Title: OpenBRR Corporate Community
1OpenBRR Corporate Community
- Murugan Pal
- SpikeSource
- George Pace
- Prudential Financial
- Linux on Wall Street, New York 24 April 2006
2What are some of the top Open Source Selection
Issues for IT Managers?
- What is the impact of Open Source Software (OSS)
on my organization? - How do I best evaluate an OSS component?
- How can I compare similar OSS components?
- How do I identify and/or manage OSS risks?
- What are valid maintenance and support options?
- Who can I talk to about OSS issues?
3Enter the Business Readiness Rating Initiative
- Formed in August 2005
- Board of Directors and Steering Committee formed
- Official release of BRR Framework Model
- Subgroups Taxonomy, Data, Corporate Use
- Overall Goal
- Provide a trusted, unbiased source for evaluation
of open source software - Provide a mechanism for evaluating OSS software
- Help people identify OSS suitable for their needs
- Provide IT managers with a methodology to help
minimize risk in making OSS choices
4How will it help address the Top Open Source
- Business Readiness Rating Initiative
- Addresses the Quantifiable Issues
- Provides an open, comprehensive, standard
assessment empirical model - Accomplished via a standard framework for
calibrating Business Readiness of free and open
source software - OpenBRR Corporate Community
- An approach to address the Business as Usual
5Business Readiness Rating model
6OpenBRR Corporate Community
- OpenBRR
- Corporate Community Overview
- maximizing knowledge across organizations
7Corporate IT Challenges Too many components
8Corporate IT Challenge Support Issues
9Approaches towards Support
- Participate in a Community
- Benefits of participation include project
influence and intimate knowledge of the product - Drawback is that this requires a larger
investment in terms of staff participation in
the project - Leverage Commercial Vendors
- A Business As Usual approach for companies
- Which stack are you using / are they
supporting? - Participate in a Corporate Community
- Join a group who is focused on the broad range of
issues that larger companies typically face
10OpenBRR Corporate Community Guiding Principles
- Trusted, Dedicated and Self moderated communities
for sharing business oriented OSS information - The membership is only by invitation
- The information will be licensed under Creative
Commons - The information will be strictly available only
for the members - Any derivative publishable documents will be made
available as part of OpenBRR publications
11Corporate Community Business Chapter
- Targeted at CIOs and IT Directors
- License Information Caveats
- Legal Questions
- Open Source Project Review
- Open Source Project Viability Analysis
- Project Evaluation Reports
12Corporate Community Technology Chapter
- Targeted at Enterprise Architects Lead
Developers - Security Issues
- Tested Patches
- Testing Suites
- Common Tools
- Interfacing Modules Libraries
- Technical Advisories
13Next Steps
- Near Term
- Monthly Newsletters
- Wiki Threads
- Private Discussion Forums and Email Lists
- Recent Additions
- Audit Reports
- BRR Evaluation Templates
14Speaker contacts
- Murugan PalFounder CTOSpikeSourcempal_at_spikeso
urce.com - George PaceSystems ArchitectPrudential