Title: Multisignal Modeling of Complex Systems Qualtech, Systems Weathersfield, CT
1Multisignal Modeling of Complex SystemsQualtech,
SystemsWeathersfield, CT
INNOVATION Development of a complete multisignal
modeling methodology for simulation complex
hierarchical systems to formulate
troubleshooting strategies in the presence of
multiple failures. This technology de., document
and analyze integrated systems during all stages
of produce design and maintenance.
- Algorithms have been used extensively by
aerospace industry to uncover unanticipated
system failures. - COMMERCIALIZATION
- Sales of software and engineering services for
200K to Lockheed-Martin facilities for systems
testing - Sales of over 400K to Sikorsky Aircraft for
on-board diagnostics and portable maintenance aid
of US. Navy Seahawk helicopters - Sales of software for 100K to Boeing Helicopters
1553 Bus System
- Developed a software package for testability
engineering and maintenance system (TEAMS) which
was successfully demonstrated on NASA-Rockwell
liquid oxygen fuel system for the Space Shuttle - NASA Ames awarded Qualtech a Phase III contract
(NAS2-13605) for 113K for the analysis of
12-Foot Wind Tunnel operations-
Ames Research CenterSS2-019 Qualtech - Dr.
Krishna Pattipati (860) 257-8014 NASA - Dr. Ann
Paterson-Hine (650) 604-4178 ______________
1992 Phase 2, Contract No. NAS2-14320