Title: Comments on
1Comments on
- Inflation control
- Why are some countries more successful than
others? - Thórarinn Petursson
- Benoit Mojon (Banque de France)
- Inflation Targeting 20 Years on Conference
- Norges Bank, Oslo, 11 June 2009
- What the paper finds?
- Comments
- Praises
- Why does IT work?
- Inflation, output, asset prices and welfare
3What the paper finds? 1/3
- Inflation variability depends on
- Exchange rate variability
- Exchange rate pass-through
- Monetary policy transparency
- The adoption of inflation targeting
4What the paper finds? 2/3
- Inflation variability does not depend on
- Size
- Level of economic development
- Trade composition
- Output variability
- Output sensitivity to world growth
5What the paper finds? 3/3
- Denmark, Honk Kong, Japan, Taiwan and the US have
a lot in common!
6What the paper finds? 3/3
- Denmark, Honk Kong, Japan, Taiwan and the US have
a lot in common! - Neither in EMU
- Nor Inflation Targeters
- Nor VSOEs
- Nor Emerging
- Clean, rigorous empirical analysis
- The paper is clear and very well written, a
pleasure to read -
- Why does IT work?
- Inflation, output, asset prices and welfare
9Why does IT work?
Diron and Mojon (2008)
10Why does IT work?
Diron and Mojon (2008)
11Inflation, output, asset prices welfare
Cecchetti, Flores-Lagunes and Krause (2004)
12Inflation, output, asset prices welfare
Cecchetti, Flores-Lagunes and Krause (2004)
13Inflation, output, asset prices welfare
Cecchetti, Flores-Lagunes and Krause (2004)
14Inflation, output, asset prices welfare
15Inflation, output, asset prices welfare
- IT performance and asset prices
- Frappa and Mesonnier (2009) showed that IT
targeters have had significantly higher asset
price volatility (robust to controls) - Why is unclear
- False feeling of security (investors, CB)
- Lower inflation risk premia gt feed into asset
prices - True test ahead
- Short term Will IT help anchor away deflation
- Medium term Will IT avoid that fiscal stimuli
lead to a bond market crash
- Very nice empirical investigation showing that IT
has worked - May be not on the most relevant issues of IT
- True test for IT lies ahead of us