Title: SPFSIG Evaluation Step Five Requirements
1SPF-SIG Evaluation Step Five Requirements
At both the Grantee and local Community levels,
both process and outcome evaluation, and looking
at the first four steps of the Strategic
Prevention Framework
2SPF-SIG Evaluation Step FiveGrantee Requirements
- ? Identify Successes
- ? Encourage needed improvement
- ? Promote sustainability of effective policies,
programs, and practices - ? Adjust implementation plans based on
monitoring/evaluation activities -
3SPF-SIG Evaluation Step FiveGrantee
Requirements (cont.)
- ? Conduct ongoing monitoring and evaluation
activities, including both process and outcome
evaluation - ? Provide training and technical assistance to
communities regarding evaluation and performance
measurement - ? Assess program effectiveness
4SPF-SIG Evaluation Step FiveCommunity
- ? Monitor and evaluate activities
- ? Provide performance data to the Grantee
5SPF-SIG Evaluation Step Five
- Process and outcome evaluations must measure
change relating to project goals and objectives
over time compared to baseline information. - Grantees and communities must consider their
evaluation plans as it relates to their
prospective SPF-SIG budgets. -
6SPF-SIG EvaluationStep Five
- Process Evaluation Requirements
- ? Evaluate the implementation of the Strategic
Prevention Framework - ? Track progress in achieving SPF SIG goals
7SPF-SIG Outcome Evaluation Requirements Re Step
- Collect and report performance data on National
Outcome Domains - Identify sources of comparison data at Grantee
and community levels for NationalOutcome Domains
8SPF-SIG Evaluation Step Five
- Evaluation provides an opportunity to assess
the extent to which key stakeholders have
implemented the first 4 steps of the SPF.
9SPF-SIG EvaluationStep Five (Additional
- Identify and report the amount of funding focused
on underage drinking per year of the project - Submit revisions to data collection/evaluation
plan based on results of the Needs Assessment and
the resulting SPF SIG Plan