Title: Global Tobacco Surveillance System
1Global Tobacco Surveillance System
World Health Organization
2GTSS - Three Surveillance Activities
Youth Global Youth Tobacco Survey
(GYTS) Adults Global School Personnel Survey
(GSPS) Global Health Professionals Survey
3Fundamental Principles
- Partnership
- Consistency
- Survey Methodology
- Field Procedures
- Data Management Techniques
- Sustainability
- Cost effective
- Feasibility to repeat
4GTSS Plan
- Program
- Workshop
- Media
- Cessation
- School
- Access/Availability
- Analysis
- Workshop
- Epi Info Training
- Analysis of Data
- Report Writing
- Survey Workshop
- sampling procedures
- survey administration
Report Data
Evaluate and Modify Programs
Tobacco Control Program
Repeat GYTS, GSPS, GHPS Every 4 Years
Implement Programs
5Global Youth Tobacco Survey
- Purpose
- To enhance the capacity of countries to design,
implement, and evaluate their comprehensive
tobacco control programs
6GYTS Topics
- Prevalence Consumption
- Knowledge Attitudes
- Access, Availability, Price
- Media advertising exposure
- Secondhand smoke exposure
- Cessation
- School curriculum
7GYTS 1999-2005
Planned Completed
8Key GYTS Findings
- 1 in 10 students currently smoke cigarettes
- 1 in 10 students currently use other tobacco
products - 1 in 4 smokers first tried by age 10
- Little difference in tobacco use between girls
and boys - 2 in 3 smokers want to quit now
- Half of students exposed to smoke in homes and
over half exposed to smoke in public places - 80 saw pro tobacco ads
9Establishing International Surveillance System
for Tobacco Control
- Adults
- Global School Personnel Survey (GSPS)
- Global Health Professionals Survey (GHPS)
10Global School Personnel Survey
- Purpose
- To collect information from school personnel
concerning their use of tobacco their tobacco
related school policies programs
11GSPS Topics
- Tobacco use
- Knowledge and attitudes
- School policy
- School curriculum
12Global School Personnel Survey, 2000-2004
13Key GSPS Findings
- Shortage of anti-tobacco teaching materials
- Few schools have policies banning smoking in
schools for students and/or teachers - Majority of teachers in favor of schools enacting
smoking ban policy
14Global Health Professionals Survey
- Purpose
- To collect information from third-year students
attending dental, medical, nursing, pharmacy
schools concerning their use of tobacco their
tobacco related school policies programs
15GHPS Topics
- Tobacco use
- Knowledge attitudes
- Exposure to second-hand smoke
- Cessation
- School curriculum training
16Global Health Professionals Survey, 2005
17Key Findings
- Current smoking rates are above 20 in 7 of 10
countries surveyed - Male students were more likely than female
students to currently smoke cigarettes (except
Serbian dental students) - Most believe HPs should have a role in counseling
patients to quit smoking - Most believe HPs should receive cessation
counseling training - Very few received formal training in cessation
counseling - Significant unmet need for cessation assistance
at the beginning of their careers and for
training in patient cessation counseling
18GHPS Expansion 2005-2006
19Next Steps
- Expansion
- Dissemination of data for public use
- Present as a potential marker to monitor FCTC
(during COP session)
20Data Dissemination Expanding Science Base
- To date, 153 GYTS data sets have been released
for public use for 85 countries - Need to disseminate and use the data to make best
program and policy to change the future course of
the tobacco epidemic - www.cdc.gov/tobacco/global