Title: Systems of Linear Equations
1Systems of Linear Equations
- (Optional)
- Special Matrices
- How would you solve a system Ax b if A is
Would you use Gauss elimination? Forward or
backward substitution? LU Decomposition?
3Banded Matrix
- Certain matrices have particular structures that
can be exploited to develop efficient solution
A banded matrix is a square matrix that has all
elements equal to zero, with the exception of a
band centered on the main diagonal. The
dimensions of a banded system can be quantified
by two parameters the band width BW and
half-bandwidth HBW. These two values are related
by BW2HBW1.
4Tri-diagonal Matrix
- // Thomas Algorithm
- // Decomposition
- for k 2 to n
- ek ek / fk-1
- fk fk ek gk-1
- // Forward substitution
- for k 2 to n
- rk rk ek rk-1
- // Back subsitition
- xn rn / fn
- for k n-1 downto 1
- xk (rk gk xk1) / fk
A special case of banded matrix.
5Block Diagonal Matrix
Another special case of banded matrix where each
of B1, B2, , Bm are square matrices of various
We can solve Biyi ci, independently
6Cholesky Decomposition
- If A is symmetry (A AT), and A is positive
definite (i.e., xTAx gt 0 for any x ? 0), then we
can decompose A in to LLT as