Title: Continuous Auditing
1Continuous Auditing Continuous Monitoring An
Integrated Approach
Victoria Chapter ISACA May 23, 2007 John Verver
CA, CISA, CMCVice President, Product Strategy
AlliancesACL Services Ltd.
2The Need for Continuous Auditing and Monitoring
- Continuous auditing
- Discussed for many years
- Increasing extent of implementation, but not
widespread - SOX Sec 404 and other regulatory requirements now
driving the need to - Efficiently and cost-effectively sustain controls
assessment and testing efforts - Determine on a timely basis when control
deficiencies occur - Quantify the impact of control deficiencies
- Improve effectiveness of controls
- Gain assurance over effectiveness of controls
3IIA 2005 Global Technology Audit Guide 3
- Continuous Auditing Implications for Assurance,
Monitoring and Risk Assessment - Key concepts
- Relationship of Continuous Auditing, Continuous
Monitoring and Continuous Assurance - Areas for the Application of Continuous Auditing
- Implementing Continuous Auditing
- Examples
- Standards
- Continuous Auditing Self Assessment
4Continuous Auditing
- Shift from traditional approach of periodic
cyclical audit processes - Method used to automatically perform control and
risk assessments on an ongoing basis - Technology is key
5Traditional Role of Technology in Controls
Assessment Testing
- Auditors use data analysis to test internal
controls by - Examine 100 transactions to determine if
evidence of an exception to a control rule - Examine 100 transactions to determine if there
is an indication of events occurring for which no
control rule has been established - Data analysis also used successfully to test
controls not directly evidenced by financial
transactional data - Review of ERP access / authorization tables to
determine inappropriate Segregation of Duties - Security log reviews
6Limitations of Traditional Audit Approach
- Retrospective view
- Analysis frequently occurs long after transaction
has taken place - Too late for action
- Lack of timely visibility into control risks and
deficiencies - Problems escalate, increasing business risk
The SolutionIndependently test all transactions
for compliance with controls at, or soon after,
point at which they occur
7Continuous Controls Monitoring
- Process performed by management to determine
whether policies and controls are operating
effectively - Establishes control objectives and assurance
assertions and uses automated tests to identify
activities and transactions that fail to comply
with controls - Allows management to fix control problems on a
timely basis improves controls and improves
operational performance - Technology is key
8Continuous Monitoring Model
Access transactional data from disparate sources
Transactional Data
Test transactional data against established
internal control rules (COSO-based) and
transactional profiles
Controls Compliance Rules
Significant Control Breaches
Immediate notification of critical exposures
Historical and statistical transactional profiling
Financial Business Unit Managers Audit
Suspect Transactions
Transactions detailed for further analysis
Management Audit Action
Investigations, recoveries, and improved controls
and procedures
9CA and CCM An Integrated Approach
- Many of techniques used in CA and CCM similar
- How can both approaches be integrated?
- How does this affect roles and responsibilities
of audit and management?
10CA and CCM An Integrated Approach
11Relationship of Continuous Auditing/Monitoring/Ass
- Role of continuous auditing dependent on
managements role in continuous monitoring of
controls - Inverse relationship the greater the role of
management, the less of a direct role of
internal audit
- True continuous assurance
- Depends on effective monitoring by management of
internal controls and Audits independent
assessment of that function
12Scope and Applicability of CCM and CA
- Any controls area where
- Data available
- Control rule can be established
- Examination of data evidence of controls
effectiveness - Business/financial process transactions
- Financial, operational and regulatory controls
within transactional process areas - Use COSO control objectives and audit assertions
to determine rules to be tested - System controls
- Access and authorization tables (SOD)
- Access and security logs
- System configuration settings
- Use CobIT control objectives
13Implementation Practicalities
- Timely data access
- Minimizing impact on systems operational
performance - Defining appropriate analytics
- Setting appropriate thresholds for exceptions
- Developing suitable scoring / weighting mechanism
to prioritize exceptions - Reiterative process to minimise false positives
- Management of results
- Remediation process
14The Result
- Improved efficiency and effectiveness of
risk/control assessments - Timely determination whether controls in
application and financial reporting systems are
operating effectively - Rapid identification of specific deficiencies and
anomalies - Independent assurance of integrity of
transactions - Reduction in errors and fraud
- Reduction in costs and revenue leakage
- Quantification of control deficiencies
- Increased scope of audit activities
- Documented evidence for internal and external
15Achieving and Maintaining Balance
Controls are at the core of business integrity
and efficiency. Yet bullet-proof control systems
are not realistic. Which regulations to
address ? What controls are necessary ? Who
should manage controls ? Are controls
effective The truth remains in the transactions.
16The Limits of Control Automation
Preventive controls
- Automated
- Monitoring SAP transactions across multiple
instances to identify duplicate payments - Combination
- Monitoring transactions to identify the integrity
of the PO approval process - Manual
- Sub-Ledger / Ledger reconciliation process
17CCM and COSO Framework
Control Assertions
- Authorization
- Accuracy
- Completeness
- Validity
- Efficiency Effectiveness
- Segregation of Duties
- Regulatory Compliance
18Purchase-to-Payment Process Sub-Processes and
- Enter/Create
- Approve
- Order Goods
- Adjust
- Enter/Create
- Approve
- Order Goods
- Adjust
- Enter/Create
- Approve
- Match
- Enter/Create
- Approve/Post
- Adjust
- Match
- Create/Approve Payment Vouchers
- Setup/Approve Recurring Vouchers
19Define Business Process Overview
Purchase-to-Payment Cycle Activities
- 2) Requisitions
- Entry / Create
- Approve
- Order Goods
- Adjustments
- 3) Purchase
- Entry / Create
- Approve
- Order Goods
- Adjustments
- 1) Vendor Maintenance
- Create
- Modify
- Delete
- Employees
- 5) Payables
- Entry / Create
- Approve / Post
- Adjustments
- Matching
- Create Pmt Vouchers
- Approve Pmt Vouchers
- Setup Recurring Vouchers
- Approve Recurring Vouchers
- 4) Receiving
- Entry / Create
- Approve
- Matching
- 6) Payments
- Generate
- Distribute
- Void
20Define Control Objectives
- Purchase
- Entry / Create
- Approve
- Order Goods
- Adjustments
Control Objective
Create Purchase Order
To ensure all critical data is captured.
To ensure all data entered is valid.
To ensure that only approved POs are issued.
To ensure POs are only entered once.
To ensure that POs are within approved
employee purchasing limits
To ensure no purchases are made from companies or
individuals listed on OFAC terrorist lists
21Perform Risk / Impact Ranking
- Purchase
- Entry / Create
- Approve
- Order Goods
- Adjustments
Control Risk Ranking
Business Impact
Control Objective
Create Purchase Order
To ensure all critical data is captured.
To ensure all data entered is valid.
To ensure that only approved purchases are issued.
To ensure POs are only entered once.
To ensure that POs are within approved employee
purchasing limits
To ensure no purchases are made from companies or
individuals listed on OFAC terrorist lists
22Summary Continuous Auditing and Monitoring
Business Performance Optimization
Compliance Requirements
Sustainable process for compliance
Bottom-line results
Internal ControlsEffectiveness
Cost-effective risk mitigation
Reduced time for reporting/signoff
Operational efficiencies
Streamlined internal
external audit
Fraud reduction
Cost savings
Effective internal controls across the business
support compliance while enhancing business
John Verver, CA, CISA, CMC Vice President,
Product Strategy Alliances ACL Services
Ltd 1-604-669-4225 john-verver_at_acl.com www.acl.co