Title: Observed Structure of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
1Observed Structure of the Atmospheric Boundary
- Many thanks to Nolan Atkins, Chris Bretherton,
Robin Hogan
2Before we start
- In-class assignment I grades have been posted on
Carmen - In-class presentation schedule has been posted
on the course website. Please start to read and
understand the paper and search for the
background materials.
3Review of last lecture
- The modern climatology (meteorology) was born in
the 1940s (a very young science!), but has been
growing very fast! Now we have a global
observational network with many satellites,
ships, radars and surface stations, as well as
very comprehensive prediction models running on
the worlds largest computers. - The current status of weather and climate
predictions (1) weather prediction good to 10
days, (2) tropical cyclone prediction good in
track but not in intensity, (3) climate
prediction good to two seasons, (4) climate
change projections have a 3-fold difference in
magnitude. - The main reasons of the difficulties (1)
Teleconnection problem, (2) Feedback problem, and
(3) Subgrid-scale problem. Boundary layer
processes are important for both the feedback
problem and the subgrid-scale problem.
4Vertical Structure of the Atmosphere
- Definition of the boundary layer "that part of
the troposphere that is directly influenced by
the presence of the earth's surface and responds
to surface forcings with a time scale of about an
hour or less. - Scale variable, typically between 100 m - 3 km
5Difference between boundary layer and free
- The boundary layer is
- More turbulent
- With stronger friction
- With more rapid dispersion of pollutants
- With non-geostrophic winds while the free
atmosphere is often with geostrophic winds
6Vertical structure of the boundary layer
- From bottom up
- Interfacial layer (0-1 cm) molecular transport,
no turbulence - Surface layer (0-100 m) strong gradient, very
vigorous turbulence - Mixed layer (100 m - 1 km) well-mixed, vigorous
turbulence - Entrainment layer inversion, intermittent
7Turbulence inside the boundary layer
- Definition of Turbulence The apparent chaotic
nature of many flows, which is manifested in the
form of irregular, almost random fluctuations in
velocity, temperature and scalar concentrations
around their mean values in time and space.
8Forcings generating turbulence and affecting the
boundary layer depth
- Heat transfer from/to the ground
- Heat transfer from/to the top of the boundary
layer - Frictional drag from the ground
- Frictional drag from the top of the boundary
9Static Stability
- Static stability refers to atmospheres
susceptibility to being displaced - Stability related to buoyancy ? function of
temperature - The rate of cooling of a parcel relative to its
surrounds determines its stability of a parcel - For dry air (with no clouds), an easy way to
determine its stability is to look at the
vertical profile of virtual potential temperature
- ?v ? (1 0.61 r )
- Where
- ? T (P0/P)0.286 is the potential
temperature - r is the water vapor mixing ratio
- Three cases
- (1) Stable (sub-adiabatic) ?v increases w/
height - (2) Neutral (adiabatic) ?v keeps constant w/
height - (3) Unstable (super-adiabatic) ?v decreases w/
Stable or sub-adiabatic
Neutral or adiabatic
Unstable or super-adiabatic
10Boundary layer depthEffects of ocean and land
- Over the oceans varies more slowly in space and
time because sea surface temperature varies
slowly in space and time - Over the land varies more rapidly in space and
time because surface conditions vary more rapidly
in space (topography, land cover) and time
(diurnal variation, seasonal variation)
11Boundary layer depthEffect of highs and lows
- Near a region of high pressure
- Over both land and oceans, the boundary layer
tends to be shallower near the center of high
pressure regions. This is due to the associated
subsidence and divergence. - Boundary layer depth increases on the periphery
of the high where the subsidence is weaker. - Near a region of low pressure
- The rising motion associated with the low
transports boundary layer air up into the free
troposphere. - Hence, it is often difficult to find the top of
the boundary layer in this region. Cloud base is
often used at the top of the boundary layer.
12Boundary Layer depthEffects of diurnal forcing
over land
- Daytime convective mixed layer clouds
(sometimes) - Nocturnal stable boundary layer residual layer
13Convective mixed layer (CML)Growth
- The turbulence (largely the convectively
driven thermals) mixes (entrains) down
potentially warmer, usually drier, less turbulent
air down into the mixed layer
14Convective mixed layer (CML)Vertical profiles
of state variables
Strongly stable lapse rate
Nearly adiabatic
- Well-mixed (constant profile)
15Nocturnal boundary layer over land Vertical
- The residual layer is the left-over of CML, and
has all the properties of the recently decayed
CML. It has neutral stability. - The stable boundary layer has stable stability,
weaker turbulence, and low-level (nocturnal) jet.
Weakly stable lapse rate
Nearly adiabatic
Strongly stable lapse rate
16Boundary layer over land Comparison between day
and night
Kaimal and Finnigan 1994
17Boundary layer clouds Closed cells and open
18Boundary layer clouds Distribution
19Boundary layer clouds Horizontal convective
- Vertical structure of the atmosphere and
definition of the boundary layer - Vertical structure of the boundary layer
- Definition of turbulence and forcings generating
turbulence - Static stability and vertical profile of virtual
potential temperature 3 cases - Boundary layer over ocean
- Boundary layer over land diurnal variation
- Boundary layer clouds