Title: PART 3 Markings
1PART 3Markings
2Section 3A.01Restore Hierarchy-- Types of
Longitudinal Lines
- The general functions of longitudinal lines are
- A. A double line indicates maximum or special
restrictions, - B. A solid line discourages or prohibits crossing
(depending on the specific application), - C. A broken line indicates a permissive
condition, and - D. A dotted line provides guidance.
3Section 3A.04 Black Markings for Contrast
- Allowed in conjunction with all markings
- (Not just object markers)
4Section 3A.04Colors
- Info. from 2000 MUTCD Sect. 3A.05 moved to
3A.04 - Text clarifications
5Section 3A.05Widths and Patterns of Longitudinal
- Text not describing widths or patterns of
longitudinal lines has been removed
6Section 3A.05Widths and Patterns of Longitudinal
- Broken Line Segments and Gaps
3 m (10 ft.) line segment 9 m (30 ft.) gap Or
similar ratio
7Section 3A.05Dotted Lines for Line
- 2000 2 line, 4or longer gap, max segment to
line ratio of 13 - 2003 2 line, 2 to 6 gap
8Sections 3A.05 and 3B.05Lane Drop/Add Markings
- 2000
- 3 line, 12 gap
- 2003
- 3 line, 9 gap
9Section 3B.01Yellow Centerline Pavement Markings
and Warrants
- Section title change
- Edge lines text moved to 3B.06
10Section 3B.02No-Passing Zone Markings and
- RR xings conform to 8B.20
- Buffer zone median island at least 15 m (50 ft.)
11Section 3B.03Reversible Lane Markings
- Each side of reversible lane
- 2000 two normal broken yellow lines
- 2003 a normal double broken yellow line
12Section 3B.032-Way L.T. Lane Markings
Use only if 2WLTL is never operated as a
Reversible Lane.
8 - 16 (typ.)
- 5-Year Compliance date for 2WLTL arrow spacing
(Sect. 3B.03 3B.19)
13Section 3B.04White Lane Line Pavement Markings
and Warrants
- Section title change
- - Text re edge lines relocated
14Section 3B.06 3B.08 Edge Lines
- Wide Edge Lines allowed as Option for greater
- Edge lines shall not continue through
intersections, major driveways, or interchanges
(except as dotted extension)
15Section 3B.08Extensions of Double Lines
2000 Same color width as line being
extended dotted
2003 Single dotted line of same color width
as line being extended
16Section 3B.09Lane Reduction Transition
Figure 3B-12 Illustration (c) restored
reduction from 4 lanes to 2
17Section 3B.10Obstruction Approaches
- Text now refers to this line as tapered line
rather than diagonal line (avoid confusion with
diagonal cross-hatching)
18Section 3B.11RPM Height
Retain 2000 language device with a height of at
least 10 mm (0.4 in)
19Section 3B.11Blue RPMs - Fire Hydrants(Optional
20Sections 3B.11 3B.12RPM Spacing for
Longitudinal Markings
Allowable max. spacing between RPMs increased to
3N for some conditions
21Section 3B.13RPM Spacing Supplementing
Longitudinal Pvmt. Mkngs.
Type of Line 2000 Max.
2003 Max. Solid (except left edge line) N
N Broken (except Rev. Lane) 2N
3N Extens. thru Frwy. Interch.
N/2 N
22Section 3B.13RPMs Supplementing Right Edge Line
Retained language from 2000 should not be used
23Section 3B.14RPM Spacing Substituting for
Longitudinal Pvmt. Markings
Incr. max. spacings between RPMs
24Section 3B.14RPM Spacing Substituting for
Longitudinal Mkngs.
- Type of Line 2000 Max. 2003 Max.
- Broken N/12 N/8
- (4-5 mkrs/grp) (3-5 mkrs/grp)
- Solid N/8 N/4
- Dotted N/8 N/4
25Section 3B.15Transverse Markings
- Speed hump markings and yield lines added to list
of WHITE markings - Letters, numerals, symbols shall comply with SHS
26Section 3B.16Stop Lines
NOT to be used with YIELD signs.
27Section 3B.16Yield Lines
- Allowed also at Unsignalized Midblock
X-walks - Guidance re Placement dimensions
Photo www.cers-safety.org
28Section 3B.16Yield Lines
- New Support Statement
29Section 3B.17Crosswalk Cross-Hatching(Diagonal
or Longitudinal)
- 2000 12-24 wide, spaced 12-24 apart
2003 12-24 wide, spaced 12- 60 apart not
exceeding 2.5 x line width
30Section 3B.17Min. Width of Crosswalk
6 MIN.
- Measured as gap between the transverse lines
- 10 years compliance date
31Section 3B.19STOP Markings atEnd of Parking Lot
- 2000 All STOP markings shall
be accompanied by STOP
sign and stop line - 2003 At ends of aisles in
parking lots, STOP
markings shall be accompanied
by stop line
32Section 3B.21Curb Markings in areas with
snow/ice accumulation
- 2000 signs required with curb markings
- 2003 exception added for no
parking zones controlled by statute or ordinance
(crosswalks, fire hydrants, etc.)
33Section 3B.22Preferential Lane Markings
- LRT Lanes
Symbol marking - T
- Multiple Uses in Single Lane Symbol or word
markings for each use.
34Section 3B.24Roundabouts
Bicycle lanes shall not be provided on the
circular roadway
352-Lane Roundabouts
36Section 3C.01Type 3 Object Markers
- 2000 Min. 3 width for yellow stripe
- 2003 Min. 3 width for both yellow and black
stripes 10-year compliance date
37Section 3D.01Delineators
- Support statement
- Considered guidance devices, not warning
38Section 3D.04Delineator Placement
- - Delineator placement with guardrail clarified
39Section 3E.01Colored Pavements
- Within white x-walk lines NOT a TCD - Red
deleted as pavement color for approach to stop