Title: IT NCO presAIAA
1Network Centric Operations
What About Aeronautics in Italy?
Presentation to AIAA - American Institute of
Aeronautics and Astronautics
NCO PC Meeting
Reno, Nevada
January 11, 2006
Antonio Di Gennaro
2NCO Italian Vision
Network Centric Warfare rather than platform
centric warfare is the key to the future. NCW
also facilitates the exploitation of fruitful
synergies between the military and civilian
sector. We have to create stronger
interconnections between military and civilian
research activities.
Adm. Giampaolo Di Paola, Chief of Defence Staff
of Italy
- System of Systems
- Strong Doctrinal Change
- Radical Approach
- Fast Transformation
- Funds Availability
Network Centric Warfare
- NATO approach to NCW
- Network of Networks
- Robust and Secure Interconnected Force
- Need of Joint, Combined and NATO
Interoperability - Need of Integration with Legacy Systems
- Funds Constraints!
- Dual Scope (Military Homeland Security) ?
Economic Advantage - Growing Transformation
Network Enabled Capability
4Feasibility Study on NNEC
- Development of NNEC concept and vision
- Requirements definition of NNII (NATO Network
Information Infrastructure) - Roadmap definition
- NATO Response Force (IOC 2008 FOC 2020) for
Crisis Response Operations (CRO)
- Need of high capacity, secure, flexible,
interoperable Information Infrastructure
(addressability of each element, IP until the
Edge) - Need of Testing Simulation centers to evaluate
CONOPS - Each Nation will have to develop its own
Capability Maturity Model that will be the key to
define the roles of the partners into NATO
Response Force - Need of Dual Scope Approach
5Italian Approach
over 2020
spiral 5
spiral 4
Incremental Development of NCO Capabilities with
the involvement of Country System
Cyclical Increments of NCO Capabilities
spiral 3
spiral 2
spiral 1
6Italian JSCS
Italian Joint Surveillance and Command System
Space Sensors
Ref. www.difesa.it
7Alenia Aeronautica and NEC
In the context showed, the roles of the Air
Forces and, therefore, of the whole Aeronautical
industry are strongly increasing in
importance. Alenia Aeronautica is the Italian
leader in aeronautics and a major European player
in the aerospace industry, with full system
integration capabilities and, therefore, deeply
involved in the national effort of acquiring NCO
capabilities. It addresses the needs of Italian
and international customers and participates in
leading European and world programs through the
design, production, overhaul and conversion of
combat aircraft, tactical airlifters, trainers,
aerostructures, business jets, regional aircraft,
mission systems and unmanned aircraft. Alenia
Aeronautica participates in leading programs
including Eurofighter, JSF, A380, 7E7, C-27J ,
ATR and Neuron. The UAV demonstrator Sky-X (first
flight in May 2005) shows the company commitment
to unmanned technology.
Finmeccanica (with its controlled companies) has
been charged by Italian MoD of conducing a
Feasibility Study aimed at the definition of the
NEC architecture for IT Armed Forces.
8Thank You!
NCO means Network by definition...
...and here we are