Title: CIECA Workshop Nimes April 9th
1PTW fatalities in EuropeUpdate 2000-2005
21. Moped fatality Trends
3Moped fatalities / circulating park
- Fatalities / 10.000 vehicles show improvement in
all countries - 2005 Total Average 1.15 fat./10.000 vehicles
- Stagnations in improvements in Austria, UK,
France, Greece - Ireland no data
Data ACEM, Nat. stat. CARE
4Moped circulating park and all vehicle
circulating park
- Mopeds become less apparent on European Roads
- The of mopeds decreased from 6.3 in 2000 to
5.1 in 2005 - Strongest relative decreases in Portugal,
Netherlands, Italy, Belgium
Data ACEA, ACEM all vehicle circulating park (
Total of car, bus, truck, PTW)
5Moped safety trends - general
- Improving, expected to continue to improve over
next years - Number of fatalities decreased by -34.9 between
2000 and 2005 - -26 for 2000 - 2004
- An increase in the absolute number of fatalities
in UK, but not significant - EU 15 country moped rider fatalities continues to
improve, reducing faster than the park - 1.15 fatalities per 10.000 vehicles in 2005
- 1.26 fatalities per 10.000 vehicles in 2004
6Moped safety trends by country
- Highest safety progress margins compared to the
2005 EU 15 country average of 1.15 fatalities /
10.000 vehicles - Greece 3.1 1.5 of EU park
- France 2.7 10.3 of EU park
- Portugal 2.2 3.4 of EU park
- Denmark 2.0 1.1 of EU park
- Ireland no data
72. Motorcycle fatality Trends
8Motorcycle fatalities / circulating park
- Fatalities / 10.000 vehicles show improvement in
all countries between 2000 and 2005 - Except in Italy, Finland, Ireland
- 2005 Total Average 3.1 fat./10.000 vehicles
- Ireland data includes mopeds
Data ACEM, Nat. stat. CARE
9Motorcycle circulating park and all vehicle
circulating park
- Motorcycles become more apparent on European
Roads - The of reg. motorcycles increased from 5.4 in
2000 to 6.3 in 2005
Data ACEA, ACEM all vehicle circulating park (
Total of car, bus, truck, PTW)
10Motorcycle safety trends General
- Contrasted trend
- EU 15 motorcycle park increases largely faster
than rider fatalities fatalities increased by
5.2 from 2000-2005 while the motorcycle
circulating park has increased by 28. - Between 2000 and 2005, the total average number
of fatalities per 10.000 registered vehicles show
a strong improvement (18) (from 3.8 to 3.1) - except for Italy (2.3 fat./10.000 veh., Italy
being responsible for 31.5 of the EU 15 park) - except for Finland (small numbers though)
11Motorcycle safety trends by Country
- Positive trend
- Decrease of number of fatalities in countries
between 2000-2005 - Luxembourg (not significant)
- The Netherlands
- Denmark
- Austria
- Portugal
- Greece
- UK
- France
- In these countries a decrease of the number
fatalities per 10.000 registered vehicles of more
than 18
12Motorcycle safety trends by Country
- Contrasted trends in
- Belgium, Sweden, Spain (2000-2005)
- An increase of absolute fatality numbers 4.2,
17.9, 20.4, - Decrease of fatalities / circulating park
-16.6, -22.9, -3.6 - Finland
- The increasing trend of absolute numbers is not
statistically significant - Improvement is shown when circulating park is
13Motorcycle safety trends by Country
- Negative trends particularly in
- Italy
- 55,6 fatalities from 2000-2005
- Improvement since 2004 by 6.3 in fatalities per
10.000 vehicles - from 2.5 in 2004 to 2.3 in 2005
- Motorcycle fatality share increased from 11.2
in 2000 to 20.5 in 2005 - Ireland
- 41 of fatalities (2000-2003, includes also
moped data)
14Motorcycle safety trends by Country
- Highest safety progress margins compared to the
2005 EU 15 total average of 3.1 fatalities /
10.000 vehicles - Ireland, 15.7 no park data
- Portugal, 11.3 1.1 of EU park
- France, 7.5 7.5 of EU park
- UK, 4.7 7.6 of EU park
- Greece 5.3 (2004) 4.6 of EU park
- Ireland data includes also moped fatalities
153. Overview
16PTW Fatalities and circulating park in EU 15
- 5 countries
- Italy
- France
- Germany
- Spain
- UK
- are responsible for 79 of PTW fatalities
- and for 83 of EU 15 PTW park
OTS by DfT
17All Fatalities and PTW fatalities 2000-2005
- Road fatalities (all road users) decreased by
-27.3 - PTW rider fatalities decreased by -7.2
- Moped rider fatalities decreased by -34,9
- Motorcycle rider fatalities increased by 5.2
Data Nat. stat. CARE
18Industrys views on PTW road safety figures
19MPs Countries of particular attention
EU 15
20MCs Countries of particular attention
EU 15
21PTWs Countries of particular attention
EU 15