What is a lone parent family? This is a family
where one parent (mum or dad) is looking after
dependent children.
2Reconstituted Families This is a family with a
lone parent, dependent children and a new partner.
Nuclear Families This is a family with a mum, dad
and dependent children.
Extended Families This is a family with a mum,
dad, dependent children and other family members
living close by.
3Now, lets find out about your family........
Explain what 'type' of family you belong to.
4Match up the heads and tails to make the correct
..when a single parent with dependent children
marries a new partner. ..any group where an
adult looks after children. ..mum,dad,children
and other relatives. ..when one parent looks
after children. ..mum,dad and children. ..a
child who relies on a parent for his or her
A family is ... A dependent child is ... A
nuclear family is ... An extended family is
... A reconstituted family is.. A lone parent
family is ...
5Who are these famous lone parents?
6Lone Parent's Needs
Child care
7What are lone parent families needs?
Financial needs.....
Lone Parent Families have many more needs than a
nuclear family does. Their needs can be
divided into the three broad categories as you
will see.
Employment needs.....
Child care needs.....
Copy the headings and sections underlined in the
next few slides.
8Financial Needs.....
Lone Parent families only have one possible
income. This makes it much harder for them to
afford the necessities and luxuries of life.
9Employment Needs....
- Lone Parent families have much more difficulty
finding a suitable job than nuclear families. - They have to have flexible hours to suit the
children. - This usually revolves round the school day and
holidays. - They also have to arrange suitable childcare.
- This can be difficult to find and costly,
especially if their other family members aren't
close by to help. - They may also lack the qualifications required to
gain a suitable job, making things even more
10Child Care Needs....
Lone parent families have much greater child care
needs than nuclear familes. There is only one
parent to look after the children and if their is
no family close by, other arrangements must be
made. This can be expensive and hard to find.
11Meeting the needs of Lone parent families
12Meeting Employment Needs.....
New Deal for Lone Parents This is a specially
designed programme to help lone parents who want
to work, so they can find a job that suits their
How does New Deal Help?
13- If you join New Deal, you'll get an adviser.
- He or she is there to be your contact throughout
the programme. - It's their job to
- Get to know you
- Calculate how much better off you will be in a
job - Discuss what kind of job you would like
- Draw up an action plan
- Help you look and apply for jobs
- Help you find child care
14Meeting Financial Needs.....
Child Support Agency The CSA calculates and
collects maintenance from parents who do not live
with their children. The amount you will get
depends on the income of the parent who does not
live with the children.
Council Tax Single Person Discount The full
council tax bill assumes that there are 2 adults
living in the property. If only 1 adult lives
in the house, the bill is reduced by 25.
15Lone Parent Run On If you find a job, your other
benefits suddenly stop. Usually you do not get
paid for two weeks after starting a job. This
payment bridges the gap.
Family Credit If you have a low income, have
children and work more than 16 hours a week you
can claim family credit.
Child Benefit This is paid by the government to
all families with children. It is to help them
to bring up children.
16Meeting Child Care Needs.....
All children from the age of 3 years old are now
entitled to a free nursery place for part of the
week. Lone parent families are more likely to
get full days rather than half days. This will
help single parent families if they want to get a
job. This doesn't help on all days of the week
17Copy the summary.
- Child Support Agency
- Council Tax Disount
- Child Benefit
- Family Credit
- Lone Parent Run- On
Free Nursery Place for aged three and
over. Full days given to lone parent families.
Employment help
New Deal Programme
18Design your own........
What services will your group offer lone
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