Title: Updates to Network Formation Simulation
1Updates to Network Formation Simulation
2Added Components
- Topology Control
- - Connectivity model
- Belief Systems and Self Confirming Equilibrium
- - Network formation model
3TC- Problem Description
- Action Aipi pi,minltpi ltpi,max set of power
levels - These actions induce a network gg(p) -collection
of links between nodes i and j such that
k.dn(i,j)ltpi and/or k.dn(j,i)ltpj k is
proportionality constant - Network payoff
- ui(pi,g(p)) Mfi (p)-pi
- M is a constant
- fi is the number of nodes i is connected to
directly or indirectly
4TC Simulation features
- Actions set- discrete power levels maximum-
transmitCost (input parameter) - Best Response- choose (minimum) power level that
gives maximum connectivity - Update function- Round robin BR
- Nodes connect to all nodes with a transmission
radius - Benefit only from bi-directional links
- Intermediate uni-directional links still possible
- Thus, if two nodes within each others transmit
radius are not connected, a link is still
5Network Payoff
- Benefit - the number of nodes to which a node is
connected directly or indirectly (times a
multiplier- input parameter) - Effect of multiplier M on network topology (e.g.,
if Mpi,max the game is OPG) - Cost- power level
- Utility function benefit- cost
6Belief System- Problem Description
- Actions of node i is set of links, ij, to have
with each node j Ailij lij 0 or 1 - Let the induced undirected network g(l)ij lij
lji 1, for all i, j in N - Utility function (connections model)
- bij benefit to node i from node j (input)
- delta decay factor 0,1 direct links more
beneficial than indirect links (input) - t(ij) geodesic shortest hop distance between i
and j - Cijlink cost set to TransmitCosti if euclidean
distance (nth power) dn(i,j)ltTransmitCosti, and
dn(i,j)ltTransmitCostj otherwise no link (n2
to 4)
- First order beliefs of node i, li (Gilles et
al.) - Forming link requires consent, deletion is one
8Definitions (Gilles et al.)
- Network g is weakly monadically stable (WMS) if
- Network g is monadically stable (MS) if g is WMS
- and for every player i, and for every player j,
- (i.e., beliefs are confirmed)
- Monadically stable (MS) networks are subset of
Nash Equilibrium networks - Sketch of proof g(l) MS gt g(l) WMS gt for every
node i, li BR to li(beliefs of i about other
nodes actions). Also, g(l) MS gtlil-igt li BR
to l-i for all i gt g(l) is nash equilibrium
10Belief Systems Simulation features
- Consent model gt only bi-directional links give
benefit - In the context of topology control- nodes can
propose links only with nodes within its transmit
radius (different from previous model) - All link costs same transmitCost
- Every node has the same belief model
- Best response to beliefs (for e.g, node i will
form link with node j, only if it believes node j
will also form link and forming a link is in is
- Implemented Connections model (Jackson- Wolinsky)
- Implemented consent model
- Round robin, simultaneous update
- Did not implement self confirming criteria
- I think Equilibrium is self confirming if links
are bidirectional in equilibrium. - If steady state network has uni-directional links
then weakly monadically stable.
12Benefit of belief systems
- Fast convergence (since nodes know the utility
functions of other nodes with which it wishes to
form links) - Generally, no empty networks in steady state
(unlike Nash Equilibrium Networks) - Networks similar to connections model networks
(star, complete, ..)
13Matlab GUI
- Changed to include topology control/network
formation model - TransmitCost- Node property
- Changed to include Self Confirming/ Nash
14Matlab Interface
15I. Initial empty network
16I. Steady state network (WMS network)
17II. Initial empty network
18IIa. Steady state network (WMS network)
19IIb. Steady state network (NE network)
20III. Initial complete network
21IIIa. Steady state network (WMS network)
22IIIb. Steady state network (NE network)
23IV. Topology Control (Initial network)
24IV. Topology Control (Steady state)