Title: Space News Update
1Space News Update
January 28-31, 2008
2News Content This Week
- Hyperfast Star Ejected from the Large Magellenic
Cloud - Jupiter's giant storms caught in Hubble telescope
images S - U.S. Spy Satellite Could Crash to Earth in
February - Space Calendar
- Upcoming Launch Schedule
- Popular Space
- Space Image of the Week
- (click on the images for more information)
3Hyperfast Star Ejected from the Large Magellenic
4Jupiter's giant storms caught in Hubble telescope
5 U.S. Spy Satellite Could Crash to Earth in
6Space Calendar
- Jan 28 - Express AM-33 Proton M-Briz M Launch
- Jan 28 - Comet P/2008 A2 (LINEAR) Closest
Approach To Earth (1.129 AU) - Jan 28 - Asteroid 143 Adria Occults HIP 47779
(6.7 Magnitude Star) - Jan 28 - Asteroid 17898 Scottsheppard Closest
Approach To Earth (1.271 AU) - Jan 28 - Asteroid 13926 Berners-Lee Closest
Approach To Earth (1.781 AU) - Jan 29 - Comet C/2007 S2 (Lemmon) Closest
Approach To Earth (4.710 AU) - Jan 29 - Asteroid 2007 TU24 Near-Earth Flyby
(0.004 AU) - Jan 29 - Asteroid 79896 Billhaley Closest
Approach To Earth (1.383 AU)
7Space Calendar, Continued
- Jan 30 - Theos Dnepr 1 Launch
- Jan 30 - Asteroid 2007 WD5 Near-Mars Flyby
- Jan 30 - Asteroid 2347 Vinata Occults HIP 14893
(5.8 Magnitude Star) - Jan 30 - 140th Anniversary (1868), Pultusk
Meteorite Shower in Poland - Jan 31 - 50th Anniversary (1958), Explorer 1
Launch (1st US Satellite) - Jan 31 - Asteroid 3329 Golay Occults HIP 45058
(6.0 Magnitude Star) - Jan 31 - Asteroid 2710 Veverka Closest Approach
To Earth (1.223 AU)
(all times Eastern)
Watch NASA TV on the Net by going to NASA website.
January 29, Tuesday10 a.m. - STS-122 Crew
Training - HQ KSC (Public and Media Channels)1
p.m. - ESA Columbus/ATV Briefing - KSC (Public
and Media Channels)2 p.m. - Interviews with
STS-122 Pilot Alan Poindexter and Mission
Specialist Leland Melvin - HQ (Public and Media
Channels)4 p.m. - Interviews with STS-122
Commander Steve Frick and European Space Agency
Astronaut Léopold Eyharts - HQ (Public and Media
Channels)6 p.m. - Interviews with STS-122
Mission Specialists Rex Walheim and Stanley Love
- HQ (Public and Media Channels)8 p.m. -
Interview with European Space Agency Astronaut
Hans Schlegel - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
9NASA TV, Continued
- January 30, Wednesday4 a.m. - ISS Expedition 16
Spacewalk Coverage - JSC (Spacewalk begins at
520 a.m., or earlier, if the crew is ready All
Channels)1 p.m. - MESSENGER M1 Flyby News
Conference - HQ (Public and Media Channels)2
p.m. - ISS Expedition 16 Post-Spacewalk Briefing
- JSC (Public and Media Channels)3 p.m. -
STS-122 Post-Flight Readiness Review Briefing -
HQ (Public and Media Channels)January 31,
Thursday1115 a.m. - NASA Aeronautics Technical
Seminar on "Synthetic and Enhanced Vision Systems
and Equivalent Visual Operations" - HQ (Education
Channel)4 p.m. - ISS Automated Transfer Vehicle
Preflight Briefing - JSC (Public and Media
10NASA TV, Continued
- January 22, continued
- 2 p.m. - Interviews with STS-122 Pilot Alan
Poindexter and Mission Specialist Leland Melvin -
HQ (Public and Media Channels)4 p.m. -
Interviews with STS-122 Commander Steve Frick and
European Space Agency Astronaut Léopold Eyharts -
HQ (Public and Media Channels)6 p.m. -
Interviews with STS-122 Mission Specialists Rex
Walheim and Stanley Love - HQ (Public and Media
Channels)8 p.m. - Interview with European Space
Agency Astronaut Hans Schlegel - HQ (Public and
Media Channels
11Upcoming Launch Schedule
- January 30 A Dnepr booster to launch the THEOS
Earth-watching satellite for Thailand from
Russia's Dombarovksy-based launch site. - NET Feb 7 NASA's space shuttle Atlantis to
launch NASA's STS-122 mission to deliver the
European Columbus laboratory to the International
Space Station in a flight to begin at the Kennedy
Space Center in Florida. 247 p.m. EST (1947
GMT). - February 5 A Russian Soyuz rocket to launch the
Russian-built Progress 28 cargo ship toward the
International Space Station from Baikonur
Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan. 80250 a.m. EST
(130250 GMT)
12Popular Space
Japanese astronaut to throw boomerang in space
13Space Image of the Week