Title: Enterprise and Market
1Enterprise and Market Development Initiatives
The SEEP Network Conference Call Presentation -
March 13, 2008
2Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
The SEEP Network invites you to get involved in
new Enterprise and Market Development
3Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Enterprise Market Development Initiatives
4Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Common Goal
Linking communities of practice to advance
sustainable poverty eradication.
5Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
What is the Enterprise Development Exchange?
- An interactive website
- A global community
- For experts and practitioners of all levels
6Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
How can you benefit?
Access and post key publications, learning
tools, and announcements Network via
Profiles Learn and contribute to global
learning with - Ad hoc discussions -
with expert
7Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
How can you help?
Create the buzz, set the tone, invite your
partners, create your community, . . . and . . .
8Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Advisory Committee
- Policies
- Marketing
- Adjustments and Developments
4 days per year commitment. April 2008
9Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Provide Pre-Launch Information
- Fill out a Profile
- Share a promising practice
- Post events and announcements
- Launch a discussion
March 2128, 2008 1530 minutes
10Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Online Conference
- Urban Value Chain Development
- Overview of urban development
- Value Chain Development issues
- Adapting VCD to urban areas
- Value Initiative Launch
April 22May 15, 2008 - 13 hours per week
11Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Enterprise Development Exchange
Linking communities of practice to advance
sustainable poverty eradication.
12Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Volunteer Opportunities
- Advisory committee
- Profiles
- Events and announcements
- Discussion
- Urban Value Chain Development Conference
- Tagged experts
- Participate
13Market Facilitation Learning InitiativeMoving
from Market Assessment Design to Action
SEEP Market Development Working Group in
partnership with the Livelihoods Network 20082009
14Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Defining Market Development
Pro-Poor programming that assists enterprises and
households to participate in, and benefit more
from, the existing and potential markets in
which they do business as well as access
products and services
15Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Defining Market Development
- The Market Development Approach recognizes that
- Enterprises and households interact with larger
market systems - Programs seeking to promote pro-poor incomes,
employment, and access to services and products
must take market trends and forces into account
to achieve sustainability and scaleable impact
16Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Why Market Facilitation?
- Wide body of guidance and tools on market
research and program design available - Far fewer resources exist on implementation to
assist in -
- working effectively through markets
- building relationships, trust and shared vision
among market actors over time - working with local market actors to enable them
to pursue the opportunities identified - strategic use of subsidiesboth in conception and
disbursementto encourage risk-taking and scale - promoting copy cats
- determining the pros and cons of different
approaches to market facilitation, e.g. working
via market systems vs. market actors
17Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Roots of the Facilitation Initiative
- Prioritized by both the SEEP MDWG Livelihoods
Networks in 2007 - Opportunity to expand practitioner-led learning
agenda on market facilitation practices and tools
between the two global networks
- Livelihoods Network
- To promote collaboration, knowledge sharing, and
advocacy around livelihoods approaches - 171 members
- Operating since 2005
- SEEP Network
- A global network connecting practitioners in a
global learning community - 73 member organizations
- Operating since 1985
18Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Market Facilitation Initiatives Objectives
- Advance facilitation practices based on SEEP and
LN members needs and collective learning - Identify existing resources and promote consensus
learning in market facilitation to fill the gaps - Develop practical tools and other resources for
practitioners to achieve better implementation
and impact - Facilitate broader visibility and interactions
among the global community of donors and
practitioners in MD
19Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
- Review of facilitation literature and resources
within the development, private, and public
sectors - Summary of challenges and opportunities in market
facilitation as identified by practitioners - Development of case studies and vignettes of
market facilitation practices - Compilation of existing and new tools and
resources developed for market facilitation
20Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Opportunities for Participation
- Submission of literature, tools, program
documents and case studies for the literature
review (AprilJune, 2008, 1 day or less) - Participation in the virtual conference on state
of the practice in market Facilitation (September
2008, up to 1 day) - Conference calls and virtual community to
identify agenda for tool and resource development
(November 2008, 1 day) - Participation in groups developing tools and
other market facilitation resources (JanuaryMay
2009, 1 day or less per month) - Global Launch of Facilitation Tools and Resources
via SEEPs Enterprise Development Exchange
(JuneJuly 2009, 1 day or less to prepare and
21Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Benefits of Participation
- Development practitioners looking to promote
quality programming in their agencies - Practitioners interested in advancing the state
of the practice in market-based programs - Individuals seeking professional development
opportunities for themselves and their colleagues
22Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
For More Information
And to get involved Contact Tracy Gerstle and
Lucho Osorio tgerstle_at_chfinternational.org Luis.O
23Social Enterprise Working Group
A Collaboration of Virtue Ventures and the SEEP
24Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
What Is Social Enterprise?
Social business will be a new kind of business
introduced in the marketplace with the objective
of making a difference in the world.
Mohammad YunusFounder, Grameen Bank and
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
25Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Social Enterprise
26Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Definition of Social Enterprise
A nonprofit organization or socially oriented
venture that advances its social mission through
entrepreneurial market-based approaches to
increase its effectiveness and financial
sustainability with the ultimate goal of creating
social impact or change.
27Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Cause Célèbre
Social enterprise is a hot topic Garnered a
huge amount of attention media, universities,
practitioners, competitions Attracted
numerous new funders Venture philanthropists,
social investors, private philanthropists, and
business-oriented foundations Global
Participation Numerous practitioner networks
28Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
What Social Enterprise can do for you
- Support market-based poverty alleviation
- Augment current approaches
- Cross-sector collaboration
- Open the door to more money and partners
- Improve sustainability and social impact
- Increase innovation
- Expand peer network
- Gain new tools and resources
29Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
What you can do for Social Enterprise
- Share your knowledge, experience, and resources
- Help develop SE methodology and tools
- Engage the economic development sector in global
cross-sector collaboration - Lead a bottom-up approach to building the SE
field - Help advance a cohesive effort
30Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Working Group Objectives
- Summarize SEs benefits, synergies, and risks,
related to other poverty alleviation practices - Frame issues in a structure that lays the
foundation for social enterprise methodology for
poverty alleviation - Capture stories and examples of existing social
enterprises among SEEP members - Determine if the Social Enterprise Working Group
should be an ongoing concern of SEEP
31Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Underlying Assumption
Social enterprise has synergies with existing
poverty alleviation approachesvalue chain,
market development, and microfinanceand can
augment and add value to current initiatives as
well as provide new tools.
32Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
- Positioning paper about social enterprise
applications in poverty alleviation - SE Framework in international economic
development/ poverty alleviation context - Published summary of virtual conference
discussion - Stories and examples that illustrate SE framework
- Recommendations for moving forward
- Final SE positioning paper and framework
33Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Whats expected of you?
You may participate in any one or all of the
- Review/comment on 30-page positioning paper
- Use workspace or word (MayJune)
- Participate in virtual conference to develop SE
framework - Brainstorm framework (virtual and/or conference
call) - Periodic input (virtually over 6-week period,
JuneJuly) - Provide brief examples to illustrate framework
- Virtually over 4-week period (August)
- Provide input on recommendations going forward
- Virtually prior to AGM (September)
34Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
How much time will it take?
- We welcome all levels of commitment
- Pick one or more outputs
- Two conference calls (TBA)
- Beginning June
- End September
35Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
For More Information
And to get involved Contact Will
Morgan will_at_virtureventures.com
36The Value Initiative
Advancing Urban Value Chain Development Helping
millions of people work their way out of poverty
37Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
The Value Initiative
- What is the Value Initiative?
- Why focus on urban areas?
- Why Value Chain Development?
- How will the Value Initiative work?
- How can you benefit?
- How can you contribute?
38Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
The Value Initiative
Advancing urban value chain development
Helping millions of people work their way out of
39Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
The Value Initiative
Grants for expansion planning, capacity building,
lateral learning Links to expansion funding
40Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Why Urban Value Chain Development?
Sustainable poverty eradication!
41Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
The Value Initiative
- What is the Value Initiative?
- Why focus on urban areas?
- Why Value Chain Development?
- How will the Value Initiative work?
- How can you benefit?
- How can you contribute?
42Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
The Urban Poverty Challenge
reduce by half the number of people living in
extreme poverty.
43Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
The Urban Poverty Challenge
In 2008, for the first time in history, over half
of the worlds population will live in cities.
44Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
The Urban Poverty Challenge
By 2030, 81 of the worlds population will live
in towns and cities in developing countries.
45Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
The Urban Poverty Challenge
- Currently in developing countries
- one out of three people live in slums
- there are a billion people
- who make up a sixth of the worlds population
46Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Urban Potential
- In cities you find
- economic growth
- external investment and markets
- emerging culture and technology
- institutional and human resources
47Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
How can we harness the resources of todays
cities to reduce poverty?
48Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Economic growth can create
- sustainable, large-scale benefits for the poor
- jobs, income, and real assets
- a strong tax base and infrastructure
- sustainable cities and stable society
49Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
The Value Initiative
advances a local economic development strategy,
Value Chain Development, generating sustainable,
pro-poor growth.
50Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
The Value Initiative
- What is the Value Initiative?
- Why focus on urban areas?
- Why Value Chain Development?
- How will the Value Initiative work?
- How can you benefit?
- How can you contribute?
51Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Value Chain a Market System
The businesses, institutions, and relationships
moving a product or service from beginning to
end, from raw material to finished product, from
concept to customer
52Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Embroidery, Pakistan
53Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Value Chain Development
- Strengthens the market system by
- Linking the poor to growing, higher value markets
- Developing vibrant, competitive industries
- Attracting private and social investment
- Increasing employment, income, and assets
54Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Embroidery, Pakistan
- Trained sales agents
- Facilitated market linkages
- Introduced pattern designers
55Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Embroidery, Pakistan
- 600,000 over 3 years
- Reached 9,000 home-bound women embroiderers
- Trained 185 profitable sales agents
- Increased income for engaged embroiderers
- Facilitated sustainable expansion new
embroiderers and sales agents enter the market
- For most, income increased from zero to 170 per
year - For active workers, income increased from 70 to
240 per year
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Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Making VCD Work Better
- Scaling up to reach millions
- Measuring and improving impact
- Attracting significant investment to expand local
57Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Making VCD Work in Cities
- Enhancing rural-urban linkages
- Strengthening retail and service markets
- Facilitating private supply of urban services
(water, housing, electricity) - Leveraging the urban presence of microfinance and
other large urban institutions
58Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
These challenges call for innovative and
practical solutions.
- Join the Value Initiative
- Mobilize experts and practitioners from related
communities of practice - Take advantage of grants, technical experts, and
global exchange - Expand our industry
59Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
The Value Initiative
What will the Value Initiative look like?
Thats up to you.
And others who get involved.
60Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
The Value Initiative
- What is the Value Initiative?
- Why focus on urban areas?
- Why Value Chain Development?
- How will the Value Initiative work?
- How can you benefit?
- How can you contribute?
61Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Two Programs
- Sustainable Scale-Up
- Urban Value Chain Development
62Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Sustainable Scale-up Program
- For Advanced Value Chain Developers
- To
- Go to the next level
- Develop sustainable models for reaching millions
- Offering
- Business planning grants of US 10,00015,000
- Exclusive peer exchange
- Links to expansion funding
- Led by Linda Jones
63Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Sustainable Scale-up Program
- RFA May 15, 2008
- Plans due OctoberNovember 2008
- For funded plans 3-year commitment to lateral
Pioneer new models for other practitioners to
64Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Urban VCD Program
- For 3 consortia comprising
- practitioners pursuing Value Chain Development
- a team of technical experts to build their
65Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Urban VCD Program Grants
- Offering 400,000700,000 over 3 years
- Supporting capacity building, action learning,
demonstration programs, peer interaction and
exchange. - Demand-driven learning each group selects a
theme. - Facilitating long-term expansion planning
- Linking to expansion funding
66Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
The Value Initiative
- What is the Value Initiative?
- Why focus on urban areas?
- Why Value Chain Development?
- How will the Value Initiative work?
- How can you benefit?
- How can you contribute?
67Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Who should get involved?
- Institutions and individuals
- Technical communities
- enterprise development
- value chain development
- urban development
- social enterprise
- other interested technical fields
- SEEP members and non-members
68Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Who should get involved?
- Innovative, effective leaders
- Dedicated to sustainable poverty eradication
- Committed to lateral learning
- Operating or linked to on-the-ground
organizations - (Learning activities will take place online and
in English)
69Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Open Opportunities
- Take advantage of
- the Enterprise Development Exchange
- edexchange.seepnetwork.org
- Participate
- in the Urban Value Chain Development
- April 22May
15 - Apply for Grants
- Access publications and trainings
70Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
SEEP Member Opportunities
- Working group/Advisory committee (at least
4 days/year, more is up to you) - VCD Expert flag for UVCD conference (intense
participation AprilMay) - Advance notification of the program (now)
71Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
The Value Initiative
- What is the Value Initiative?
- Why focus on urban areas?
- Why Value Chain Development?
- How will the Value Initiative work?
- How can you benefit?
- How can you contribute?
72Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
Please Volunteer!
- Value Initiative Advisory committee
- Expert for the UVCD conference
- Participate in the UVCD conference
73Market Facilitation Learning Activity Social
Enterprise Working Group The Value Initiative
For More Information
Contact me directly Mary McVay, Director, The
Value Initiative mcvay_at_seepnetwork.org
edexchange.seepnetwork.org/ (LAUNCH DATE APRIL 2)