Title: Free the Body and the Mind Will Follow
1Free the Body and theMind Will Follow
- Stanford University
- Analog Device, Inc.
- Experimental Design
- Summary of Results
- Future Work
3Experimental Design
- Between-Participants Design
- Microphone array (ADI)
- Traditional headset microphone
- Three Categories of Tasks
- Creativity task
- OfficeXP voice command and control
- Information disclosure task
4Creativity Task Design
- Ten Open-ended Creative Questions
- Five from Iron Horse Creativity scale
- Five created by researchers
5Creativity Questions
- If your feet had names, what would they be?
- If you came across a friendly alien from outer
space, how would you greet it? - Suppose you are a manufacturer over-stocked with
broom handles. To market your surplus inventory,
what other uses might you suggest to buyers? - List several headlines that you would most want
to read in the newspaper tomorrow. - You have just invented a new salad dressing. List
some ways in which you might test it before
offering it to the public, besides trying it on
friends and family. - If you could ask any person from history, living
or dead, one question, what would it be, and to
whom would you ask it? - List as many creative uses for a toothpick as you
can think of. - If you had to commit a bank robbery and did not
want to get caught, what method would you use? - Quickly compose a haiku (5 syllables, 7
syllables, 5 syllables) - Give a short fictional biography that you think
would describe someone named Florence Patterson.
6Voice Command Task Design
- Edit a plain paragraph by voice
command-and-control in Word - Change format of the text, underline, bold,
italic - Add bullets
- Create a table, edit the table
- Save the file
- Participant is told the words to use
- Speech recognition is not perfect in either
7Information Disclosure Task Design
- Ten open-ended disclosure questions
- Origin of questions
- Self disclosure survey (Moon, 2000)
- Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding
(Kroner Weekes, 1996) - Selection of particular questions
- Six judges rated the disclosure levels of all
questions - Ten were selected with medium level of disclosure
8Disclosure Questions
- Have you ever written anonymous love letters, or
have you ever secretly lusted after someone? - How much money do your parents make?
- What is unsatisfactory about how popular you are?
- What is your most negative childhood memory?
- What are you most afraid of?
- What really bothers you about your roommate?
- What has been the most stressful event of the
last six months for you? - Have you ever physically hurt someone? What were
the circumstances? - Have you ever looked at pornography on the
Internet? - Do you think you belong at Stanford? Why or why
9Experimental Procedure
- Sequence
- Creativity
- Voice Command
- Information Disclosure
10Experimental Results
- Creativity Task
- Voice Command Task
- Disclosure Task
- Anticipatory Task
11Creativity TaskAssessment of Creativity
- TTCT Measure - Torrance Tests of Creative
Thinking - Fluency of ideas
- Total number of acceptable ideas
- Smoothness in expressing ideas
- Uniqueness of ideas
- Number of ideas that only one person suggested
- Novelty of ideas
- Flexibility of ideas
- Number of acceptable categories of ideas given
12Creativity Task Other Measures
- Verbosity
- Time on task
- Number of words per question
- Perceptions of themselves
- Innovative
- Challenged
- Competent
- Frustrated
13TTCT Creativity Measure
14Sample Creativity Answers
15Creativity TaskTime per Question (sec.)
16Creativity TaskWords per Question
17Creativity TaskAttitudinal Measures
18Creativity TaskAttitudinal Measures (cont.)
19Voice Command and Control Task Attitudinal
- Rating of Microsoft Word with voice control
- Convenience
- Intelligence
- Reliability
- Error proneness
- Rating of interaction using voice command
- Satisfaction
- Productivity
- Pleasantness
20Voice Command and ControlAttitudes
21Voice Command and ControlAttitudes (cont.)
22Information Disclosure Measures
- Behavioral Measures
- Amount of disclosure
- Time per disclosure question
- Number of words
- Ease of speaking
- The talking speed
- Fluency vs. hesitancy of speech
- Number of no comments
- Perceptions of Participants Behavior
- Honest
- Revealing
- Secure
23Disclosure TaskTime per Question (sec.)
24Disclosure TaskNumber of Words per Question
25Disclosure TaskWords per Second
26Disclosure TaskCoded Level of Disclosure
27Disclosure Task of No Comment
28Sample Disclosing Answers
29Disclosure Task Perception of Self
30Disclosure Task Perception of Self (cont.)
31Anticipatory Questions
- How much would you like to use the system to
- Compose an email
- Instant messaging
- Personal assistant
- Web searching
- Travel reservation
32Anticipatory QuestionsLikelihood of Use
33Future Work
- Variety of Tasks
- Games
- Other applications
- Voice output matched modality
- Synthetic vs. recorded
- Longitudinal use
- Face or character on the screen
- Other connection options
- Invisible tether (cant move from one position)
- Headset without connection
- ADI Ideas?
34Publications and Future Work
- Applied psychology
- Creativity results and disclosure results in one
place - Public opinion quarterly
- Computer science related, Ubi-com related
- Command and control
- Do this with a tablet pc, 2 by 2 , or 2 by 2 by 2
- Tablet pc vs. desktop pc
- Microphone array vs. headset microphone
- Recognition vs. no recognition
- Wearing vs. tethering
- Invisible link
- Video taping
- Breadth of task
- Game, entertainment
- Performance of the game
- Military related personal assistant for
battlefield solider - Home, office related
- Car interface