Title: NO DATA
1Part of a Larger Project Sponsored by
The Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of Natural History Caribbean
Coral Reef Ecosystems Program Dr. Klaus Rützler,
Director Carrie Bow Cay Marine Field
Station Michael Carpenter, Station Manager
Long-Term Temperature Records from the Barrier
Reef of Belize, Central America Brian Helmuth,
Jim Leichter, Ken Sebens, Emily Carrington and
Karl Castillo University of South Carolina,
Department of Biological Sciences, and Marine
Sciences Program Columbia SC 29208 USA
helmuth_at_biol.sc.edu http//www.biol.sc.edu/helmu
Outer Reef Sites, Carrie Bow Cay
Inner Reef Sites, Carrie Bow Cay
No Data
Temperature (C)
Temperature (C)
Date and Time (Belize Local)
Data Applications and Trends
Yearly Extremes
Yearly Maximum
Yearly Minimum
Rapid seasonal upwelling events
High-frequency fluctuations in shallow water (5m
Fore Reef)
Date and Time (Belize Local)
Date and Time (Belize Local)