Title: Broadcast Encryption and Asymmetric MACs
1Broadcast Encryption and Asymmetric MACs
- Broadcast to a privileged subset
- (e.g. entitlement msg)
- no group of t unprivileged colluders (hackers)
can understand the msg - Selection of the t hackers can be
- worst-case (for broadcaster)
- random (this appears more relevant)
- Center can do only global broadcasts
- No return path
- Privileged set assumed known
- Three types of assumptions
- none
- crypto 1-way f-ns (prgs) exist
- number-theoretic hardness of factoring
- Number of Keys
- Computation overhead
- Communication overhead
5Naive estimates
- n number of users
- then number of possible subsets is 2n
- each must use a different key!
- (also need 2n bits to specify subset/key)
- - ignored here
- Idea generate needed key (one of many), using
a few stored keys
- 1-resilient
- unconditional n keys
- crypto log n keys
- number-theoretic 1 key
- 1-resilient t-resilient
- worst-case O(t lg t lg n) key overhead
- O(t2 lg2 t lg n) broadcasts
- random O(lg t lg 1/p) key overhead
- O(t lg2 t lg 1/p) broadcasts
71-resilient schemes
- Unconditional
- keys Ki for each user i
- user i knows all keys, but his own Ki
- To broadcast to Privileged subset S use the key
81-resilient schemes (cont.)
- Crypto similar to above, but
- use construction prG prF GGM-86
- g k (pseudo-)random bits 2k pseudo-random
91-resilient schemes (cont.)
- Number-theoretic (RSA-equivalent)
- Center selects primes p,q npq g
- each user i gets public prime pi and mod n
- The key KS for broadcast to subset S is
10t-resilient schemes
- direct generalization of the above schemes is
possible but expensive exponential in t - (simply consider each group of t users as a
111- to t-resilient transformation
- To broadcast a msg M break it in m pieces
M1,...,Mm - pieces are broadcast using independent schemes,
each piece k times (each user has keys only for
one of these k broadcasts)
121- to t-resilience (cont.)
memory overhead m broadcasts mk
k 2t2 , m t lg n -worst-case lg 1/p
better probabilistic argument gives k t lg
t, m t lg t lg n -worst-case lg t lg
1/p - random
- t-resilient broadcast encryption
- random
- lg t lg 1/p keys
- t lg2 t lg 1/p broadcasts
- worst-case
- t lg t lg n keys
- t2 lg2 t lg n broadcasts
- What makes these algorithms not practical (yet)?
- a lot of computation -!!!
- also, maybe could further reduce overheads for
t-resilient schemes (is polylog in t possible?)
(M, SigM)
SigM Sign(M, SAlice )
17Authentication public
- checks
- contracts
- love letters ???
18Public Key Signatures
Verify(M, SigM, PAlice )
19Public Key Signatures
- Public key ( PAlice )
- known to all
- used to verify the signature
- Secret key ( SAlice )
- known only to the signer
- used to sign messages
- without it, computing signature is infeasible
20Authentication private
Message Authentication Code (MAC) Sign(M, SAlice
)Hash(M, SAlice )
Verify(M, SigM, SAlice ) Check SigM
Sign(M, SAlice )
MAC Shared Secret Sig Symmetric Sig
22Secret Key Signatures
- Message Authentication Code (MAC) or
- Symmetric Signatures
- Common (Shared) Secret
- Hashing
- MD5, SHA, etc.
- Signature Hash (Msg, Key)
- Verification Signing
- Crypto Hash
- collisions may exist, but
- are hard to find
- Given y hard to find x, s.t. Hash(x)y
- Secret Key (SK) algorithms beat Public Key (PK)
ones by orders of magnitude - Speed
- PK 100-1000 times slower than SK
- Key size
- PK 10-50 times bigger than SK
25Asymmetric MACs
- Use MAC as tool
- Do NOT use Public Key techniques
- but
- Sender signs msgs
- Receivers authenticate the signatures
- Nobody can impersonate the Sender!!
- How are AMACs different from Public Key
Signatures? - Signer and Receivers may share some info
- Authentic for A may not be Authentic for B
- Big coalitions may break the scheme!
- Idea
- Each Receiver has a different subset of keys used
by Sender for signing - Different subsets may overlap but not contain
each other
The keys of one receiver R
All keys Senders
K1 K2 . . .
MACK1(M) MACK2(M) . . .
Rs key not covered by the bad coalition
All keys Senders
The keys of one receiver R
Coalition of bad guys
- Given
- N ( of receivers)
- b ( of bad guys)
- Find smallest k ( of keys) and N subsets
Si?1,,k, such that for - deterministic
- any b1 subsets Si0 ? Si1?...?Sik
- probabilistic
- ProbSi0 ? Si1?...?Sik
31Probabilistic Solution
1 p
- Arrange MAC keys in lg(1/p) ? 2b matrix
- Each receiver gets 1 key from each row
- lg(1/p) keys for each receiver
- What chance that a receiver has all her keys
covered by the keys of b bad guys? - Probkey covered in 1 row
- Probkeys covered in all rows
- Independent of N!!!
- Sender MAC keys/computations
- 2b lg (1/p)
- Receivers (each) MAC keys/computations
- lg (1/p)
- Alternative
- eb ln(1/p) sender ln(1/p) each receiver
33Deterministic Solution
- Sender
- O(b2 lgN) keys
- Receiver
- O(b lgN) keys
- How to derive?
- In probabilistic solution set 1/p (N ( ) )1,
lg(1/p)O(blg N)
ways to choose bad guys
ways to chose a receiver
34Bandwidth improvements
- Security of individual MAC
- need not be better than p
- 1bit MACs AMAC ? 5 b lg(1/p) bits
- Sender ? 5 b lg(1/p) keys
- Receiver ?2.5lg(1/p) keys
35Multiple Sources
- Each user can be a sender and receiver
- Total 4b2lg(1/p) keys
- each user 2blg(1/p) keys
- check MACs for common keys ( lg(1/p))
36Multiple Sources (better way)
- Same costs as Single Source!
- Total keys Receivers
- as in single source 2blg(1/p)
- Each potential Sender S
- for each key K, gets f(K,S)
- f is a 1way function
- uses all f(K,S) to compute its AMACs
- Receivers compute and use f(K,S) for those K
which they have - Senders cannot impersonate!!!
37Related work
- Broadcast Encryption
- Fiat Naor, Stinson, and others
- Some work in progress