Title: Learning Objects, Pedagogy and Motivation
1Learning Objects, Pedagogy and Motivation
HEA Annual Conference Aug 2007
- Dr Bill Tait
- COLMSCT Associate Teaching Fellow
- The Open University
Learning Objects are reusable learning resources
that are designed to achieve specific learning
outcomes and are usually delivered online. They
are less expensive than custom designed material
and they are widely available, discoverable
in repositories, easily updated and maintained,
and include multimedia.
Abstraction defines a learning outcome that
must plug into the course. Encapsulation
object must be independent of the course
context. Implementation must be compatible
with the course context.
The context defines a planned sequence of
knowledge construction. So each object has
entry requirements provided by outcomes of
earlier units. Entry requirements can be added
to the object metadata.
Objects cant see internal contents of other
components. So they cant extend practical
examples to form authentic progression. Need to
develop each from start or add internal links to
the entry requirements.
How the learning outcome is achieved Method -
equates to IMS learning activity. Content -
determines the learning process. Style - should
be consistent with the context.
7Motivation - Effort
Motivation drives a process and effort inhibits
it. For students the process is the learning
process. For tutors it is the teaching
process. In both cases motivation may be
external, such as by assessment or financial
reward, or internal, which is the main
consideration in designing learning objects.
8Student Motivation
Concepts should be selected that represent
appropriate challenge in this case a
progressive treatment. Dual purpose teaching
methods should be employed explanations,
hands-on activities, computer simulations and
real life applications. Learning climate
should encourage motivation in this case by
optimising the production quality of the software.
9Tutor Motivation
The tutorials address a part of the course
programme with which students experience
difficulties and need help. They are easily
accessed by the students without much effort
required by the tutors. They can be adapted by
the tutor to meet any preferred teaching method
that may include an online discussion.
10Tutorial Object
11Extensible Learning Objects
Use XML (eXtensible Markup Language) to separate
the method text from the content and the
presentation. XLO allow the tutor to edit the
text and thereby adapt the method for a local
context, down to a single tutor group. So the
tutor can use existing object technology but
adapt the pedagogy to their own preference.
12Learning Object Components
13Independent Learning
JavaScript Repetition You should read each page
and try to solve the problem. You may also want
to write the program and see what it does. When
you have solved each problem you can go to the
next page where a solution and an explanation are
14Collaborative Learning
JavaScript Repetition Read each page then
discuss the problem with other members of your
group. Try to agree on a solution. Then I will
post a solution to the conference that you will
be able to discuss before we move on to the next
15Results First Trial
The tutorials were presented to tutors in the
London region and to the course team then
published on the web. They were offered a
choice - default independent learning version or
an adaptable version with online
discussion. Several expressed interest in the
adaptable version but none actually used it all
sent students to the default.
16Results Second Trial
Independent learning tutorials were deployed on a
website and their location was published to all
tutors on the course about 100 tutors and 1000
students. There were 112 visits that were long
enough to have worked through one of the
tutorials. A blog was provided for discussion
but none used it.
17Results Second Trial
Only 10 forms were submitted but follow-up
discussions and a student workshop obtained much
more feedback. Tutors were interested in
adapting the objects to their own teaching styles
but did not seem to have the time. Students
were very interested in the online tutorials but
all preferred the independent study version on
the grounds that online discussion was
Tutors would be interested in using the learning
objects and in adapting them for use with online
discussions if the effort involved were
less. Students are even more positive about
online learning but prefer the less interactive
independent learning method. The overall
conclusion is that learning objects should be
designed not only to increase motivation but also
to reduce the effort required to use them.