Title: Who Wants to be an Astronaut?
1Who Wants to be an Astronaut?
By Sarah and Kaelene
2What is the moon mostly made of ?
A. cheese B. rock C. metal D. gold
3You've Won I,000 bucks
4What planet can be seen with a naked eye?
A. Uranus B. Pluto C. Mercury D. Mars
5You've won some gold
6Which planet is the same size as the moon?
A. Pluto B. Mercury C. Venus D. Neptune
7You won 5,000
8Which planet rotates on its axis the same speed
as Earth?
A. Mars B. Jupiter C. Saturn D. Venus
9You've won 10,000
10What is the speed of the axis of Saturn?
A. 32 hr 5 min. B. 1 hr 54 min. C. 10 hr 39
min. D. 59 hr 27 min.
11you've won diamonds
12What planet is known as double planets?
A. Jupiter B. Saturn C. Neptune D. Pluto
13You've won 9,000
14Which planet in our solar system is the brightest
in the sky?
A.Venus B. Mars C. Neptune D. Earth
15You've won an alien and a spaceship
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