Title: UdSync Utility A MultiLocational Seamless Data Transfer Utility'
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2- UdSync Utility A Multi-Locational Seamless
Data Transfer Utility. - Means
A software that enables you to transfer your
valuable data of Visual Udyog within the
locations of an organization.
Data can be transferred from Multi locations to
Multi locations i.e. Factories, Warehouses or
Branches to Head Quarters
3- The following is the representation of the Udsync
A Database Located In Web-Space (URL)
Unit I (Location)
Head Quarters
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6- How to start with UdSync after installation
On right click on Udsync icon in the taskbar you
will get this bar pad where on the selection of
Preferences, the right hand side screen will
appear. Various options are available to set the
options listed out on left hand side Tree View.
7- After completing the setup of Udsync and other
mandatory settings, link needs to specify for
data to be synchronized for each location.
S for Sending Data and R for Receiving Data
This is the Sales (S) voucher entry which is
getting transferred to other location as
Purchase (P) i.e. Entry type swapping
Again filter condition provided that upload only
those entries having fulfilling a specified
condition APR 05-06. This filter condition can
be set either at the time of uploading of data or
at the time of downloading the data.
While Sending (Sendrec as S) Tcode is From
main Location and Tlink is To other location
and while receiving (Sendrec as R) Tcode is
To Location and Tlink is From Location
8Whenever user wants to synchronize the data,
needs to select synchronize option from taskbar.
This screen is showing the progress of data
synchronization process
Location wise progress of data synchronization.
Overall progress of data synchronization.
9- The features provided by Udsync Utility are.
- Easily synchronize the data for any number of
locations in an organization. - Option to set only Sending / Receiving of data
(Default is Send-Receive) - Swap the entry type.
- Filter the data Location wise so that only
required data for location will get synchronized. - Filtration of data at the time of Sending or
Receiving. - Keeps the track of deleted records so that
records deleted at source place will get deleted
from destination location. - Triggers are provided to make heavy customization
at the time of uploading or downloading of data
synchronization. To name a few, Party name
swapping, Swapping of Accounting (Dr/Cr)
effect etc. - Can be executed in a scheduler by setting a time
period. - Before overwriting the modified data which
received from source place, UdSync prompts the
list of changes and waits for confirmation from
Administrator whether to accept/refuse. (Please
refer Screen shot in the next slide.)
10- Screen sheet of Administrators approval
Screen shows the list of modified data from
source place.
11- The utility also provides facility to delete the
unnecessary data either completely or the only
data which is updated at all the locations and no
longer required. - The utility also provides to view the records of
web-based database. - No need of logging out from the Visual Udyog
software while synchronization is going on. - Even, if the net connection gets disconnected,
the data remains safe and operation will get
completed as and when, user connects to the net
next time. - The following screen is the add-on feature of
Udsync utility through which you can add a
customized field in your web-based database which
enables you to synchronized the data of that
particular field. To tackle future additional
12Create new field in web-space database file
Remove unnecessary data to free-up the web-space.
Can either remove all the data or the data which
is updated at all locations.
View all the records of database located on
13- The following are the mandatory Technical steps
needs to be followed for successful
implementation of Udsync. - These are
- Structural changes required in the database of
company master. - Tcode Character 4
- Weburl Character 100
- Webuser Character 30
- Webpass Character 15
- Structural changes in all the major master /
transactional database files - Batch_no Character 20
- Updtype Character 1
- Updflag Logical 1
- Locfrom Character 4
- Locto Character 4
- Sentloc Character 40
Apart from this, a web-space of 5 MB (Min) - 50
MB (Max) is required where the database file of
UdSync will reside for the purpose of sending and
receiving the data within locations.
14- The setup of Udsync needs to be installed in
order to implement the utility - The setup will create the following folders in
your Vudyog folder. - The folders are.
- Menu
- Dll
- Udsync
- The Udsync folder contains two database files as
Udlink.dbf and Udsync.dbf - The Udlink.dbf holds the entry type which are
going to get exported or imported from one
location to another with filter conditions and
with Entry type swapping, if required. - In certain Program files PRG a patch is
required to add which will pass parameters to
generate a unique Batch no for all the Masters
and transactional records. - UdsBatNo.exe file required which will receives
the parameters of Program files PRG and
accordingly generates the Batch no.
15- The following files are required to be copied in
Companys folder.
- Udsbatno.exe - To generate batch no.
- Udstruc.exe - To create required fields in
Master/Transaction files - Makefield.app - To create field /view/delete
records from web-space data - Delsync.dbf - To keep track of Deleted Records of
Visual Udyog - Filelist.dbf - To select dbf files to view data
- Udsflds.dbf - To select and create fields in
web-space data - Udsbefsend.prg - To write customized codes (1
time) for uploading data - Udsbefrecd.prg - To write customized codes (1
time) for receiving data
16- The following files are require to be uploaded on
web-space through FTP - i.e. (File Transfer Protocol)
- Udyog.Mdb
- Addfield.Asp
- Changedata.Asp
- Getdata.Asp
- Getdatamdb.Asp
- Localstart.Asp
- Putdata.Asp
- Recordsetxml.Xsl
17Now Click Here For Demo