Title: Health Psychology
1Health Psychology
- Smoking
- Chapter 7
- PY470 - Hudiburg
2Who Smokes? F 7.1, p. 215
3Who Smokes?
- 20.9 of American adults about 45.1 million
(CDC 2005) slight decline since 2003 (21.6). - Rates higher in Males (23.9) than Females
(18.1), highest in American Indian (32.0) White
(21.9), African Americans (21.5), Hispanic
Americans (16.2) and Asian Americans (13.3). - Rate drop since mid 1960s (42.4) but rate has
dropped slightly since 1990 (25.5). - Which state has the highest rate and which state
has the lowest rate? Where is Alabama, Tennessee,
and Mississippi? - Smoking related to education and SES F 7.2, p.
216 - 1.3 million quit each year
- 3,000 teens start each day, 70 of adult smokers
started in adolescence Johnston et al. (1998),
but use decreasing - 8th grade (9.3), 10th grade (14.9), and 12
grade (23.2) - 2005 - 8th grade (19.1), 10th grade (27.9), and 12
grade (33.5) - 1995 - There are more ex-smokers (52.4) than current
smokers (20.9).
4Prevalence of adults (18 and older) smoking in
U.S. 2004 2006 CDC MMWR report
5Health Effects of Smoking
- Heart disease
- Lung disease COPD, asthma
- Cancer
- Lung, ENT, pancreas
- Cervix, colorectal
- Skin (squamous cell)
- Vascular disease - impotence
- Stroke
- Cataracts
- Gum disease
- Dementia
- Early menopause
- Osteoporosis
- Wound healing
- Anxiety
- Miscarriage
- Hearing loss
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Macular degeneration
- Tooth decay
- Depression
- Multiple sclerosis
6What are the health consequences of smoking?
- Leading cause of preventable mortality
- Smoking related illnesses cause 440,000 deaths
per year, CDC (2003) - These deaths occur 12 years earlier than would be
expected, so the aggregate annual loss exceeds 5
million life-years. - Linked to numerous types of cancer cause by
smoking 155,000 deaths per year among smokers - The majority of cancers of the lung, trachea,
bronchus, larynx, pharynx, oral cavity, nasal
cavity, and esophagus from tobacco - linked to increase risk of developing heart
disease and strokes - linked to other major illnesses
- linked to numerous pregnancy complications
7What are the health consequences of smoking?
- What causes the health consequences of smoking?
- constricts blood vessels
- increases heart rate and blood pressure
- increases cardiac output
- hardens the arteries (arteriosclerosis)
- disrupts the ability of the cilia to clear lungs
9 Healthy lung Smokers lung
10Oral CancerSquamous cell Leukoplakia
buccal mucosa of heavy smoker
90 are squamous cell carcinomas
buccal mucosa smoker of 2 packs/day
- Patient has long history of chronic white and red
lesions of soft palate - more likely for malignant transformation than
white patches
12Smoking changes BLACK HAIRY TONGUE
- Overgrowth of filiform papillae
- can be black, brown or yellow.
- will disappear on cessation of smoking
13(No Transcript)
14Smoking concerns
- Smoking and pregnant women lower birth weight
of child, ? miscarriage, ? rates of ADHD,
hyperactivity, and SIDS MacDorman et al. (1997) - Passive smoking (second-hand smoke) is a serious
problem - Effects on children infants respiratory
problems CDC report - Almost 60 percent of U.S. children aged 311
yearsor almost 22 million childrenare exposed
to secondhand smoke. - About 25 percent of children aged 3-11 years live
with at least one smoker, as compared to only
about 7 percent of nonsmoking adults. - Secondhand smoke exposure is responsible for an
estimated 150,000300,000 new cases of bronchitis
and pneumonia in children aged less than 18
months, resulting in 7,50015,000
hospitalizations. - The California Environmental Protection Agency
estimates that secondhand smoke exposure causes
approximately 3,400 lung cancer deaths and
22,70069,600 heart disease deaths annually among
adult nonsmokers in the United States. - Maternal smoking 700 SIDS cases each year in
U.S. Grunberg at al. (1997)
15Chemistry of tobacco smoke
- Cigarette smoke is composed of volatile and
particulate phases. - Contains some 500 gaseous compounds including
nitrogen, carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide,
ammonia, hydrogen cyanide and benzene. - There are about 3,500 different compounds in the
particulate phase, of which the major one is the
alkaloid nicotine. - The particulate matter without its alkaloid and
water content is called tar. - Many potential cancer inducing substances have
been identified in cigarette tar.
- Nicotine is an amine consisting of two rings
(pyridine and pyrrolidine) - Two stereoisomers of nicotine
- (S)-nicotine is the active isomer which binds to
nicotinic cholinergic receptors and is found in
17Absorption of nicotine from tobacco products
- Small droplets of tar containing nicotine are
inhaled and deposited in the small airways and
alveoli of the lungs. - Nicotine is a weak base absorption across cell
membranes depends on the pH - When nicotine reaches the small airways and the
alveoli of the lung, it is buffered to
physiological pH - Absorbed into the pulmonary alveolar capillary
and venous circulation - Nicotine is distributed quickly throughout the
18Nicotine dosage delivery forms
- Speed of delivery of nicotine from cigarettes is
fast, providing nicotine 'hits' to the brain
within 10 -19 seconds of smoke delivery to the
lung - Cigarettes are designed to ensure the delivery of
nicotine to maximises the addictive effect - http//www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/
article/2006/08/30/AR2006083001418.html - Cigarettes can readily deliver approximately 1-3
mg of nicotine, as desired by smokers - The smoker can manipulate the intake of nicotine
from different cigarettes to achieve and maintain
the desired level of nicotine - http//home.att.net/rdavis2/cigra.html
- nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide by brands
19Stop smoking?
- Two-thirds of smokers would like to quit
- 30-33 try to quit in any year, 2/3 smoke in two
days, 97 in 6 months - Only about 2 succeed
- Relapse rate lower in smoking cessation programs
with 20-30 success in long-term abstinence
Cohen et al. (1989) - Over 40 continue to smoke after laryngectomy,
more 50 after a heart attack - Smokers make repeated attempts with a period of
abstinence followed by relapse
20How do psychological factors lead to the
initiation of smoking?
- To try out a new identity - adolescents
- glamorous, older and more mature grades 5 to 7,
need of role models - Distinct personality types Burt et al (2000)
- risk-takers (sex, drugs, etc.), extraverted
- higher rates of depression Windle Windle
(2001) - weight concerns (for women in particular) 7 to
10 graders smoke with weight issues - Social factors
- modeling and peer pressure, more likely if a
friend smokes Mittelmark et al. (1987) - Smokers get more offers of cigarettes (4.22/week)
v. non-smokers (.16/week) Ary Biglan (1988)
21How do psychological factors lead to the
initiation of smoking?
- Family history of smoking 26.6 (smokers) v.
12.6 (nonsmokers) as adults Chassin et al.
(1998) - NASCAR changes Winston Cup to Nextel
- Media influences movies and product placement
- Box 7.2, p. 220-221
- JAMA study of 50 G rated films, 56 had tobacco
use and all films during 1996 to 1997 - http//scenesmoking.org/
- http//smokingsides.com/asfs/m/
- Joe Camel study Grunberg et al. (1997)
22What constitutes addiction?
- Addictive drugs exhibit two important
characteristics - They cause effects within the brain which are
pleasant or rewarding, and which reinforce
self-administration of the drug in both
experimental animals and human beings - Following a period of chronic exposure,
withdrawal of the drug may cause an abstinence
syndrome which an addict may also seek to avoid
by continuing to take the drug.
23Does nicotine use through smoking meet diagnostic
criteria for addiction?
- A strong desire to take the drug.
- Difficulty in controlling use.
- Continued use despite harmful effects
- Tolerance need larger dose 2/4 cigarettes
initially but need 20/40 cigarettes after long
term smoking - Withdrawal
- Substance taken in larger amounts or longer than
intended - A higher priority given to drug use than to other
activities and obligations - A great deal of time is spent in obtaining, using
or recovering from effects of substance
24Ranking of nicotine in relation to other drugs in
terms of addiction
25Markers and measures of dependence in smokers
- Daily cigarette consumption
- Time to first cigarette of the day
- Smoking even when ill
- Smoking more in the morning
- Difficulty not smoking in no smoking areas
- Which cigarette would hate to give up?
- Those who smoke more cigarettes per day are less
likely to be able to stop
26Consequences of nicotine addiction
- Morbidity and mortality caused by active and
passive smoking - Smoking prevalence is higher and nicotine use
heavier among poorer smokers. - This difference in smoking behavior accounts for
about two-thirds of the excess premature
mortality associated with deprivation. - Nicotine addiction is therefore responsible for
significant health inequalities
27Tobacco and nicotine addiction
- The unique selling point of tobacco is its
nicotine content. - Tobacco products without nicotine are not
commercially viable. - Nicotine is an addictive drug.
- The purpose of smoking tobacco is to deliver a
dose of nicotine rapidly the brain.
28Nicotine withdrawal
- Withdrawal syndrome is a collection of signs and
symptoms caused by abstinence. - Nicotine or cigarette withdrawal?
- Nicotine replacement reduces severity of
withdrawal symptoms.
29Nicotine-based models
- Nicotine fixed-effect model
- nicotine has many reinforcing physiological
effects - smoking feels good, so people continue to smoke
- F 7.4, p. 223 Schachter et al. (1977) heavy
smokers more low nicotine cigarettes in 2 week
period when High smokers given low nicotine
cigarettes were more irritable and anxious - Nicotine regulation model
- smoking is rewarding only when level of nicotine
is above a set-point - smokers must smoke to maintain a certain level of
nicotine to feel good - Limitations
- based on these models, quitting should be easy
- ignores environmental pressures
- nicotine replacement methods are not 100
30Affect-regulation model
- Developed by Tomkins (1966, 1968)
- Smoke to attain positive affect or to avoid
negative affect - Box 7.3, p. 226 studied stress on smoking
- Leventhal Avis (1976) dipped cigarettes in
vinegar persons motivated by pleasure smoked
significantly less than usual persons not
motivated by pleasure smoked a the same level - Relaxation and coping with anxiety
- Depression and smoking 40 less likely to quit
as compared to non depressed - Schachter et al. (1977) found more stressed
students smoked more cigarettes and puffed more
the difference was profound for heavy smokers.
31Combined models
- Psychological/physiological factors combined
- Predicts that smoking initially used to regulate
emotions and over time links how smokers feel in
how much nicotine they have in the their blood - Can be paired with both positive and negative
emotional states - Biobehavioral model Pomerleau Pomerleau
(1989) - Both psychological and physiological factors lead
people to continue to smoke makes them feel good
physiological effect ? dependence
(psychological physiological) to use nicotine
to experience positive emotions - nostalgia for smoking estimated 8.5 month
half-life -- cause of relapse over 1st year
32What are some strategies for preventing smoking?
- Targeting adolescents many studies
- The message is not relevant they will quit
before long-term consequence - If at risk ? smokers focus on short-term benefits
- Social influence programs Flay (1987)
- Short-term effects ? more effective in altering
the attitudes - Types of persons who smoke duped by advertisers
saying no ? independent and self-reliant - Overestimates of norms in adolescent smoking by
adolescents - Best et al. (1989) 6th graders who received
social influence training less likely to smoke in
the 8th grade
33What are some strategies for preventing smoking?
- Life Skills training
- Assumption is that lack of self-esteem and
self-confidence ? increase smoking - Smoking to feel better about themselves
- Training enhances self-esteem
- Batvin et al (1984) gave 15 life skills sessions
to 7th graders, this group smoked less after 1
year (10 ) v. 22 for no training group
34What are some strategies for preventing smoking?
- Problems
- Problems with continuing effects increase
levels of smoking as students progress through
grades need of booster sessions in HS - Mass media approaches are least effective Box
7.4, p. 231 adds run at low viewer times - U.S. tobacco companies spend 7.12/person for ads
but only .50/person for prevention - Government programs are not very effective
- Cigarettes are easy to get but increase cost
(10) might lead to decrease use Tavas et al.
35Benefits after quitting
- Health benefits
- cough, DOE resolve in weeks
- exercise tolerance improves rapidly
- bladder cancer 50 reduction in 5 years
- lung cancer 50 reduction in 10 years
- heart disease 50 reduction in 1 year!
- No excess risk of heart disease by 10-15 years
- vascular disease 50 reduction in 5 years
- mortality - same as never smokers by 10-15 yrs
- Non Health benefits
- COST!!!
- inconvenience
- self-esteem
- role model
36Smoking cessation
- Treatment options
- Level of use lt 1 pack/day have many attribute
that might lead to successful cessation - gt 1 pack/day more difficult to quit
- Motivation, social support and advice
- Weight gain concerns 1/3 gain 5 8 lbs. -
Jeffery et al. (2000) those not concern 21
cessation v. 13.1 for those concerned with
weight gain - Gradual reduction less nicotine in cigarettes
49 success v. 22 cold turkey - Treatment products such as NRT, bupropion the
patch and gum - Box 7.6, p. 234 235 chain
37NRT Bupropion (Zyban)
- Stop or reduce the symptoms of nicotine
withdrawal. - Assist in stopping smoking, but without having
unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. - Do not 'make' the client want to stop smoking.
- Still need to address the psychological issues
combine with counseling - Still need motivation and determination to
succeed in breaking the smoking habit.
38NRT Bupropion
- Inhalator - 10mg cartridges
- Gum - 4mg, 2mg mint, original or fruit
- Patch - 16hr 15mg, 10mg, 5mg and
- 24hr 21mg, 14mg, 7mg
- Microtab - 2mg
- Lozenge (2 types) - 1mg, 2mg, 4mg
- Nasal Spray - 0.5mg per spray
- Bupropion (Zyban)
- 150mg per tablet
39Smoking cessation
- Treatment options
- Aversion strategies
- Rapid-smoking method take a puff every 6 seconds
creating an aversive stimulus - Electric shock pairing - ? rates of cessation
Welter et al. (1998) - Self-management stimulus control of situations
for smoking or not smoking - Stimulus substitution taking a walk after
dinner, chewing gum - Contingency-contracting give money to someone
who give it back if cessation goal is reached - Large scale programs varying success may
initially reduce smoking but usually returns
Gomel et al. (1993)