Title: http:www'mavricmedia'comstartestdisplayimage'phpalbum22
1Welcome to the 2009 STAR Program State
Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack
2Objectives and Agenda
- Site STAR coordinators will prepare to
- Maintain Security Increased Audits
- Assure standardization using correct, current,
and consistent STAR procedures - Train site test examiners/proctors to conduct
testing consistently - Conduct quality control on site procedures and
related documents
3Whats New for 2009
4New for 2009
New for 2009
- CMA grades 6, 7, 8
- CMA writing grades 4, 7
- Reading writing passage or prompt aloud
acceptable accommodation - STS Algebra I, Geometry grades 8, 9, 10, 11,
- No CAT/6
- Grade 3 demographics on CST or CMA booklet must
be returned for every grade 3 student - CAPA New rubric for Level I
- Answer document A2, Special Conditions, X if
student was offered accommodations or
modifications, but refused.
5Coordinators Role in Accountability
- Prepare
- Precoding
- Lists, lists, lists Check, research, REPORT
- Restore
- Data Corrections prior to first day of testing
- Late labels reflective of new students between
precode and 1st day change in assessment - Prevent
- Document review after testing
6Administration Train Examiners
HO 2
- Distribute test materials to correct students
- Be very careful with similar names Check date
of birth - Make sure students code correct EOC math or
science test taken - Make sure students code correct test version
number - Follow Directions For Administration (DFA)
- Read Say boxes exactly as written
- Students cannot go back to previous part of test
7Train Correct CodingAccommodations,
Modifications, and Variations
HO 2
- Accommodations and Modifications are
IEP-determined - IEP cannot exempt from testing
- Variations for EL do not need IEP
- Regularly used in the classroom
- Score counted as is
8Train Correct CodingAccommodations and
Modifications (Cont.)
HO 2
- Accommodations
- Change conditions, but not measurement
- Score counted as is
- Modifications
- Change conditions and measurement
- Score counted as far below basic for state
accountability - Score not counted as participating for Adequate
Yearly Progress (AYP)
9(No Transcript)
10(No Transcript)
11Code Back of Answer Documents(App K)
HO 2
- A1 if irregularities
- Complete form (Appendix C)
- If CDE instructs, complete A1
- A2 Special Conditions
- Alphabetical order
- X if accommodations or modifications offered,
but not used - A3 Accommodations and Modifications
- A4 Variations for ELs
Grade 11 Example
12Multiple Choice Tests
13California Standards Tests Examiner High School
14Multiple-Choice Delivery Schedule Inventory
- District delivers to test sites 510 days before
1st testing day - Site distributes to examiners
- CST, Writing, CMA, STS day of test only
- May distribute non-secure DFAs earlier
- CAPA at least 5 days before testing (as soon as
15Returning Scorable Materials
HO 4
- ORANGE label
- Test materials for
- Students enrolled on first day testing (including
absent or exempted) - Students enrolled later and tested
- Used grades 411 answer documents
- Used grades 2, 3 test booklets (including CST or
CMA for every grade 3 student) - Package CAPA on TOP of lowest CST grade answer
document or test booklets - All STS under CST, sorted by grade
- SGIDs for each test/grade, Master File Sheets for
each school
16(No Transcript)
17Returning Secure Nonscorable Materials
- GREEN label
- Grades 411 test booklets
- Grades 2, 3 unused test booklets
- CAPA Examiners Manuals
- Grade 2 DFAs
- Special versions, including CDs, test question
transparencies - Voided answer documents, booklets
18(No Transcript)
19EAP EssayDelivery Packaging
- Required if English score is desired for CSU
- ETS delivers to district 1020 days before
testing - Separate shipment from CST Writing Administration
- March 431 administration
- District delivers to test sites 510 days before
testing after taking inventory of materials - Site delivers to examiner day of test
20EAP EssayReturning Materials
- Scorables, MAGENTA labels
- Separate return shipment, NOT return with
scorables for Grade 4 and 7 CST Writing - SGID Sheet
- Code Grade, Number of Documents
- Do not code Test Type or Group Name
- Nonscorables, YELLOW
- Unused test materials
- DFAs
21EAP Essay Answer Document
- Minimal demographic data required in sections
- 1 Name, School etc.
- 3 Date of Birth
- 5 Student Name
- 6 Gender
- 7 Grade
- 11 Student ID (if applicable)
- 12 SSID
22CST Grades 9 - 11
23ELA, Math CSTs
HO 7
- ELA all grades
- Math
- Grades 26 all students take grade-level test
- Grade 7 or Algebra I
- Grades 89 math required
- 811 EOC math test based on standards-based math
course completed during school year
24Science, History CSTs
HO 7
- Science
- Grades 5, 8, 10
- HistorySocial Science
- Grades 8 (includes CMA test takers), 11
- Code correct EOC test version number on answer
25Its your. . .
Time to shine
Like a
26(No Transcript)
27Grades 9 -11
28Scheduling Considerations Best Practices!
- Promote positive attitudes
- Middle of the week
- Avoid days before/after vacations or important
school functions - Mornings generally recommended
29Scheduling Considerations Best Practices!
- One test session per day best
- Consider the rigor of the testing sessions
- Provide for all test variations
- Test examiners must know what will be provided
and to which students - Plan for the individual and small-group testing
- Make use of all site and district staff
30Scheduling Considerations Best Practices!
- Testing all grade level/subject area students at
the same time during the same day best - Same teacher/same seat best
- Schedule the time for make-ups
HO 10
- Performance-based, one-on-one test for students
with significant cognitive disabilities unable to
take the CSTs (even with modifications) or the
CMA - IEP-determined
- All tasks linked to grade-level standards
- Allow CAPA examiners extensive preparation and
training timeTraining required new rubric for
Level I Encourage sites to begin CAPA
administration at start of testing window to
complete on time
32CAPA Administer Correct Level
HO 8
- Students who repeat grade eleven for multiple
years continue to take CAPA Level I or Level V
until enrolled in grade 12.
33CAPA Observers
HO 8
- Double Rating
- 10 students randomly selected for each CAPA
level at each site - Observer must meet same qualifications as
examiner - Observer must be trained to score CAPA
- Observer scores at the same time as examiner, but
independently - Observer must complete and sign blank answer
document which has been completed for student
34CAPA Answer Document
HO 8
Signature Block
- Pre-ID documents pre-coded as Examiner
- Examiner signs
- Observer completes name, signs, dates and codes
36Who Takes STS?
HO 8
- Required for Spanish-speaking English learners
(EL), grades 27, who either - Receive instruction in Spanish or
- Have been enrolled in a school in the U.S. less
than 12 cumulative months. - Districts may also administer to other
Spanish-speaking EL in grades 27. - STS not to be administered to English-only,
I-FEP, or R-FEP students
37STS Grades 9 - 11
38Standards Based Test in Spanish Examiner High
- Students also take CST or CMA
- DFA SAY boxes in Spanish
- Translation of demographics is in Coordinator
Manual, Appendix K - Section 9a País de Origen
- Optional
- Only one should be coded
40Coordinators Challenge
- Security
- Communication
- Quality Control
- Communication
- Positive Test Environment
- Communication
41Scheduling Considerations Best Practices!
- What will reduce anxiety in teachers and students
- Schedule around the test
- How can noise disruption be avoided
- How will make-up testing be as effective as
during the regular schedule
42Test Parts
- Each subject of the CST and CMA is divided into
parts. Each part must be administered in a
single sitting. - CST test parts SHOULD be administered
contiguously without another test interrupting.
43CST Times
Test Parts
- Estimates of the time required by most students
- Plan for students who might run over on CSTs or
44Site Coordinators Responsibilities
45We thank you!!!
The Award Goes