ESI 6912: Dynamic Programming - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ESI 6912: Dynamic Programming


si = salvage value received for a machine that has just turned age i at the end of period N ... 18. Doubling up ... a machine that has just turned age i and was ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ESI 6912: Dynamic Programming

ESI 6912Dynamic Programming
  • Equipment Replacement problems

Equipment replacement
  • Consider a type of machine that deteriorates with
    age, and the decision to replace it.
  • We have a need for such a machine during each of
    the next N time periods.
  • The problem is to decide when (or if) to replace
    an existing machine by a new one so as to
    minimize the total costs.

Equipment replacement
  • For simplicity, we assume that the costs are
  • Costs
  • ci cost of operating a machine that is i
    periods old at the start of a period for 1 period
  • p price of a new machine
  • ti trade-in value received when a machine that
    is of age i at the beginning of a period is
    traded for a new machine
  • si salvage value received for a machine that
    has just turned age i at the end of period N
  • a age of machine at start of 1st year

Equipment replacement states and decisions
  • State
  • (k,i) (current period, age of machine)
  • k1,,N1 i1,,k-1,ak-1
  • k is also the stage variable
  • Initial state (1,a)
  • Ending states (N1,i), i1,,N,aN
  • Decisions
  • buy or keep

Equipment replacement optimal value function
  • Optimal value function
  • f(k,i) the minimum cost of owning a machine in
    periods k,,N, starting year k with a machine
    that is i periods old
  • We wish to find f(1,a)
  • Boundary conditions
  • f(N1,i) -si, for i1,,N,aN

Equipment replacement recurrence relation
  • Recurrence relation

Equipment replacement network
  • Network representation
  • Current year ?
  • Current age ?
  • Keep
  • Buy
  • Initial age 2

Running time
  • The acyclic network contains O(N2) arcs.
  • The cost of each arc can be computed in O(1)
  • The running time of the recursive fixing
    algorithm is thus O(N2).

Equipment replacement regeneration point approach
  • Note that all paths but one pass through a state
    of the form (k,1).
  • This corresponds to the observation that (unless
    the current machine is kept for the entire time
    horizon) it is at some point replaced by a new
  • We can use this to develop an alternative dynamic
    programming formulation of the problem.

Equipment replacement regeneration point approach
  • State
  • k purchase period k1,,N1
  • Decision
  • Number of periods that you will keep a new
  • Optimal value function
  • S(k) minimum cost given that we purchase a new
    machine at the start of period k

Equipment replacement regeneration point approach
  • Boundary condition
  • S(N1) 0
  • Recurrence relation

Equipment replacement regeneration point approach
  • Solution to the problem

Equipment replacement alternative
  • Network representation
  • Running time
  • The network has O(N2) arcs
  • The cost of each arc can be computed in O(N) time
  • But the cost of all arcs can be computed in
    O(N2) time
  • Thus the running time of the algorithm is O(N2)

Equipment replacement extension 1
  • Suppose now that a machine is not functional
    anymore when it reaches age M.
  • In addition, suppose that we can trade-in a used
    machine on a machine of any age between 0 (new)
    and M-1.
  • The cost of replacing an i year old machine by
    one of age j? is uij, where
  • ui0 p ti and uii 0

Equipment replacement states and decisions
  • State
  • (k,i) (current period, age of machine)
  • k1,,N1 i1,,M
  • k is also the stage variable
  • Initial state (1,a)
  • Ending states (N1,i), i1,,M
  • Decision
  • Switch to a machine of age j (j0,,M-1).

Equipment replacement optimal value function
  • Optimal value function
  • f(k,i) the minimum cost of owning a machine in
    periods k,,N, starting year k with a machine
    that is i periods old
  • We wish to find f(1,a)
  • Boundary conditions
  • f(N1,i) -si, for i1,,M

Equipment replacement recurrence relation
  • Recurrence relation
  • Running time
  • The network has O(NM) nodes and O(NM2) arcs
  • The cost of each arc can be determined in
    constant time
  • The running time is thus O(NM2)

Doubling up
  • For some problems, an alternative formulation
    using a technique called doubling-up can yield
    substantial savings in running time.
  • Instead of increasing by 1 the duration of the
    problem solved in each iteration, we double the
    duration in each iteration.

Equipment replacement doubling-up
  • Let the number of periods be N2L.
  • Optimal value function
  • S(k,i,j) the minimum cost of getting from an i
    year old machine to a j year old one in k periods
  • Boundary conditions
  • S(1,i,j) ui,j-1cj-1
  • for i1,,M j1,,M

Equipment replacement doubling-up
  • Recurrence relation
  • for k1,,L
  • This procedure has running time
  • O(LM3) O( ln(N)M3 )
  • Compare this with O(NM2) for the conventional

Equipment replacement doubling-up
  • For durations that are not powers of 2, this
    approach may or may not be useful.
  • In general, we have
  • which we can use to obtain the solution for
    arbitrary durations.

  • In general, a doubling-up procedure can only be
    used if the costs are time-invariant.
  • Although we have made that assumption throughout,
    the more conventional formulations can easily be
    applied to cases where the costs are time-
    (stage-) dependent.

Equipment replacement extension 2
  • Let us return to the basic problem in which our
    decisions were to keep or replace the current
  • In addition, there now is a third alternative,
    namely to overhaul the machine.
  • An overhauled machine is better than a used one,
    but not as good as a new one.
  • The performance of a machine depends on its age
    as well as the number of periods since the last

Equipment replacement
  • Costs
  • ekij cost of exchanging a machine of age i,
    last overhauled at age j, for a new machine at
    the start of period k
  • ckij cost of operating a machine of age i, last
    overhauled at age j, during period k
  • oki cost of overhauling a machine of age i at
    the start of period k
  • sij salvage value received at the end of period
    N for a machine that has just turned age i and
    was last overhauled at age j
  • Convention if j0, then the machine has never
    been overhauled.

Equipment replacement states and decisions
  • State
  • (k,i,j) (current period, age of machine, age at
    last overhaul)
  • k1,,N1 i1,,k-1j0,,i-1
  • k is also the stage variable
  • Initial state (1,0,0)
  • Ending states (N1,i,j), i1,,N, j0,,i-1
  • Decisions
  • Buy, keep, or overhaul

Equipment replacement optimal value function
  • Optimal value function
  • f(k,i,j) the minimum cost of owning a machine
    in periods k,,N, starting year k with a machine
    that is i periods old and was last overhauled at
    age j
  • We wish to find f(1,0,0)
  • Boundary conditions
  • f(N1,i,j) -sij, for i1,,N, j0,,i-1

Equipment replacement recurrence relation
  • Recurrence relation

Equipment replacement running time
  • Running time
  • The network has O(N3) nodes and arcs
  • The cost of each arc can be computed in constant
  • The running time of the algorithm is O(N3)
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