Title: Hill AFB Projects for 2005 March 15
1Hill AFB Projects for 2005March 15
Ogden Air Logistics Center
- Richard H. Buchi
- DSN 775-2993
- richard.buchi_at_hill.af.mil
Innovation Excellence
- Alodine Process / PreKote
- Powder Coating of Magnesium Gear Boxes
3Chromated Conversion CoatingsALODINE
- Alodine has been has been the standard for a
conversion coating for over 40 years - OEM and Test Laboratories tout the corrosion
protection of Alodine - However is this corrosion protection provided on
a repainted aircraft?
4Chromated Conversion Coating (Alodine Process)
- Laboratory
- ALCs Depot and Field
5Laboratory Prep for Conversion Coatings
Corrosion Removing Compound (dip)
Chromated Conversion Coating (dip)
6OEM Process
Parts are checked for uniform clean (a uniform
Alkaline Clean (etch/dip)
Chromate Conversion Coated
7Controls for the Process
- Checked daily/weekly
- pH within 0.2 units
- Material concentration.
- Bath temperature maintained at 50F
- Checked monthly
- Corrosion resistance
8Prep for Paint
- Original Equipment Manufacture (OEM)
- Laboratory Test Panel
9Problems with Chromated Conversion Coatings
- Difficult if not impossible to get needed
thickness of the conversion coating on a repaint - Passing corrosion resistance properties of 336
hours - Film weight of 40 Milligrams per square foot
(every parameter must be perfect) Therefore a
experienced technician, clean panels, pH and
concentration of chemicals must be within limits) - Very brittle. After it dries, it is transformed
into a Ceramic. Causing cracking at rivets and
fasteners resulting in corrosion. (Boeing
10Ogden's Cr Conversion Process for F-16s
Solvent Wipe
Hydro Blast (paraffin wax)
Scuff Sand
Corrosion Removing Compound (acid etch)
11ALCs Depot and Field Cr Conversion Process
- The chromated conversion coating comes in a drum
which may be 3,6,9,12 months old before used - NO pH adjustments
- NO testing of the product
- NO checks of any kind to verify corrosion
resistance - Surface must be pristine clean
- Water Brake Free Test may not be effective
- In sufficient rinsing (soap residue)
- Painters just not paying attention
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- It cleans
- It passivates metals
- Promotes Adhesion
- It is very forgiving
- Saved time on all weapon system tested
- PreKote use has
- Reduced the maintainers exposure to a highly
soluble, proven carcinogen - Reduced the level of PPE required
- Reduced the number of waste streams
19Leading EdgeA-10 AC 657 D. Monthan
Alodine Side
PreKote Side
20Summary for PreKote
- The Best System Process for ALC and Field use
- Safe for
- Personnel
- Environment
- Great corrosion protection when used with a
chromated primer - GREAT ADHESION
21Powder Coating
F-15 Gear Box
22Test Plan for Total Powder System
- Use PreKote
- The Conversion Coating characteristics of
PreKote were first observed when it was used to
clean magnesium camera parts. - The PreKote stopped flash corrosion of magnesium
and provided good adhesion for the application of
the primer. - Correct over temperatures and bake times
23Cross Hatch Adhesion Testing
Cr Primer Cr Primer Topcoat
Topcoat Only
Non-Cr Primer N.Cr Primer T.C. H. S.
24170 Hours in Neutral Salt Fog Corrosion Chamber
Cr Primer Topcoat Non-Cr Primer Topcoat
Non-Cr Primer H.S. Cr Primer Topcoat
25500 Hours in Neutral Salt Fog Corrosion Chamber
High Solid Cr Primer Topcoat
26Next TestingBetter Cleaning
- As a result of the first testing new testes were
conducted - Vigorous Scrubbing with a Bristle Brush
- Ultrasonic Cleaning
27170 Hours in Neutral Salt Fog Corrosion Chamber
Powder Cr Primer
H.S. Cr Primer Powder Topcoat
28500 Hours in Neutral Salt Fog Corrosion Chamber
H.S. Cr Primer Powder Topcoat
29Fifth Test
- Sixty panel test
- Dow 7 conversion coating
- Best cleaning process
- Alcohol scrub
- Soap scrub
- PreKote
- Chromated primer / non-chromated
- High Solid primer / powder primer
- Best paint system
- One or two coats
30High Solids Primer and Topcoat Best Cleaning
168 hours in Neutral Salt Fog
Alcohol Scrub Soap Scrub PreKote
Cr Primer Topcoat Primer Topcoat
31Powder Paint Chromated Primers Best Cleaning
71 hours in Neutral Salt Fog
32High Solids Paint Topcoat / Primer
96 hours
400 hours
Topcoat Primer
33High Solids Primer and TopcoatChromated /
96 hours in Neutral Salt Fog
Non-Cr Cr Primer
34High Solids Paint Primer and Topcoat / Primer
400 hours
192 hours
Primer and Topcoat
35Dow 7 - High Solids Paint Topcoat / Primer
360 Hours
1900 Hours
36Dow 7 - High Solids Primer TopcoatChrome
Primer / Non-Chrome Primer
1900 Hours
1900 Hours
Cr Prime
Non-Cr Prime
37Dow 7 Powder Paint Non-Chrome Primer / Chrome
1600 Hours
1600 Hours
Non-Chrome Power
Chrome Powder
- The factory Chromic Acid treatment (Dow process)
on the stripped parts dies (becomes inactive) - Dow 7 treatment greatly increased adhesion and
corrosion resistance - PreKote is better than soap and much better than
alcohol - A two coat system degrades corrosion / adhesion
resistance - Any inhibited coating works with Dow 7