Title: TDC 369 TDC 432
1TDC 369 / TDC 432
- Spring 2003
- Greg Brewster
- DePaul University
- Course Overview
- What is performance analysis?
- Methods for performance analysis
- Measurements
- Simulation
- Analysis
3Course Goals
- Study analytical tools for performance analysis
of web-based computer networks and systems.
4Course Text
- Required Capacity Planning for Web Services
Metrics, Models and Methods, Menasce Almeida,
Prentice-Hall, 2002. - Excellent coverage of performance analysis issues
for web services and web servers - For more math Queueing Networks and Markov
Chains Modeling and Performance Evaluation with
Computer Science Applications, Bolch, Greiner, de
Meer and Trivedi, Wiley, 1998. - A good reference book covering mathematics and
analysis aspects of the course in more detail
5Office Hours and Web Site
- Course Web Site
- http//dlweb.cs.depaul.edu
- Class Times MW 1150 AM 120 PM
- Ill be available in my office for 1.5 hours
after each class - Office Hours MW 130 300 PM
6Course Web Site and Handouts
- Class presentation handouts (PPT slides) will be
available on the web site - Monday class slides on web site by 300 PM on
Friday - Wednesday class slides on web site by 800 AM on
Tuesday - It is your responsibility to print out copies of
PPT slides for your own note-taking before coming
to each class session.
7Performance Analysis
- Our goal is to determine values for performance
attributes of systems, such as - Delay (Response Time)
- Elapsed time between two events
- Throughput
- Events per second sustained by a system
- Utilization
- Fraction of time a system resource is busy
- Reliability
- Fraction of time a system resource is available
8Example Web Server Performance
- Response Time
- What is the delay between the time a user clicks
on a hyperlink and the time the web page is
displayed? - Throughput
- How many web page accesses per second can the
server support? - Utilization
- What fraction of time is the server busy?
- Reliability
- How often is the server down?
9Applications of Performance Analysis Results
- Capacity Planning
- Predicting the resources needed to provide some
Quality of Service in an existing system - Systems Design
- Evaluate design tradeoffs for components of a
system to be constructed - Systems Research
- Quantify the value of proposed new protocols, etc.
10Sample Applications
- How many servers does Amazon.com need to provide
average search times of less than 10 seconds? - How much faster would DePauls web access be if
we doubled the bandwidth to our ISP? - Can performance of the TCP protocol be improved?
11Capacity Planning
- Capacity Planning Question Given current system
performance and demand, how much can the demand
increase before - the system becomes saturated
- Saturation occurs when some vital system resource
nears exhaustion example network utilization gt
95. - or some critical system service level is exceeded
- Example user response time exceeds 5 seconds
12Capacity Planning Example
- AnyCo runs an Intranet server which currently
handles about 60 requests per second and gives
acceptable performance. - Management would like to hire more employees,
which will increase requests/sec. - Key Service Level Server response time must be
kept under 8 seconds
13AnyCo Reponse Time Analysis
14Response Time Results
- AnyCo finds that the web server, as currently
configured, can handle up to about 150 requests
per second before response times become
unacceptable. - Most response time graphs have a knee value for
the graph, where response time starts to increase
rapidly with increasing load - For this example, the knee of the curve occurs at
around 130 requests/second.
15Server CPU Utilization Analysis
16Utilization Results
- CPU utilization defines the fraction of the time
that the CPU is busy processing requests. - AnyCo finds that the web CPU utilization
increases linearly with requests up to about 190
requests per second, when it reaches maximum
utilization (100). - This suggests that CPU utilization represents a
bottleneck resource for this system and that
increasing the server CPU speed (or installing
multiple processors or multiple servers) would be
necessary to increase system capacity beyond 190
requests per second.
17AnyCo Throughput Analysis
18Throughput Results
- Results show that all requests are processed
(that is, throughput offered load) up to around
185 requests per second. - Past 185 requests per second, the system starts
to drop requests (throughput lt offered load),
indicating that the system capacity has been
19Performance Analysis Approaches
- Systems Measurement
- Simulation
- Analytical Modeling
From Tools for Designing Data Networks, Al
Edlund, Data Communications Review, Dec. 1999.
21Systems Measurement
- Idea Directly measure the performance of an
existing physical system - Tools
- Hardware analyzers
- Network sniffers
- Metered software
22Systems Measurement
- Advantage
- Highly accurate performance results
- Disadvantages
- System must exist and be measureable
- Cannot measure proposed systems or modifications
to existing systems - Measurement may interfere with system operation
- Generalizeable? Results may apply only to
particular time period measured
23Measurements Marketplace
- Measurement Tools
- Traffic generators, Sniffers, probes, etc.
- Network General, Computer Associates, Microsoft,
etc - Measurement Services
- Companies will generate traffic to test your web
site - Gomez, Keynote Systems, Matrix NetSystems
- Idea Utilize simulation software that calculates
progressive system states and measures
resulting performance values - Tools
- Simulation packages, e.g. COMNET
- Custom software
- Advantages
- Can measure performance of systems that do not
yet exist - Accurate results if specifications known
- Disadvantages
- Software is complex to write and debug
- Simplifying assumptions are typically required
- Simulation must be run for thousands or millions
of iterations for accurate results, which may
require hours of simulation execution time.
26Simulation Marketplace
- Simulation Packages
- NS (network simulator)
- Free software from Berkeley
- www.opnet.com
- www.compuware.com
27Analytical Models
- Idea Represent system performance via
mathematical model that can be solved directly - Tools
- Probability Theory
- Queueing Theory
- Model solution packages, e.g. GreatSPN, PMVA
- Mathematical software, e.g. MatLab or Mathematica
28Analytical Models
- Advantages
- Can analyze systems that do not yet exist
- Results are derived much more quickly compared
with simulation - Disadvantages
- May be difficult to determine appropriate models
to use - Simplifying assumptions are used (more than
simulation) to ensure that solution is
mathematically feasible
29Analysis Marketplace
- Special purpose software packages exist
- MMNK software for queue delay analysis
- MVA software for queueing network analysis
- Petri Net software packages
- Markov chain solvers
- Once a model is understood, some modeling and
analysis can be done with basic tools, such as - Excel
- Mathematica
- Companies will sell you analysis services
- NetForeCast.com and others
30Example AnyCo Web Server
- AnyCo runs a web server and would like to
support up to 100 users performing transactions
on this server at any one time - Key criterion User response time must be less
than 8 seconds
31AnyCo Web Server Example
32AnyCo Web Server
- AnyCo workload characterization
- Each active user reads a web page for an average
of 5 seconds before clicking a new hyperlink - HTTP Request message length averages 200 bytes
- HTTP Responses (web pages) average 40,000 bytes
- Each request requires
- 80 ms. of Web server CPU time
- 3 disk accesses avg. 50 ms. per access
33AnyCo Web Server Systems Measurement Approach
- AnyCo sets up test terminals that generate
transactions on the web server. - They generate traffic equivalent to 1, 10, 20,
30, , 100 users using test terminals and measure
response times. - Each set of measurements is repeated many times
to ensure a statistically significant result.
34AnyCo Measurements
35AnyCo Web Server Example Systems Measurement
- Result Response time exceeds 8 seconds for more
than 60 users - Follow-Up
- Look for causes of unacceptable performance
- Detailed server code measurements
- Network utilization measurements
- Problem How to predict impact of any system
36AnyCo Web Server Systems Measurement Approach
- Effort and Expense are High
- Test measurement software must be purchased and
configured on test workstations - Server must be off-line and available for
measurement - Network Sniffer or probe must be installed to
capture performance information
37AnyCo Web Server Simulation Approach
- AnyCo creates a detailed simulation of their web
server system. - Key system parameters are used as inputs to the
simulation - Data packet sizes, overheads
- Router delays,
- CPU time required for various operations
- Setting up / writing simulation may take many
hours or days depending on software used and
complexity of simulation.
38AnyCo Web Server Simulation Approach
- Assumptions
- Delay components
- ISP router, T1 access line, AnyCo router,
Ethernet, Web Server CPU time, Web Server disk
access times, Ethernet, AnyCo router, T1 access
line, ISP router. - Since we do not know details of user access to
the Internet, we do not include delay for
transporting data over user access lines - Router processing times negligible (only include
data transmission times) - Ethernet transmission times negligible
39AnyCo Web Server Simulation Approach
- Simulation is now run
- Each point on performance graph requires one
simulation run. - Simulation run must iterate thousands or millions
of times to get a statistically valid result. - Each simulation run may typically take 10 minutes
to one hour to run.
40AnyCo Web Server Simulation Model
Example Graphical model, simulation and results
analysis using COMNET software.
41AnyCo Web Server Simulation Approach
- Model Accuracy How accurately does this
simulation model capture the behavior of the real
system?? - Must be addressed via model validation study
where simulation results are compared against
measured system results. - Follow-Up After examining simulation results, we
can modify parameters and do what-if analysis for
system changes.
42AnyCo Web Server Analysis Approach
- AnyCo sets up a simple analytical model of their
web server system. - Key system parameters are used as inputs to the
simulation - Data packet sizes, overheads
- Router delays,
- CPU time required for various operations
- Model can typically be set up quickly, as it only
captures the few essential performance attributes
of the system
43AnyCo Web Server Analysis Approach
- Assumptions
- Delay components
- ISP router, T1 access line, AnyCo router,
Ethernet, Web Server CPU time, Web Server disk
access times, Ethernet, AnyCo router, T1 access
line, ISP router. - Since we do not know details of user access to
the Internet, we do not include delay for
transporting data over user access lines - Router processing times negligible (only include
data transmission times) - Ethernet transmission times negligible
- There are some restrictions on distributions of
service times and request routing (details later
in course)
44AnyCo Web Server Analytical Approach
- Analytical Solution package is run
- Each point on performance graph requires one
solution of an analytical model. - Each analytical model solution is exact (just 1
iteration) and takes about 0.1 second. - All graph data generated in less than 1 second!!
45Analytical Models
- The fundamental building block for many
analytical models is Queueing Theory
46Queueing Theory
- Queueing Theory deals with the behavior of jobs
arriving to queues connected to servers.
47Queue Operations
- Jobs arrive according an arrival process, A(t).
- Arriving jobs are placed in queue
- Server provides service to first job in queue,
other jobs wait their turn. - Service time required by each job determined by
service process, S(t) - Each job leaves queue after receiving service.
48AnyCo Web Server Example
49AnyCo Queueing Network Model
50AnyCo Web Server Queueing Network Modelmore
details later in course!!
- Each time a user clicks a hyperlink
- Request message sent by ISP router across T1
(0.001 s) and across Ethernet - Web server processes request using 3 disk
accesses (0.05 s. each) interspersed with 4 CPU
time slots (0.02 s. each 0.08 s.) - Response message sent across Ethernet and by
AnyCo router across T1 (0.02 s) - User examines result for average of 5 sec before
making next request.
51AnyCo Web Server Sample of PMVA analysis input
- network
- servers
- users is li 5.0000,
- isprtr fcfs li 0.0010,
- corprtr fcfs li 0.2080,
- servercpu ps li 0.0200,
- serverdisk fcfs li 0.0500
- routing
- users gt isprtr gt servercpu,
- servercpu gt serverdisk (0.7500) corprtr
(0.2500), - serverdisk gt servercpu,
- corprtr gt users
- end
52AnyCo Analytical Model Results
53AnyCo Analytical Model Results
54AnyCo Web Server Analytical Approach
- Result of Analysis The ISP Access Line is
overloaded!! - Solution Increase Bandwidth on Access Line
- Current ISP Access T1 (1.536 Mbps)
- New Model Dual T1 (3.072 Mbps)
55AnyCo Analytical Model Results
56AnyCo Web Server Analytical Approach
- Modified System (with Dual T1 Access Line)
- Performance is greatly enhanced.
- System can now handle up to 85 users before
exceeding 8 second response time
57AnyCo Analytical Model Results
58AnyCo Web Server Analytical Approach
- Result of Analysis
- ISP Access Line is no longer a bottleneck
- At high loads, the Web Server Disk is overloaded
- Possible Solution Upgrade Server Disk drive
- Current Disk 50 ms. per disk access
- Upgraded Disk 30 ms. per disk access
59AnyCo Analytical Model Results
60AnyCo Web Server Analytical Approach
- Modified System
- Performance is greatly enhanced.
- System can now easily handle the required 100
users with calculated average user response time
of around 4 seconds. - Recommendations to AnyCo
- Increase bandwidth on ISP access line
- Upgrade server disk drive
61AnyCo Web Server Analytical Approach
- Key Question How accurately does this simple
analytical model capture the behavior of the real
web server system?? - Must be addressed via model validation study
where analytical model results are compared
against measured system results. - Note even if model is not perfectly accurate, it
can still help to predict performance trends.