Title: The Promise and Pitfalls of Using a Wireless Classroom
1The Promise and Pitfalls of Using a Wireless
- Jean Caswell and Laverne Simoneaux
- Southeastern Louisiana University
- LITA Forum, Houston, TX Oct. 11-13, 2002
- Southeastern Louisiana University
- 15,000 students
- 1,700 faculty and staff
- LS102 classes 33 classes/semester
- Bibliographic instruction 120 sessions/semester
3Problems to Overcome
4Problem 1
- Lack of Classroom Space
- 1 wired classroom
- LS 102 classes Monday- Thursday, 8am to 4pm
- 1 multi-purpose classroom
- Media
- ESL Classes
- Bibliographic Instruction
5Problem 2
- Lack of Funding
- Possible Solutions
- Technology fee grants
- Year-end money
- Library and Scientific funds
6Problem 3
- Technical Support
- Campus Information Technology Department
- 4 networking staff
- 8 Help Desk staff
- Library Systems Department
- 1 Systems Librarian
7Technological Considerations
8Technological Considerations
- Feasibility Study
- Bibliography
- Other departments on campus
- Tangipahoa Parish public schools
9Technological Considerations
- Wireless LAN Standards
- IEEE 802.11 1998 - 2 Mbps
- IEEE 802.11b 2000 - 11 Mbps
- IEEE 802.11a 2002 54 Mbps
10Technological Considerations
- Selection of Wireless Vendors
- Approved wireless vendors
- Cisco
- Lucent
- 3Com
11Technological Considerations
- Turnkey Systems
- Wireless hub, notebooks, cart
- Dell
- Gateway
- Compaq
- Apple
12Technological Considerations
- Network Configuration and Security
- Working with your campus computing group
- Wireless networks and campus network security
13Technological Considerations
- Software Installation and PC Security
- Software security packages
- Internet filtering
- WinSelect
- CleanSlate
- Fortress
- Windows 2000
- Tattletaping
14Room Layout and Architectural Considerations
15Previous Floor Plan
16Wireless Floor Plan
17Ongoing Troubleshooting
18Ongoing Troubleshooting
- LibWireless--Wireless and Libraries List
- Discusses libraries and all types of wireless
technologies - http//groups.yahoo.com/group/LibWireless/
- Owner Bill Drew at SUNY Morrisville
19Educational Considerations
- Room scheduling
- Students unfamiliarity with laptops
- Transition from passive to active learning
- Pre- and post-testing
20Room Scheduling
- PC Setup and Shutdown
- Allow time for setup and troubleshooting
- Develop procedures for setup and shutdown
- Student help
- Number of consecutive sessions vs. battery life
21Students and Laptops
- Problems
- Laptops in 50 minute or less--YIKES!
- Students unfamiliar to laptop use
- Mousepad difficulties
- Solutions
- Student helpers
- External mice
22Passive to Active Learning
- Follow the leader doesnt work
- Change emphasis from passive (demonstration) to
active learning (guided assignments with cursory
23Assessment of Student Learning
- Pre- and Post-testing with MS FrontPage
- Student learning
- Bibliographic instruction
- SACS accreditation
- http//www3.selu.edu/libref/bisurvey.asp
24Reactions to Wireless Classroom
- "The wireless computers are fabulous!"
- Dr. Karen McCormick
- Assistant Professor of Education
- "The laptops are wonderful! The students were
so much more involved than they had been in the
past when they were only watching." - Winborne Gautreaux
- Instructor in English