- Software ready for early running
- all new in C
- full GEANT simulation and digitization
- reconstruction program
- reconstruct jets, EM objects, taus, muons, ET
- verified using simulated data and cosmics
- databases
- in production or under active development
- Level 3 filters
- being verified and ported
26Tentative Schedule
February 28 Establish interlocks
March 1 Tevatron cold ready for beam
March 1 23 Proton only studies
March 24 27 1 x 8 stores
March 28 April 9 Establish 36 x 36 running
April 9 16 36 x 36 stores
April 16 30 Access
May 1 ? Stores, with access4 days of access every two weeks
September One month shutdown
27Run II Has Begun!
- Tevatron
- emittances
- proton lifetime
- antiproton intensity
- tuning and practice
- complete silicon cabling
- trigger board testing and installation
- get everything working
- beyond-the-baseline
- complete TOF electronics
- DØ
- complete cabling
- SMT, calorimeters
- CFT, CPS and FPS readout electronics
- all by end of summer?
- Level 2 trigger
- difficult to predict
- goal is to be complete by the end of the
September shutdown - beyond-the-baseline
- silicon track trigger
- forward proton detector