Title: ODMG Query Language: OQL
1ODMG Query Language OQL
- OQL A standard query language for OODBMSs
- Specified by ODMG Object Data Management Group
- Objectives
- Declarative language
- Smooth Integration of query language with
programming language - SQL-like (not SQL compatible) retrieval queries
(not encapsulated) - Updates through methods or in programs
- Optimization provided by the DBMS
- Manipulation of named elements and collections
- Use of main OO concepts
- complex structure
- generalization / specialization hierarchies
- methods
3The FormaPerm Example
street number city ZIP
0n list
course cname cycle
4OQL SQL-like syntax
- SELECT DISTINCT ltdefinition of the resultgt
- FROM variablei IN collectioni, ..
- WHERE ltconditiongt
- GROUP BY HAVING predicate
- The result of a query can be input to another
query (closure/compositionality of the language) - Queries can be named
- ex define Q1 as ltquerygt
5Queries onto denotable elements
- Extents associated to classes (EXTENT clause )
- Return the name of the student having reg 111
- SELECT s?name
- FROM s IN Students
- WHERE s?reg 111
- Named variables
- name Phil Student
- queries
- Phil?name Return the name of the student denoted
as Phil - SELECT c?cname Return the name of the courses
- FROM c IN Phil?attends attended by the
student denoted as Phil
6Definition of the result
- The result can be
- An object (oid, non printable)
- A collection of objects
- A value (printable), atomic or complex, from
within an object - A value returned via a method call
- A collection of values
- Assuming
- NAME Phil Student
- Phil Student (name'Rochat', forenames LIST
('Philippe', 'André'), address , reg ,
birthdate , courses ) - Possible result definitions
- Phil an oid/object
- Phil?name a value
- Phil?age() a value computed by the method
- Students a collection of objects
7Query results
- An element
- A collection
- The semantics of the query defines the result as
an element or as a collection of a given type
(SET, LIST, BAG, ARRAY) - SELECT tFROM t IN TeachersWHERE t?status
'assistant' - gt SET of objects of type Teacher
- SELECT s?address?cityFROM s IN Students
- gt BAG of values of simple type STRING (with
duplicates) - SELECT DISTINCT s?address?city FROM s IN
Students - gt SET of values of simple type STRING (no
8Structured Result (flat)
- Return for each student her/his name and the city
(s)he lives in - SELECT STRUCT(name s?name, city
s?address?city)FROM s IN Students - gt BAG of complex values of type
STRUCT(name STRING, city STRING) - IMPORTANT the explicit creation of a complex
type (STRUCT SET LIST BAG ...) is mandatory - Just writing (name e?name, city
e?address?city) as a specification of the result
produces an "unknown OQL type" error
9Structured Result (nested)
- Return for each teacher his name and the names of
the courses he/she presents - SELECT STRUCT( name t?name, courses (SELECT
c?cname FROM c IN t?givesCourse))FROM t IN
Teachers -
- SET of complex types struct(name STRING,
courses SET(STRING)) - NB it is not possible to define the result as
- t?givesCourse?cname
- because givesCourse is multivalued and a
multivalued link cannot be used within a dot path
(it can only be used as last element in the path)
10Traversing structures
- Navigation through the data structure is
specified using the dot notation - x?y x monovalued composite element
- y component of x
- Examples (t denotes a teacher, c denotes a
course) - t?address?city
- c?prof?status
- t?givesCourse
- but
- t?givesCourse?cname is incorrect!
- This also applies to navigation through
composition links
11Traversing multivalued elements
- Associate a variable to the collection
- x IN Phil?courses (Phil is the name of an
object of type Student, Â courses is a
multivalued attribute of Student) - Use the dot notation to denote the targeted
component of the multivalued element - x?year
- Execution of the query iteratively binds the
variable to each component of the collection
(loop over collection elements) - Return Phils diplomas received during year 2000
- SELECT x?diploma
- FROM x IN Phil?courses
- WHERE x?year 2000
- (do NOT write Phil?courses?diploma !)
12Two uses for IN
- Within the FROM clause to declare a variable
over a collection - FROM s IN Students
- FROM x IN Phil?courses
- Within the WHERE clause to specify a "belongs
to/exists in" predicate - Example Return the names of courses attended by
Phil - 1) SELECT c?cname FROM c IN Phil.attends
- 2) SELECT c?cname FROM c IN Courses
WHERE Phil IN c.students
13Via Composition Links
- Links of cardinality 01 or 11
- Return the name of the teacher of the DB course
- SELECT c?prof?nameFROM c IN CoursesWHERE
c?cname 'DB' - Links of cardinality 0n or 1n
- Return the names of students registered for the
DB course - SELECT s?nameFROM c IN Courses, s IN
c?studentsWHERE c?cname 'DB'
14Nested OQL Queries
- Return the names of the courses attended by both
Phil and Annie Muller - SELECT c?cnameFROM c IN Phil?attendsWHERE c
IN ( SELECT x FROM s IN Students, x IN
s?attends WHERE s?name'Muller' AND
'Annie' IN s?forenames )
15Via Is-a links
- Given an access to a superclass, e.g
p?address?city'Lausanne' - What is the result?
- Only objects in the root class( persons nor
students neither teachers) - All the objects in the hierarchy rooted at the
superclass - Root class format (Person format), or
- Heterogeneous format (Person, Student, Teacher)?
- The result depends on the OODBMS at hand
- OQL all objects in homogeneous format (format of
the superclass)
16Testing Equality
- Return persons who live in an apartment they own
- SELECT pFROM p IN Persons, x IN p?ownsWHERE
p?lives x Oid test - Return persons who own an apartment identical to
the apartment they live in that is not the one
they live in - SELECT p FROM p IN Persons, x IN
p?ownsWHERE p?lives ? x AND
p?lives?nbRooms x?nbRooms AND
p?lives?type x?type AND
p?lives?surface x?surface
17Using methods
- Wherever an object/value of type X is expected, a
method whose result is an object/value of type X
can be used - Return name and age of students older than 30
- SELECT DISTINCT STRUCT( s?name, s?age() )
- FROM s in Students
- WHERE s?age()gt30
- Return students older than 30
- FROM s in Students
- WHERE s?age()gt30
18SELECT FROM WHERE Queries and syntax
19Type of queries
- 1. Atomic queries
- OQLgt 52310 (returns 235)
- OQLgt Students
- OQLgt Phil
- OQLgt Phil?name
- OQLgt Q1 (named queries)
- 3. ltquery1gt op ltquery2gt
- 4. Object / Value Creation
- SELECT DISTINCT ltresultgt
- FROM variablei IN collectioni, ..
- WHERE ltconditiongt
- GROUP BY HAVING predicate
- Result A bag or set of
- Value
- Object
- STRUCT (x?prop1, x?prop2, , x?propn )
- An element in STRUCT may be a query SELECT
- FROM x in collec1, y in collec2 Cartesian
product - WHERE predicate filtering retrieved elements
- Any expression that
- Denotes an object or a collection of objects
- SELECT t FROM t IN Teachers
- SELECT t?givesCourse FROM t IN Teachers
- Denotes a value or a collection of values
- SELECT t?name FROM t IN Teachers
- SELECT t?forenames FROM t IN Teachers
- Builds a complex value
- SELECT STRUCT (names?name, courses s?attends,
course2 (SELECT c FROM s?attends WHERE
c?cycle2) FROM s IN Students - STRUCT(name STRING, courses SET(Course),
course2 SET(Course))
22variablei IN collectioni
- collectioni may be any collection in the database
- An extent SELECT t FROM t IN Teachers WHERE
- Any other collection FROM t IN Teachers, c IN
t?givesCourse - Return the 2nd cycle courses attended by Phil
together with the name of their teacher - SELECT STRUCT(coursename c?cname,
profname c?prof?name)FROM c IN
(SELECT x FROM Phil?attends
WHERE x?cycle2)
23WHERE ltconditiongt
- Condition
- elementary condition
- (condition)
- condition AND condition
- condition OR condition
- Elementary condition
- expression1 comparison-operator expression2
- Examples (s is a Student)
- s?name 'Muller'
- s?age() lt 20
- 'Annie' IN s?forenames
- COUNT(s?forenames) gt 2
- With a quantifier
- EXISTS x IN s?courses x.year 2000
- FOR ALL x IN s?courses x.year gt 2000
24Existential Quantifier
- Conditions in the WHERE clause may be expressed
using existential quantification - EXISTS x IN collection condition0
- Declaration of a local variable x
- condition0 is a predicate on x
- (EXISTS) is true iff there is at least one
element in the collection that satisfies
condition0 - Return names of students who got at least a grade
6 - SELECT s FROM s IN Students
- WHERE EXISTS c in s?obtainedCourse c?grade6
25Universal Quantifier
- Conditions in the WHERE clause may be expressed
using universal quantification - FORALL x IN collection condition0
- Declaration of a local variable x
- condition0 is a predicate on x
- (FORALL) is true iff all elements of the
collection satisfy condition0 - Return names of students who got all their
obtained courses with grade 6 - SELECT s FROM s IN Students
- WHERE FORALL c in s?obtainedCourse c?grade6 AND
26Aggregation functions
- COUNT(collection)MIN(collection)MAX(collection)
AVG(collection)SUM(collection) - COUNT(Phil?courses) gt number of Phil diplomas
- COUNT(Students) gt number of students
p?name'Rochat') gt number of 'Rochat' in the
27Using Aggregate Functions
- For each student, return his/her name, the total
number of diplomas he/she has obtained, those
obtained in 2003 and the first year he/she
obtained a diploma. - SELECT STRUCT( name s?name, nbdiplomas
COUNT(s?courses) , nbdiplomas03 COUNT(
SELECT c FROM c IN s?courses
WHERE c?year2003) , firstyear MIN( SELECT
c?year FROM c IN s?courses) ) - FROM s IN Students
- SELECT DISTINCT STRUCT( s?name, s?forenames,
s?age() ) - FROM s IN Persons
- WHERE s?age()lt30
- ORDER BY s?name ASC
29Manipulating collections
- Conversion operators
- element(singleton)
- flatten(collection de collection)
- list_to_set, list_to_bag, bag_to_set
- distinct (ltbaggt)
31Element Grouping GROUP BY
- Objective to partition a collection into groups
of elements having the same value for a given
list of attributes, usually to compute aggregate
values for each group - Examples
- Return the number of courses in each cycle
- Return for each bank the number of professors and
assistants whose account is with the bank - Return for each city the number of students, and
the number of professors living in it - A group is called a partition
32Queries on Partitions
attribute1, label2 attribute2, - HAVING predicate
- Partitions the collection defined in the FROM
clause into subsets with elements having the same
values for attribute1, attribute2, - SELECT
- FROM v1 IN E1, v2 IN E2, WHERE
- GROUP BY att1 v1.A1, att2 v1.A2, att3
v2.A3, - resulting type is
- STRUCT (att1 TypeA1, att2 TypeA2, att3
TypeA3, - partition BAG(STRUCT(v1 TypeE1, v2
TypeE2, ) ) ) - HAVING Filter on the subsets
33Partition's Structure
- FROM v1 IN E1, v2 IN E2, WHERE
- GROUP BY att1 v1.A1, att2 v1.A2, att3
v2.A3, - resulting type is
- STRUCT (att1 TypeA1, att2 TypeA2, att3
TypeA3, - partition BAG(STRUCT(v1 TypeE1, v2
TypeE2, ) ) ) - --------------------------------------------------
---------------------------- - SELECT att1, att2, att3, numberOfx COUNT
(partition), maxOfB1 MAX(SELECT x.v1.B1 FROM
x IN partition) - FROM v1 IN E1, v2 IN E2 WHERE
- GROUP BY att1 v1.A1, att2 v1.A2, att3
v2.A3 - resulting type is
- STRUCT (att1 TypeA1, att2 TypeA2, att3
TypeA3, - partition BAG(STRUCT(numberOfx
INTEGER, maxOfB1 TypeB1) ) )
34Partition Query Example
- return number of courses per cycle
- SELECT cyc, numberOfCourses COUNT (partition)
- FROM c IN Course
- GROUP BY cyc c?cycle
- the type built by the GROUP BY is
- STRUCT (cyc INTEGER, partition BAG(STRUCT(c
Course)) ) - the result of the query is
35Partition Query Example2
- return students grouped by age
- SELECT ageGroup, st (SELECT STRUCT (sname
x?s?name, Â sforenames x?s?forenames FROM x
IN partition) ) - FROM s IN Students
- GROUP BY ageGroup s?age()
- the type built by the GROUP BY is
- STRUCT (ageGroup INTEGER, partition
BAG(STRUCT(s Student) ) - the result is
36Ad-Hoc Partitioning
- The grouping predicate can be explicitly defined
- FROM s IN Students
- GROUP BY (young s?age() lt 20,
- adult s?age() gt20 AND s?age() lt 40,
- old s?age() gt 40)
- resulting type is
- STRUCT lt young Boolean, adult Boolean, old
Boolean, partition BAG ( STRUCT (s
Student) ) -
T, F, F set of young students F, T, F set of
adult students F, F, T set of old students
- select the partitions to be kept
- FROM s IN Students
- GROUP BY city s?city
- HAVING COUNT (partition) gt 10
- Only partitions having more than 10 elements are
38Ordering Partitions
- FROM s IN Students
- GROUP BY city s?city
- ORDER BY AVG(SELECT s?age() FROM partition)
- the partitions are ordered by average age of the
students living in the same city
39Set Operations
40Set operators
- collection1 UNION collection2 collection1
EXCEPT collection2 (difference) - collection1 INTERSECT collection2
- (collections may be SET or BAG)
- Operands must have compatible types
- Same type, or
- Common super-type gt comparisons on common
properties only - For object collections, comparisons may compare
either values or oids OQL compares oids
41Set operators Example
- Return courses attended by Phil or (inclusive) by
Annie Muller - Phil.attends UNION(SELECT c FROM s IN
Students, c IN s?attends WHERE s?name
'Muller' AND 'Annie' IN
42Object / Value Creation
43Object Creation
- Object creation is via the class
constructor(i.e., the creation method specific
to the class) - OQLgt sStudent(name "Rochat", forenames (Marie,
Anne), reg 957, birthdate 19851205)
1) creates an object (with its oid) of type
Student 2) returns the oid (into variable s)3)
if there exists a population (EXTENT...) the
object is inserted into it (into Students)
44Value Creation
- Its type exists
- similar to object creation
- OQLgt aTaddress(street 'Rue Centrale', number
23, city 'Lausanne', ZIP1002) - Of a new type needs explicit definition of the
new type (using STRUCT, SET, LIST,
constructors) - OQLgt b STRUCT (cname 'ADB', profName
'Stefano', assistantName 'Fabio', section 'IN',
students SET (Phil, Annie, Nicole, ) )
- OQL a query language for OODBMS
- declarative gt query optimization done by the
DBMS - compatible with OO programming languages
- orthogonal wherever a concept of type X is
expected, all expressions evaluating to X can be
employed - Example FROM v IN collection
- collection may be any collection structure
- Population (extension)
- v2?multi-valued attribute