Title: U'S' Russia Information Technology Roundtable
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U.S. - Russia Information Technology
Roundtable U.S. - Russia Presidential
Summit Moscow, Russia
May 24, 2002
Russian IT Sector Opportunities and Challenges
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Table of Contents
Section 1
Current Investment Climate
Section 2
Keys Elements of a Successful IT Sector
Section 3
Current State of Russian IT Market
Section 4
Presence of U.S. Companies in Russian IT Sector
Section 5
Ways to Improve Prospects for Russian IT Sector
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Section 1
Current Investment Climate
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Current Investment Climate
Russia Today
- Russia in 1998
- Unstable federal government
- Unpredictable business environment
- Significant capital flight
- Russia Now
- Strong federal government
- More conducive business environment
- Capital flight slowing investment capital
returning to Russia
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Current Investment Climate
Russia Today (contd)
- Russia in 1998
- Patchy record of reform xxxx
- Punitive tax system
- Poor corporate governance and disclosure
- Russia Now
- Steady if evolutionary reform process
- Tax system overhauled
- Improvements in corporate governance and
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Current Investment Climate
Russia Today (contd)
- Russia in 1998
- Oligarchs asset stripping
- Strategic investors very cautious
- Russia Now
- Oligarchs investing
- Strategic investors becoming more confident
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Current Investment Climate
Russia Today The Result
Result Devaluation and Default
- Result
- Russian debt and equity markets among the best
performing in the world - Russias RTS up 181 since January 2001
- 30-year Russian Eurobond yield has dropped from
75 percentage points over U.S. Treasuries in
October 1998 to 5 percentage points
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Current Investment Climate
Foreign Direct Investment in Russia
- Absolute and relative levels of FDI in Russia
remain low - 2.0 billion in 2001
- Cumulative FDI 1991 - 2001 in Russia only 18.0
billion vs. 350 billion in China - The U.S. has the largest accumulated FDI in
Russia AmCham to confirm - Increases in FDI are expected
- Russias importance as an energy source
- Large consumer market
- Steady process of reforms
- WTO accession
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Section 2
Keys Elements of a Successful IT Sector
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Keys Elements of a Successful IT Sector
Key Elements of a Successful IT Sector
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Keys Elements of a Successful IT Sector
Educational System
Source AmCham
Source AmCham
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Keys Elements of a Successful IT Sector
Human Capital
- Strong RD traditions and significant resource
pool of experienced specialists across Russia - Key centers in Moscow, St. Petersburg and
Novosibirsk - Brain drain has been substantially reduced
- Salaries not yet at European levels
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Keys Elements of a Successful IT Sector
- Russias defense sector was very well developed
and driven by technology during Soviet times - Russias edge in defense technology has been
negatively impacted by lower government spending - Conversion of defense industries and institutes
to commercial purposes has been negatively
impacted by lack of financing and management
skills - Russian industrial infrastructure is generally
characterized by state of the art technology
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Keys Elements of a Successful IT Sector
Business Environment
- Russia has only recently begun to create a
business environment conducive to small
businesses and entrepreneurs - Under President Putin, Russia has made progress
in the simplification of the legal, regulatory
and tax procedures for new businesses - Government sponsorship of entrepreneurial
activity recognized as key to economic growth
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Keys Elements of a Successful IT Sector
Access to Financing
- Limited government funding
- Very limited funding from Russian commercial
banks - No local venture capital funding
- Very limited foreign venture capital funding
- Access to financing will greatly increase the
pace of development of the Russian IT sector
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Section 3
Current State of Russian IT Market
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Current State of Russian IT Market
Market Size
- Information technology is currently Russias
fastest growing industry AmCham input needed
Source IBS
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Current State of Russian IT Market
Market Components
- Hardware currently represents largest portion of
Russian IT sector - PC penetration low (6) but growing rapidly
- Russian vendors account for over 85 of PC market
- Software and services have grown rapidly over the
past three years - Now represent over 1.0 billion market in Russia
Source IBS
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Current State of Russian IT Market
Market Prospects
- Russian IT sector represents only 1.2 of GDP
compared to 4.6 in the U.S. - Growth in the IT sector will be driven by growing
Russian business and consumer spending - Currently Russian businesses spend only 2-3 of
revenues on IT vs. 10-15 on average in developed
markets - PC market most dynamic in Europe with 20 annual
growth - Higher value-added areas such as software and
services expected to continue to grow rapidly
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Current State of Russian IT Market
Market Challenges
- Russian IT companies lack access to financing
- Russian IT professionals often lack management
experience - Growth of Russian IT sector is dependent on
continued growth in the Russian economy - Russian IT companies lack access to global
distribution channels
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Section 4
Presence of U.S. Companies in Russian IT Sector
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Presence of U.S. Companies in Russian IT Sector
Research Development (RD)
- RD is a growing business in Russia for U.S.
companies - Motorola has enjoyed success with its St.
Petersburg Software Development Group, founded
in 1993, currently employing over 200 Russian
specialists developing software and models for
Motorola global systems - Other examples include Intels Performance
Library Suite and Sun Microsystems Sparc
Technology center ask AmCham for more details
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Presence of U.S. Companies in Russian IT Sector
Offshore Software Development (OSD)
- OSD is a growing market in Russia, with many
foreign companies recognizing Russias
programming expertise and relatively low cost of
labor - Annual revenues for OSD between 60 - 100
million per year, growing 40-60 annually - A number of Russian cities have emerged as OSD
centers, including Moscow, St. Petersburg, and
Novosibirsk - US clients include Intel, IBM, Motorola and
Boeing ask Amcham to contribute to this list
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Presence of U.S. Companies in Russian IT Sector
Systems Integration
- Systems integration is a growing segment of the
IT market in Russia, with estimated revenues of
400 million in 2001 - Russias largest companies, with operations
spanning across Russias regions, seek to
efficiently share data between regional
subsidiaries and Moscow headquarters - Several U.S. consultancies have successfully
entered this market in Russia, including ask
AmCham for examples, can we get a case study on
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Section 5
Ways to Improve Prospects for Russian IT Sector
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Ways to Improve Prospects for Russian IT Sector
Ways to Improve Prospects for Russian IT Sector
- Promotion of Russian IT
- Intensified Russian Government sponsorship
- Promotion of entrepreneurial activity
- Free flow of products and persons
- Continued foreign Investment
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Ways to Improve Prospects for Russian IT Sector
- Russias IT sector lags behind its international
competitors in the aggressive marketing of its
products and services - Key steps could include
- Creation of an alliance of Russian IT companies
to jointly market their services to international
clients (e.g. Indias National Association of
Software and Service Companies) - Coordinated, unified promotion of FDI in Russian
IT sector by the Russian Government (e.g.
Irelands Agency for Industrial Development)
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Ways to Improve Prospects for Russian IT Sector
Government Sponsorship
- The Russian Government has expressed its support
of growing Russias IT sector - Electronic Russia program - improving access to
government through IT - Goal of 100 computerization of educational
institutes - Government direct investment into IT sector would
accelerate development - Need to increase general level of IT awareness
among Russian population
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Ways to Improve Prospects for Russian IT Sector
Support for Entrepreneurial Activity
- Government efforts to create an environment
conducive to entrepreneurial activity should be
stepped up - e.g. introduction of special tax benefits for
investment in IT - As the business environment improves, many
Russian IT specialists currently working abroad
may choose to return to Russia bringing
management skills they have gained
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Ways to Improve Prospects for Russian IT Sector
Free Flow of Products and Persons
- Free flow of products
- Simplified customs regime
- Conducive tariff regimes
- Free flow of persons
- End of propiska system limiting ability of
professionals to move freely within Russia - Simplification of visa procedures by foreign
countries for Russian IT professionals seeking to
travel abroad to promote their businesses
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Ways to Improve Prospects for Russian IT Sector
Continued Foreign Investment
- RD centers
- Licensing of Russian technology
- OSD contracting
- Investment in Russian IT companies by foreign IT
companies - Investment by venture capital funds