Title: Rate-dependent shear bands and earthquake rupture simulations
1Rate-dependent shear bands and earthquake rupture
- Eric Daub
- M. Lisa Manning
2Constitutive laws and flow
strain localization
3Bulk metallic glasses fail along narrow shear
shear band thickness 10-20 nm
Johnson Group, Caltech
4Most slip in earthquake faults occurs along
narrow shear band
Fault gouge (granular) 0.15-0.55 m wide
Prominent fracture surface 1 mm wide, most of
the slip
F. M. Chester and J. S. Chester, Tectonophys.
295, 1998.
5What process(es) lead to shear bands?
- Are they similar in different types of disordered
6Shear Transformation Zones
- continuum model for disordered solids
- tracks density and orientation of soft spots or
STZs - creation, annihilation, and bistable switching
Spaepen (1977), Argon (1979), Falk and Langer
7- Effective temperature
- governs statistical distribution of density
fluctuations - describes local configurational entropy
- measured in simulations using fluctuation
dissipation relation - STZs are unlikely, high energy configurations
- density (?) Boltzmann factor
8Steady state effective temperature is rate
Haxton and Liu PRL 2007
increases with strain rate
Effective temperature
?0 is the minimum effective temperature
strain rate
9Steady state glassy dynamics
Super-Arrhenius regime
Langer and MLM, PRE 2007
- log (strain rate)
Simple activation regime
10Constitutive model
from STZ theory
thermal relaxation
Strain-rate dependent diffusion
11Three stationary solutions for boundary-driven
12When does each type of deformation occur?
13Transient linear stability
- Question Are the homogeneous STZ equations
unstable with respect to a perturbation in ? at
the onset of plastic deformation?
Answer Yes, if A22 gt 0.
14Does Localization occur?
- Requires linear stability AND analysis of
finite-size perturbations - Localized states are transient (characterizing
these states is difficult) - Answer for small strain rates
- ? lt ?crit - f ( ??)
- small perturbations are stabilized
15homogeneous strain
linear stability
Initial effective temp.
diffusion-limited shear band
disorder-limited shear band
log(imposed strain rate)
16Disorder-limited shear bands
- Simulations Shi et al PRL 2007
- STZ theory shear band thickness determined by
external driving rate, STZ density - (MLM et al., PRE 2007)
17Diffusion-limited shear bands
Fast external driving ? never reaches ?(?)
thickness D1/2
18More work on phase diagram
- Numerically integrate STZ PDE, filling in the
phase diagram - MATLAB just not fast enough
- Multiple shear bands?
- Width of shear bands?
- Different ?(q)?
- Densely packed amorphous solid driven in simple
shear (constant velocity) - Look at strain rate as a function of position
- Control parameters applied strain rate and
initial sample preparation or quench - Can effective temperature be measured?
- If not, could we simulate the material to
determine ?(q)? - System bounded by slowly loaded elastic material?
- Strain-rate dependent steady state effective
temperature incorporated into STZ theory - STZ model predicts three types of nearly
stationary states - homogeneous strain
- diffusion-limited shear band
- disorder-limited shear band
- Strain localization drastically changes
constitutive laws dynamic weakening
21Shear Strain Localization in Elastodynamic
Rupture Simulations
Eric G. Daub, M. Lisa Manning, and Jean M.
Carlson Physics Department, UCSB
Earthquake Problem is Multi-Scale
Collective Grain Motion
Interfacial Friction
Fault Dynamics
Rupture Dynamics
Localized Microscopic Strain
STZ Friction Law
- Study slip localization within cores of
earthquake faults - Strain localization is observed in many studies
of faults - We model friction using STZ Theory, a
microscopic physical model for gouge deformation
that allows for dynamic strain localization
within the fault core - Model earthquake processes with both a single
degree of freedom spring slider and spontaneous
elastodynamic rupture - Spring slider model (interface scale) Strain
spontaneously localizes and produces more
velocity weakening than homogeneous strain - In dynamic rupture simulations (fault scale),
ruptures that can localize have larger stress
drops and larger peak slip rates. Additional
dynamic weakening allows for pulse-like rupture.
23Strain Localization Observed in Many Studies
Marone, Ann. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 26, 1998
Morgan and Boettcher, JGR 104(B2), 1999
Highly damaged fault gouge, further localization
to narrow fracture surface
Chester and Chester, Tectonophys. 295, 1998.
24Fault Gouge Experiments at High Velocities
Most rock friction experiments are done at low
driving rates (microns/sec to millimeters/sec),
but a few reach seismic velocities. There is
certainly localization occurring in these
experiments, but not clear yet exactly how much
or what the microstructures are.
Seismic Driving Rate
Low Driving Rate
25Constitutive Law
Plastic shear strain due to Shear Transformation
Zones (STZs), local regions of gouge undergoing
shear that are constantly created by shearing
Number of STZs determined by a Boltzmann
distribution, with Effective Temperature c.
Higher effective temperature, more
configurational disorder (entropy) in the
Shear heating
Time-dependent relaxation (healing)
(Falk and Langer, Phys. Rev. E, 1998 Manning,
Langer, and Carlson, Phys. Rev. E, 2007.)
26Spring Slider Model
Start with a simple non-inertial spring slider
model, driven from rest to a seismic slip rate (1
m/s). Strain dynamically localizes unless initial
conditions are homogeneous.
Strain Rate Profiles
Feedbacks leading to localization
Higher Strain Rate
Larger Eff. Temp.
Increased Shear Heating
27Spring Slider Model
Stress vs. displacement, and representative
strain rate vs. position plots.
For small displacements, strain occurs throughout
the gouge.
Compare with homogeneous strain.
28Spring Slider Model
Stress vs. displacement, and representative
strain rate vs. position plots. Gouge weakens
more rapidly as strain begins to localize.
29Spring Slider Model
Stress vs. displacement, and representative
strain rate vs. position plots. Narrower,
diffusion-limited shear band begins to develop
and strain further localizes.
30Spring Slider Model
Stress vs. displacement, and representative
strain rate vs. position plots. Stress doesnt
change with displacement once strain localizes to
narrower shear band.
Frictional stress appears to be steady-state,
but actually a long-lived transient effect.
31Dynamic Ruptures
Implement localization into spontaneous
elastodynamic rupture simulations. Mode II 2D
ruptures, uniform initial shear stress and
friction parameters. Compare localized STZ
ruptures to homogeneous STZ ruptures (studied in
Daub and Carlson, JGR, submitted).
elastic rock
gouge (STZ Theory)
elastic rock
32Dynamic Ruptures
Comparisons slip rate vs. time, and stress vs.
Localized rupture has larger stress drop and less
frictional dissipation. Additional weakening
pulse-like rupture?
Peak slip rate in the localized rupture is
33Types of Ruptures
What are the different ways that slip can
propagate on a fault?
Decreasing initial shear stress
Slips and then heals shortly afterwards.
Ruptures faster than the shear wave speed.
Slips during the entire duration of the rupture.
34Dynamic Ruptures
Vary initial stress and transient shear band
width to generate a rupture-type diagram.
Pulse-like rupture occurs with localization but
not for homogeneous strain. Localization reduces
the minimum stress for entire fault rupture by 10
MPa for our narrowest simulation.
- STZ Theory, a physical model for gouge
deformation, accounts for strain localization in
fault zones - Slip spontaneously localizes due effective
temperature feedback - Stress weakens more rapidly for localized strain
than for homogeneous shear - Fault-scale dynamic ruptures with localization
have a smaller sliding stress than homogeneous
ruptures, with higher peak slip rates.
Small-scale physics will affect stress drops and
ground motion in earthquakes! - Additional dynamic weakening provided by
localization can allow for pulse-like ruptures.
Localization can dramatically lower the lowest
shear stress for which a fault can fully rupture.
36Friction and earthquakes
37Dynamic weakening
- For earthquakes to propagate, require that the
final stress state must be less than the initial
stress state - weakening
- In rate-and-state laws, velocity weakening is
required for stick slip instabilities (initiating
earthquakes) - velocity weakening steady state stress
decreases with increasing velocity
38STZ steady state, homogeneous velocity dependence
A is an activation energy that specifies how the
plastic strain rate q is activated by ?
- When effective temperature localizes, the final
states are not steady states, and ? ? ?
everywhere - Caveat the stress appears stationary
- Experiments on gouge shows that (A-B) evolves
with slip - Does a steady state analysis make sense in this
case? NO!
40Stick slip instability
- Is there an analogue to velocity weakening when
the system localizes and never reaches a steady
state? - What governs stick slip?
41So far . . .
- STZ description of fault gouge shows how a
prominent fracture surface can spontaneously
develop - This is accompanied by a rapid decrease of shear
stress on the fault dynamic weakening - Not necessarily velocity weakening
- Strain rate in the band goes up and shear stress
decreases - Are final states at a lower stress?
42Friction coefficients
- Can STZ dynamics generate a friction coefficient
that is smaller at high speeds? - Seen in experiments
- puts a strict bound on sy in STZ theory
- the term ?(q) provides a natural time-scale for
this crossover to occur - Eric has seen that in localized systems, a whole
range of final stresses are possible - A rapidly changing R(s) leads to sensitive
dependence on initial conditions
43Future directions
- Can we match friction coefficient experiments by
choosing right ?(q) and R(s)? - experimental evidence that friction coefficients
increase with v at very slow speeds? - Can we see/characterize stick-slip in systems
that localize (no steady state)?