Title: Data Warehousing on a Shoestring
1Data Warehousing on a Shoestring
- Utah State University
- Logan, Utah
- May 14, 2001
2Overview of Presentation
- Lessons Learned Opportunities
4President Wanted Information
On the Telephone with
- Instant information, Broad brush,
- Drill down to details
5What the President Wanted
- What He Was Willing to Pay For
7Utah StateUniversity
8Decentralized IT Environment
- Autonomous Colleges and Departments
- CS defacto Administrators of IT
- Weak University Wide IT Plan
- No Vice President of IT or CIO
9Four Mainframe Applications
- Systems Computer Technology (SCT Shop)
- SIS Student Information System
- HRS Human Resource System
- FRS Financial Records System
- ADS Alumni Development System
- High School/College Relations
- Other Interested Campus Entities
10200 File Servers
- Strong Novell Presence
- Strong SUN Presence
- Growing Linux Presence
11Islands of Information
- Student Services
- Budget Office
- Planning Analysis
- Contracts Grants
- Personnel Services
- Independent Colleges
12President Wanted Information
Put your best men on it Get it done!
Build or Buy Simonize
13First Iteration
Information Builders DSS Client / Server
Implementation Support Intensive Shallow Input
from required participants In-fighting Turf
Battles over data ownership
14First Iteration
15(No Transcript)
16We looked again at OTS vendors
Display of logos does not imply endorsement or
criticism of products or companies.
17We Chose to Build
- FreeBSD
- Postgres
- Apache
- Netscape 4.x
18Our Most Important Step!
We created two functioning groups empowered to
make decisions. AIMS Council Administrative
Information Management System S M
Group System Management Group (Smoke Mirrors)
20Tour the USU Data Warehouse
21As the Ancient Martial Arts Warn
Be Careful How You Use It!