1Title slide
- Linda Potter, Director of Finance
- Executive Summary
- Financial Risk Rating
- Income and Expenditure (Trust)
- Performance Summaries
- CIP Summary
- Service Line Report (August 09 summary)
- Balance Sheet
- Cash Flow
- Capital Report
To turn the amber rating for underlying year-end
performance to green (from 3 to 4) the Trust
would need to reduce operational costs or
increase income by approximately 200k. This
would have the effect of increasing the forecast
outturn surplus from 6.0m to 6.2m.
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- The following schedules show the financial and
workforce performance for the whole Trust and
each of the directorates. - Activity is for the period to August 09 and
variances are based on an estimated profile. - An income for September has been estimated.
- The Trust currently forecasts to achieve a
surplus of 6m.
- The Trust has generated a surplus of 4.6m,
1.04m above the revised, phased budget. Pay
costs are 1.2 above budget, and include 1.25m
of agency costs. Non-pay costs are generally on
or below budget, except drugs, and other
expenses, which include 0.5m provisions for
costs associated with Transformation and
Foundation Trust associated work, and backlog
maintenance. - Overall nursing staff costs are 1.7 below
budget. Medical staff costs (incl. agency) are
4.4 over budget. - The Trust currently employs 2194.2 WTE staff.
Prior month figure was an estimate as it included
both outgoing and incoming Junior Doctors as part
of the August rotation. - There are currently 63.40 WTE (79 headcount)
employees on maternity leave, compared to 37.08
WTE (50 headcount) for the same period last year.
There are several areas of the hospital where the
high level of maternity leave could impact on
service delivery and are therefore back filled
through temporary staffing. Sickness rate for
the month remains as for August.
- There has been no decrease in the Outpatient
demand and it continues as at previous month
levels. Additional outpatient sessions to manage
demand are required in General Surgery, TO, ENT,
Ophthalmology and Oral Surgery. New to follow up
ratios are being addressed in General Surgery,
Urology and Oral. The number of procedures being
undertaken in outpatients are also sustained in
General Surgery, ENT and Ophthalmology. There is
also a Suffolk wide increase in non-elective ENT. - Income for the month was better than budget due
to invoices for the use of medical staff 91k,
SLA Income 9k and Private Patients of 24k. Pay
was more than budget primarily as a result of
medical staff 338k, due to extra session
payments, Prof. Tech agency cost 79k, and
nursing bank 190k but partially offset by 159k
from staff vacancies. Non-Pay exceeds the budget
129k for contracted work plastics, ENT, and
dental. MSE was over by 153k due to equipment
replacements and general supplies in theatres.
Savings were achieved in drugs 37k and in
purchasing hearing aids 9k, however the demand
for hearing aids is rising and an analysis of
this is being undertaken.. - Sickness/absence and maternity leave rates have
increased on the inpatients wards and the levels
still necessitate backfill by from bank staff. - The use of agency staff was 236k for junior
medical staff (Urology, TO, ENT) and 117 for
consultants (Anaesthetics). A further 79k was
for the plaster orderly in the Fracture Clinic
(long term sick and subsequent retirement) plus
3k nursing. Locum cost were 243k, primarily in
Anaesthetics for consultant cover and bank usage
was 190k for nurses and 44k for medical
secretaries to cover sickness, maternity leave
and vacancies.
- Activity SLA income continues to exceed
contract. - Directorate income over performed in the month.
- Overspend in medical staffing relates to
- 87k agency expenditure covering maternity leave
and vacant posts - payment for additional out-patient activity
demand driven mainly in Gastroenterology (7k),
Dermatology (8k), Oncology (4k) and Cardiology
(11k). - In mitigation the directorate received funding
from reserves for Dr Chatterji in respect of
swine flu preparations. - Nurse agency costs of 45k were incurred across
the wards as not all vacant shifts could be
covered by bank staff. Expenditure in this area
will continue until vacancies are filled
(recruitment in progress), and staff on maternity
leave ( of staff on maternity leave is reducing
slowly) return to work. There is a need to
maintain core levels of staffing in clinical
areas. - Drug expenditure was high. The Directorate
benefited from adjustments in respect of drugs
supplied not invoiced over the last year (29k in
Oncology), and from a retrospective budget claim
for a high cost drug Exenatide. The Trust were
notified in the month that the PCT would fund
this Diabetes drug going back to April (41k). - Office Equipment/Printing and Stationery was
overspent in the month related to new
consultants and their secretaries as detailed in
approved business cases.
- The Directorate under-spent in this month by
185k. The main factor was the successful
agreement of Radiology charges with Addenbrookes.
The Directorate benefited by 124k. - There was reduced income in September mainly due
to funding being transferred to another
directorate (20k Antibiotic post). Early
Intervention Team income continues (an extended
SLA is currently being negotiated), however this
was offset by reduced private patient income
across all areas of the Directorate. - The consultant vacancy in Biochemistry meant
medical staff were underspent. The fifth
Histopathologist post is currently being covered
by a locum, and agency, contributing to agency
cost increase in the month. Finally, additional
Radiology sessions were incurred although reduced
from last month. - Allied Health Professionals (OT, Physiotherapy
Radiography) and Scientific Professionals staff
(Pharmacy and Pathology) continue with vacancies
mitigated by some backfilling with agency staff. - Pathology equipment and materials were underspent
by 47k, against an overspend of 31k in August.
The variance in August was followed up and
adjustments made this month. Alongside these
adjustments there was also lower spend than is
usual on chemicals this month. - .
- The favourable variance to budget is driven
mainly by 91.3k in vacant positions, 27.6k in
lower drug cost, 9.9k less rent of community
midwifery clinic space, 15.2k in transport cost
(prior year), additional USAF income of 211.5k
and 67.9k from EWTD funds. These savings were
partially offset by extra session payments of
51.5k and 58.9k for the wards bank usage and
33.8k in MSE and other supply cost. - Activity data reflects a significant increase in
gynaecology referrals over last year and recorded
activity is 38.4 (July 09) up year-on-year
through August. Paediatric referrals are up
13.6 but recorded activity is down by 7.8
primarily due to no longer having the
gastroenterology patients. Activity vs the SLA
through August is down mainly in midwifery and
obstetrics reflecting over-commissioned activity
by Suffolk PCT. - Sickness rates have improved from the August
position but maternity leave remains high. Use
of bank staff (225.7k) reflects the level of
maternity leave and long term sick and
vacancies. Paediatrics have used agency staff to
support the service. Locum staff (102.3k) are
being used to cover the vacancies for the hybrid
consultants in Paediatrics although part of this
cost is offset by additional EWTD income
(67.9k). Non-NHS Agency cost is primarily due
to Junior Doctor coverage in Paediatrics.
- Income has continued to improve.
- Pay
- Housekeeping additional budget for compliance
with standards for national cleanliness now
included. - SSD underspend as a result of vacancies.
- Estates underspend as a result of vacancies.
- Facilities Admin underspend due to vacancies.
- Non Pay is generally under spending across the
directorate. - Utilities continue to underspend due to lower
tariffs. - Laundry contract swing from August has rectified
this month. - Central Med Surg overspend forecast on
mattresses, as at October 9th, estimated at 40k,
result of audit. - Workforce
- Long Term sickness in August has reduced as
anticipated, with some of the long term sick
staff retiring, leaving or returning to work.
Referrals to Occupational Health continue.
- Corporate report is a consolidation of Finance
and Information, Human Resources and
Communications, Medical Director, Nursing and
Governance, Trust Office, Overhead, Sudbury and
the Central Operations Directorates. Reserves
are excluded from this report. - The overall pay variance is favourable. Agency
and bank staff are still being used in Finance
and the cost of bank nurses on mandatory training
are included in these Corporate numbers. - The Income variance is favourable due mainly to
RTA (169k variance) income and some central
funding which have associated unbudgeted costs,
for example Pandemic Flu funding. - Overheads include a budget for Collaborative Hub
led savings, while these will savings actually
arise throughout the Trust. The non-pay variance
also includes provisions for unbudgeted
consultancy work associated with Transformation
and Foundation Trust and other projects, creating
the high adverse variance. - The Maternity rates remain below the overall
Trust rate. The sickness rate for corporate areas
reflects an adjustment this month.
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14Summary Service Line Report for August 2009
The above table shows financial performance by
main specialty lines for the period to Aug 09.
This summary now reflects the changes to the
income budget made to the August financial
reports. Although the variances have changed
significantly to reflect the more accurate budget
data, actual performance continues as in previous
months. Surgery is to investigate
under-performance in Trauma and Orthopaedics.
The current Obstetric performance reflects
over-commissioned activity by NHS Suffolk The SLR
above reflects the published August financial
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