Title: German Contribution to the international ACSYS Project
1German Contribution to the international ACSYS
The ACSYS Decade and Beyond 11-14 November
2003, St. Petersburg, Russia
Observations, simulations and scale interactions
of the stable boundary layer over polar ice
sheets Günther Heinemann Meteorological
Institute University of Bonn, Germany gheinemann_at_
uni-bonn.de http www.meteo.uni-bonn.de
A project funded by the Federal Ministry of
Education and Research
2The katabatic wind system (KWS)
Wintertime near-surface wind Antarctica
RACMO simulations 55 km resolution 1980-1993
winter months JJA Van Lipzig (2003)
Orography contour interval 1000 m
3Wintertime near-surface wind Greenland
NORLAM simulations 25 km resolution 10m wind Jan
1990 Heinemann and Klein (2002)
Constancy 0.8-0.9 gt0.9
Orography contour interval 500 m
4Katabatic wind dynamics
Integrated katabatic wind layer (Ball, 1956)
Pressure gradient (2D)
Pressure gradient (1D)
?- ?zs/?x
5Monthly means January 1990
10-4 ms-2
Synoptic forcing FS
10-4 ms-2
Topographic forcing FT
6Case study 22 April 1997
NORLAM 22 April 06 UTC (30h)
NORLAM 22 April 06 UTC (30h)
10-4 ms-2
10m wind
Topographic forcing FT
7Topographic forcing FT
10-4 ms-2
8Comparison NORLAM/aircraft
9Katabatic wind and boundary layer front
experiment around Greenland AprilMay 1997
10(No Transcript)
11KABEG Case study22 April 1997
Heinemann (2002)
12Profiles of turbulent fluxes
13Regimes of the katabatic wind system
14Stable boundary layer (SBL) Similarity
Surface layer (SL) scalingMonin-Obukhov (MO)
similarity theory (MOST) (Monin and Obukhov, 1956)
- Stationarity - Horizontal homogeneity - No
radiation flux divergence
Local scaling concept for the SBLNieuwstadt
(1984), Holtslag and Nieuwstadt (1986)
- - Stationarity
- - Horizontal homogeneity
- No TKE flux divergence
15Scaling regions KABEG
L from A4 data
16Local scaling for KABEG data
Variances (about 250 data points, 6 flights)
Heinemann (2004)
17Outlook German ACSYS Project Phase II
(2002-2005)Katabatic wind and polynia interaction
? Prognostic two-class sea ice model frazil ice
(FI) and consolidated ice (CI) Flato and Hibler
(1992), Shinohara (1990), Semtner (1976), Gallée
22h forecast
? Non-hydrostatic atmospheric model2-12 km
12h forecast
6h forecast
CI concentration
15 m wind 12h forecast
12 km nested and coupled run